Wiccans Unite

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Wiccans Unite
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i find it sad

i find it sad that i asked for some sincere advice and got the cold shoulder. i really need some advice about how i can tell my friends that i am a wiccan. please help. bright blessings

Re: i find it sad

Well, as Silver Raven wolf said in her book, Don't tell them if you don't have to. My friend, says some mean things about me being Wiccan/Pagan. She says everyone is Christian. She says 'What are you, seriously, christian or chatholic?'. So, don't tell your friends unless you can REALLY trust them.

Re: i find it sad

We are sorry you felt as though we gave you a cold shoulder. We get VERY VERY Busy and try to answer everyone. Please bare with us.

Don't know if we can give you any better advice than to be Silent. You don't have to share everything that you are unless your friends are true friends.

To be on the path less traveled is to have more struggles, yet you have more rewards too. Just know that your choice to be YOU is a hard choice to stand by. Keep firm to your beliefs.

Cerridwen Cerrifaery

Re: i find it sad

Hey, you know if your friends are people that you don't think you should trust with this info, then don't tell them. Also, don't feel alone, there are hundreds of wiccans out in the world that are in nearly the smae situation. You can go online to a chat, or look around in your community(If it is a safe one) to find other wiccans. For me surprisingly when i became Wiccan i found out that some of my friends were too. We both were afraid to tell each other. But be carefull, so many people in the world are so closed and narrow minded. Peace.