Wiccans Unite

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my mother doesn't understand

my mother recently foundout that i am wiccan....and she basicly said that her daughter will not be a wiccan but i can't change what i am...what should i do?

Re: my mother doesn't understand

Well, I am a mother and we can be very hard on our children. What you believe inside is yours and nobody but you can change that, so.... whatever happens and whatever your mother tries to make you believe... know that you are the only one that can change how you believe. You can still go to church and worship Jesus as the Sun God and the Virgin Mother as an aspect of the Goddess. As long as you know this and don't share it.. all will be fine.


Re: my mother doesn't understand

Sit down and talk to your mother and try to explain how this is so important to you. And how it makes you feel as a person.
My mum is a strong christan and dosnt understand but I talked her through it and she alright still a bit upset but it's better to talk then to argue!
Good Luck
Lv Elizabeth!