Technology in Physical Education and Coaching

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Re: Discussion Number Five (5)

"The transmission, between or among points specified by the user, of information of the user's choosing, without change in the form or content of the information as sent and received."
Such things inlcude phones, walkie talkies, television, radio, etc. Our school has nextel two ways which are only used by the adminstrators and custodians for communication purposes. Every classroom in my building has a telephone in which calls are made within the school and local phone calls may be made. The only suggestion we've made as a department is to have walkie-talkies for when we utilize the fields, as it is far from the building in case an emergency occurs, but we usually bring our private cell phones just in case.

Re: Discussion Number Five (5)

Telecommunication is basically any form of communication through the use of technology (ie. email, phones, pagers...etc.). I use email on a daily basis at work and home (most days). That is our primary form of communication at work. We also have voice mail at work but don't use it as often anymore. Email is so much quicker and convenient.

As a physical education teacher in our district, we are not fortunate enough to have common planning time. So we use email quite often to be able to communicate and stay on the same page with fellow PE teachers. I have also used email to stay connected with former cohort students.

Re: Discussion Number Five (5)

I am not sure what the proper definition of telecommunication is but I define it as other ways to communicate with people besides a phone line. I use a two- way radio when I go outside to make sure that I am able to communicate with our nurse or behavior teacher. I also bring my cell phone with me whenever I go outside incase the radio is not working.

Re: Discussion Number Five (5)

Telecommunications is way of communicating with someone either by phone, email, fax or now teleconferencing. I have had expeirences with the first three, and do this on a daily basis, with the exception of the faxing.
Our district is pushing for us to have a late start every Monday during the school year to meet with the other middle school in our district. I think that if we could tele conference, this would save a great deal of time traveling to and from the other middle school. It could also be a great way to go to a convention, listen to an expert in area. That is, you could hook up via the internet and watch and learn and particpate in your own work/living area.
I think there is a huge potential for this to happen.

Re: Discussion Number Five (5)

I understand telecommunications is the use of electronic devices to communicate information. I have experience with use of the phone (land and cell), internet and e-mail as forms of communication.

Virtual reality physical education could be an application of telecommunications in the future. I could see students using virtual reality technology and having the information from the practice or activity sessions recorded. The virtual reality information is downloaded into the computer and the participant receives a video feedback and analysis that improves the skills.

Re: Discussion Number Five (5)

Telecommunication is a way of sharing your ideas with other people using, telephones, cables, satelite, and computers. My experiences have been limited to phones, internet, and faxes. In our PE department we do have two-way radios to use when we go outside for emergencies. The office staff and nurse also is connected with us. I believe telecommunication is going to become a big part of schools before long. Video confencing is used in the business world a lot and it hasn't really caught on in the educational world yet but could solve a lot of promblems for teachers and coaches.

Re: Re: Discussion Number Five (5)

I really like the idea of two-way radios. I had the unfortunate experience of having one of my student athletes suffer a medical emergency out on the field, which is off-campus.
We are looking into trac phones but perhaps two-way radios would make more sense from a budgetary standpoint.

Re: Discussion Number Five (5)

Telecommunications is the exchange of data between two points. The could be text, pictures, voice or video. I use e-mail everyday (to colleagues, friends, family, soccer players/parents, sometimes faxes at work, text messaging, e-mailing of pictures from my digital camera.

Other ways I could potentially use telecommunication is using text messaging to cancel soccer practices if I did not have acess to a computer. I could use my digital camera and e-mail pictures to my soccer players as well.

Re: Discussion Number Five (5)

Telecomunnication is the science and technology of communications at a distance by electronic transmission of impulses, such as by telegraph, telephone, radio or television. It is the foundation for the Internet and all of the emerging activities surrounding the Internet's activities. Telecommunications is the transmission of information by wire, radio, optical cable, electromagnetic, or other means.

In my job I use a variety of telecommunications. I used e-mail daily, for coaching, teaching, communication between staff, updates to students/staff, etc. I also rely on sending documents to other coach's for tournaments, jamboree's or any other large function I am hosting so they can have the information before the day of the tournament.

Phones and faxes are used during my day also. I use them to place orders for uniforms, PE equipment, parent communications, or important documents that are requested by companies.

Telecommunications is a huge part of my daily life.

Re: Discussion Number Five (5)

I use e-mail everyday to communicate a ton of information to a huge amount of teachers, administrators, staff, parents, and resources. I also use two-way radios to communicate with staff during large physical education events I organize for my students. I have also used PowerPoint with digital pictures to send to administrators of student progress or activities. Keeps them in touch with what’s going on in PE class.

Re: Discussion Number Five (5)

Telecommunications is conversing with a distant someone via a technological means. Phones, cable and computers are all examples of telecommunications. Besides probably taking telecommunications for granted the only thing that bothered me was learning how to e-mail in college. I had no interest in "talking" with someone over the Internet. If I had something to say, I called. Ten years later, nothing has really changed, I still prefer to "talk", but I now see the value in e-mail. I also like having an e-board as a sounding board for my parents and students to venture on. It provides communication on my terms and on theirs which is nice when a phone call is at times just not working.

Re: Discussion Number Five (5)

Telecommunications is transmitting information over large distances for the purpose of communicating. Telephone, radio, TV, the internet and local networks are current avenues of telecommunication. I have used all of the above avenues personally and some professionally. Using the telephone and email to communicate with parents about their child's progress is essential. TV and the internet can be used in PE for student assignments. One could also utilize telecommunications for participating in a seminar or class where the individual cannot attend personally. This could be most useful in professional development.

Re: Re: Discussion Number Five (5)

Ryan - I like your idea of using telecommunication (TV, internet, etc.) for students unable to attend class - for whatever reason. We all have students missing class for one reason or another. Many times it is during an instuctional section of a unit. It would great to have some type of web cast or video link that our students could log on to and watch the lesson they missed. They could be held accountable by completing an online quiz regarding the skill or skills being taught or complete a review session with the teacher when they return to class (showing the teacher the skill)

Re: Discussion Number Five (5)

Telecommunications is "science and technology of distance communication by electronics ie:telephone, radio, TV, cable,etc."
It has become an important means of passing on information to parents of athletes at our school. We use an athletic hotline everyday. This gives parents daily information about schedules,weather cancellations and transportation.
A phone system that has been installed in four different areas in the gymnasium has become a important feature for both school and community sporting events...particularly for emergency situations.
We are also looking into purchasing trac phones for the outdoor coaches to use so they have a quick and relible method of contacting the school or medical services

Re: Re: Discussion Number Five (5)

Sounds like you are a coach and or Athletic Director. Can you give more detail on the hotline. How does it work? Is it a web page or phone line? What are Trac phones? I am very interested in these tools because I too organize and facilitate large sport skills events for students with disabilities.
Thanks, Ben

Re: Re: Discussion Number Five (5)

I like your idea of an athletic hotline. You are providing parents with important information about schedules, weather cancellations and transportation in a timely and efficient manner.

Re: Discussion Number Five (5)

I regard telecommunication as any form of messaging or contact an individual can make using some form of electronic medium.
At our school, we regularly communicate on an inter and intra deparmental basis using email.
We schedule department meetings using email and regularly communicate with guidance and deans with regard to student progress.all staff members have their own personal cell phones which they take with them when students go outdoor playing fields should any injuries or emergencies occur.
A I am also the Athletic Trainer at the school I have a school issued nextel phone/walkie Talkie which I use for communication with school administration.
As some of the other postings mentioned, we are almost all at the point where we do not know how to function without at least a celphone and email account but there are times when I would not mind beig able to turn them off for awhile!

Re: Discussion Number Five (5)

Defined on, "telecommunications" is the assisted trasmission of signals over a distance for the purpose of communication. The basic elements include a transmitter that takes information and converts it to a signal, a transmission medium that carries the signal, and a receiver that receives the signal and converts it back to useable information.
Obviously, I've used a telephone, internet, radio, and television...all of which are considered telecommunications. Some of the potential applications in physical education could include tele-"conferencing" between colleagues. My school district is in the process of implementing a peer collaboration schedule. All the teachers of each grade level (or specialty) meet twice a month to review curriculum, student progress, etc. To avoid meeting in one location, we could "video conference" from our individual schools (rooms) with others during this time.
Also, I think it wouuld be GREAT if students could interact with other students from different states, countries, and/or continents via email, internet, and/or video conferencing. Students could perform a skill they are learning in class and "teach" a new skill or lesson to another class or culture.
It might also benefit students to "compare" what they are learning with other states, countries, etc. I know some PE programs across the US have implemented rollerblading and outdoor adventure actvities into the curriculum. It would be great for my students to see these types of activities and have other students explain what they are learning...via telecommunications.
Or...we could transmit data between schools (such as comparing heart rates or steps on our pedometers) during a unit. Students could track their progress relative to other students, schools, states, etc.

Re: Re: Discussion Number Five (5)

Similar to your site we are inthe process of implementing video conferencing. I like the idea of departments meeting via video reducing the "meeting" time. I also think this could be extended between schools within a district and in my case from middle to high school or elementary to middle school for matriculation. Just think how smooth the transition would be for our students fitness wise and expectations wise if we all talked about what is happening at each level.

Re: Discussion Number Five (5)

I am very glad that someone else put something about contacting students or PE classes in other states or maybe even around the world. I was reading the other responses and it seemed as if I were stretching the question too far. Others had written things about using telephones and email to keep in contact with other teacher and parents. I think it would be great if students were able to view other kids in action.

Re: Discussion Number Five (5)

Telecommunications is any form of communications with someone else. The major form of communications we use in physical education classes is our walkie talkie. When I take the students biking it is very helpful if we have an emergency. I suppose we could also use phones when we are coaching cross country to let coaches now where the runners are in races.

Re: Discussion Number Five (5)

Telecommunications is the passing of data from one point to another. There are many forms of telecommunications out there for use in all different types of settings. The use of cell phones and e-mail really make my life as a coach much easier. Calling a student athlete, e-mailing or even text messaging them really makes it easy to get in contact with your players in a matter of minutes. It is great when you have information regarding practice or you just want to keep in contact during the off season. The internet is an amazing universe filled with massive amounts of information at your disposal. It really makes researching topics, planning lessons and creating web activities for your students an easy task. I have often used the fax machine to contact vendors and receive quotes for merchandise needed to run my classes. At school we have a telecommunications system that allows us to have two voicemail accounts. One is used as a regular voicemail box and the other as a homework hotline that you can post assignments on and students can call and get assignments. As you can see there are many different forms of telecommunication tools available for your use.

Re: Discussion Number Five (5)

Telecommunications is any communication by electronic means. Some examples of such communication are land line phones, voice mail, cell phones, e-mail, fax machines, and the Internet. I have had experience with all the above forms of communication. I have only had a cell phone for two years, but now I never leave home without it. I have recently started to use my e-mail daily, either just checking it or replying to new mail.
I see many applications for telecommunications in physical education. The response time to discuss an issue with another colleague or parent has been minimized. Cell phones can be utilized for safety when outdoors with my classes. I have also used our school fax machine to receive a confirmation date on a guest speaker for my Health classes. Lastly, the Internet has given me a wealth of information to enhance my teaching style and improve student performance.

Re: Discussion Number Five (5)

Telecommunications is a form of relaying information from one source to another over a distance. Today computers are the key to telecommunications more so than even the telephone. Students still communicate with each other by cell phone, but more and more these cell phones are becoming mini computers rather than the traditional phone. Communication can be done verbally, texting, and now with video, from one party to another.The possibilities are endless and the world is getting smaller because more and more people can quickly be accessed. My experience with telecommunication has been through my daughters eyes. She uses text messaging and instant messaging to communicate with her friends instantly. I have used email to communicate with parents on grades and to inform students and parents of class activities. Our school is working on video conferencing which will aloow teachers to communicate instantly from one class to another with real time video and voice. We will also be producing our morning announcements through video conferencing so that all students on campus can hear and see the people delivering the announcements. In PE, students would be able to participate in forums that have PE concerns or specialists, be able to ask questions from the specialists, and interact with the speaker.A teacher could get information immediately for an issue or help immediately even from a remote part of campus. The feeling of isolation would be reduced because the teacher would always be in contact witht the office and other teachers on campus.

Re: Re: Discussion Number Five (5)

Gillian, video conferencing that is awesome. Like you said the world is getting smaller. How does your school budget for something like that? Good luck and I must say that I am very jealous.

Re: Discussion Number Five (5)

I agree with your thoughts that telecommuncations (email) helps to reduce a PE teacher's feeling of isolation. Since we are not able to meet with the other teachers, I have found email to be invaluable to receive information that I need to know about my students in order to best meet their needs.

Re: Discussion Number Five (5)

Telecommunication is the extension of communication over a distance. It includes radio, telegraphy, television, telephony, data communication and computer networking. I have used every form of telecommunication listed above. Listing to the radio in the car, faxing someone, text someone, watching television, using the telephone, and the use of a computer are things that I do on an everyday basis. Email is a great form of telecommunication for physical education and coaching. Using email to inform students/parents of their progress is a great way to keep parents involved in their son/daughters lives.

Re: Discussion Number Five (5)

Telecommunications is communicating over a distance using anything from signals to electronic devices. Some of my experiences with telecommunciations comes from the television, radio, internet, cell & home phone and computer. In physical education and coaching, you can use the computer by emailing players/students and you can use the telephone to communicate. We use a walkie talkie to communicate with the staff when we are outside. There is also video conferencing that could be used in physical education when trying to communicate with another school or coach.

Re: Discussion Number Five (5)

Telecommunications to me is using technology to communicate with someone or something. I believe it is a subset of the bigger picture of technology and has many smaller parts to it.
I have a small amount of experience with this area of technology, the most obvious being email. Approximately 10-15 times per day, I log into the email program our school district uses. My Groupwise account allows me to easily communicate with any other person in our district and also to outside email addresses. There is a tremendous amount of communication accomplished this way in our district on a daily basis. Whenever our Groupwise system is down, even for an hour, there is a great deal of anger and anxiety among our staff.
Other than email, I have participated in online chat sessions as well as a video conference for a previous job. Both of these methods of communicating allowed me to 'talk' to someone I certainly would not have ever met face to face otherwise.
Having the ability to video conference in Physical Education would be very exciting for myself and my students. We could talk with other PE classes, famous athletes, or with personal trainers eager to motivate my students. The novelty would be enough to motivate most of my students. For those tech-savvy kids not impressed with the technology, I am certain the message on the other end would be enough to excite them about class.

Re: Re: Discussion Number Five (5)

I like the idea of using video conferencing to talk with other PE classes, famous athletes, or personal trainers. It may be easier for an athlete or personal trainer to communicate to the class via internet than physically coming to the field house. Also, the idea of talking to other PE classes would show my students that they are not the only ones doing the activities I prepare for them. Studnets can talk about what they are learning and discuss the benefits of daily physical activity. This is defenitely something I am thinking of starting by trying to incorporate it once throughout the year.

Re: Discussion Number Five (5)

Telecommunications include service such as e-mail, fax, voice mail, listservs, newsgroups, discussion groups, chat sessions, chat conferencing, audio conferencing and video conferencing.

I have had experience with e-mail, fax, voice mail, listservs, and discussion groups.

This could be a way to get students to discuss topics that you would like to teach. They would be able to think deeper about the topic and argue their position.

Re: Discussion Number Five (5)

Telecommunications is a technological way of communicating to an individual or group of people.

The experiences I have with telecommunications include the use of email, instant messanger, cell phones, internet forums, and fax machines.

A group of teachers talking about what they are currently teaching, department grading procedures, and related issues is one potential way I could see telecommunications being used effectively in physical education. Knowing what other school districts in the near communities, cities, and states are doing in their physical education class can provide vital information to deal with situations in your own classroom. Plus, the sharing of new ideas that work can help keep the students on their toes as what is to be expected when they walk into the field house.

Re: Re: Discussion Number Five (5)

I agree with you. A newsgroup that allows for idea sharing can only be beneficial.

Re: Discussion Number Five (5)

Telecommunication refers to any type of data transfer between two points. During my first year of teaching (ten years ago), the district began using email and assigning email addresses to each teacher. During that year, we also each got assigned a teacher computer. Due to those two professional changes, I began using Email as my main form of telecommunication. Through the years, I have used this method to communicate with colleagues, administrators, and parents to express information about various topics. I find this method of communication to be very useful and necessary to my teaching position. When attempting to contact an individual by phone, it is usually very difficult to find a time to connect. Email allows one to communicate at a time that is convenient for him/her.

In the future, I would like to use listservs more as a method of communication. I feel that these tools are invaluable to teaching professionals. They allow one to receive information that is specific to their concentration. In addition, some of them allow one to participate in discussion groups where an exchange of information about a given topic can be exchanged.

I would like for my students to connect with a Key Pal. This would allow them to communicate with other students throughout the country or even throughout the world about concerns, joys, or experiences in physical education.

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What is telecommunications? What experiences have you had with telecommunications? Describe some potential applications for telecommunications in physical education or coaching.

Post your answer as a "reply" to this message unless you are responding to another student's comment, in which case you should post your comment as a "reply" to that student's comment.

Re: Discussion Number Five (5)

Telecommunication is the science and technology of communicating with others by electroic transmission of impluses, such as telegraph used in the past, cable, satellite, telephone (land and cell), radio waves, and television.
I recently suggested to all of our principals, to give cafeteria workers radios to contact whoever is involved in an incident that occurs at lunchtime. Well, in talk they all said good idea, but in action there was none. We were suppose to get a radio to contact the nurse from inside and out, but that was 2 years ago and once again no action.
When I was at the elementary school the pricipal contacted us through emails. At the high school level it does not happen.
I was one of the last to obtain cable/satellite TV for my children. We recieved 3 channels for 18 years. I felt we did not need it, "150 channels and nothing on"! Go out an PLAY!
At school we get video and audio, as announcements are communicated over the TV. We do have a special code announcement in case of any major school emergency.
I have only seen this once where a basketball coach was in the booth like football and radioing calls from up top. Since they have made this illegal.
I do use a cell phone with limited use and text very seldom. I see teachers on them in the hall and at lunch where students can see them, but we tell students to not use them. We have to set the example. There are other times to call, we have gotten addicted to this cell phone use.
I would like to invent a cell phone blocker within the school walls so no phones could transmit. This would solve the HUGE problem at schools today.

Re: Discussion Number Five (5)

Telecommunications is the transmission of information, as words, sounds, or images, usually over great distances, in the form of electromagnetic signals, as by telegraph, telephone, radio, or television. We had distance learning courses in college where we used extensive videoconferencing. Web page construction would obviously be a good one. I also like a vertijumper. Plyometric training device that was linked to the internet and kept score of yours and everyone else's performances around the USA

Re: Discussion Number Five (5)

Telecommunication is the assisted transmission of signals over a distance for the purpose of communication. Today we use telephones,cell phones, television, radio and computers.

I feel we are very fortunate to be in an age of all the devices we have access to today. I have been using computers for as long as I can remember to do a variety of things. The biggest use of the computer in physical education would be to record student data, e-mail parents for updates on classroom work, post weekly assignments and grades.
E-mail is something I use everyday and works great for idea exchange or to receive information when I need some questions answered. I can use the computer to help give me ideas on things I can do in my classroom as far as different activities and ideas.
I use the computer to record my stats as I coach volleyball and this saves me so much time. Twenty-five years ago I just added up all the stats by hand. Cannot believe the time I saved using a computer.

Cell phones are a great telecommunications tool and are used daily. When I go outside, I take my cell phone with in case of emergency, etc. I can also take pictures of certain situations and keep them for later use. I just learned how to text and can see how if would be useful during my break to contact people if I need to get a quick response. Students can also use phones to contact parents for rides when coming home late from a volleyball game.

The land phone line is becoming obsolete. Both my sons who have graduated from college do not have a land line, just a cell phone.

Re: Discussion Number Five (5)

Telecommunication involves the use of electronic transmitters such as the telephone, television, radio or computer to communicate with people. I use my phone, cell phone and computer to communicate with people everyday. On the computer, besides e-mail, I use a webcam to communicate with my family that lives in Ohio and Georgia. We chat with the webcam and see each other and our kids. It's a fun way to keep in touch. At school I use my cell phone to commuicate with the front office and the nurse when we are outside. I would prefer to use a walkie-talkie but we haven't gotten to that point yet. I use my cell phone when there is an injury that is an emergency or when there is a MAJOR dicipline issue that needs immediate assistance.

Re: Discussion Number Five (5)

Telecommunication is the process of transmitting or receiving information over a distance by electronic transmission. I have done this in the health classroom when a student of mine was confined to home. Instead of home schooling him I had a television in my classroom with a camera and he had the same set up at home, and during class he participated just like he was in the classroom.

One of the easiest forms of telecommunications in coaching is the use of walkie talkies when communicating with your assistance coaches during practice and for football the use of headsets during games.

Re: Discussion Number Five (5)

I would say telecommunication is the sending of signals over a distance for the purpose of communicating with someone, ex. telephones, cell phones, text messaging (which I have never done), emails, video chats/conferencing, radios... In PE we use this to call home for terrible or exceptionally well behavior, to call the nurse when kids get hurt, to order stuff, and set up appointments with guidance... email seems to be the big mode now almost all the same applications as above with the exception of the nurse when kids get hurt. As far as coaching, it's the same, talking and emailing college coaches, other HS coaches, and my coaches, players, and their parents to keep them up to date on any changes. I guess when I'm giving signs from the 3rd base coaching box I would be telecommunicating too!

Re: Re: Discussion Number Five (5)

I can’t believe that you have never text messaged someone. I dislike talking to people, their for I text all the time. Texting is much easier when dealing with family. I completely agree with you in the use of the email. My main use of the email is to set up sporting events for my teams. I also use the phone and email when communicating with my coaches and parents. I like you reference in regards to telecommunicating from the third base box.

Re: Discussion Number Five (5)

Telecommunication is a way of exchanging information between two or more parties over a distance (parties do not have to be in the same room). I remember in the earlier days of my teaching career, we had to set up a meeting to discuss things; get together hoping all could make it. If not new time was set, more hassle here and there... etc. Now there are cell phones, e-mail with attachments, photos and videos being streamed and of course video conferencing such as Skype, Instant Messenger...etc. Things seem to be more instantenious. The downfall of this may be that we are more impatient when people don't respond right away, meeting may be impersonal, e-mails do not have emotions and the lack of body language in certain areas of communications may create confusion and miscommunication.

Potential use of telecommunications in PE and coaching (as mentioned above) is/are that we all are able to share skills, lessons, ideas, videos and photos in an instant. There are resources where things can be looked up on almost everything related to coaching, sports. Blogging and on-line discussions are also quick and you can get an immediate response to whatever your questions may be.

Re: Discussion Number Five (5)

I believe that telecommunications means that you are communicating information over a long distance. This information could include pictures, video, voice and so forth. I have had some experience using telecommunication. I have sent text messages, pictures of the internet, emails and I have used the phone once or twice. I think that the use of telecommunications in physical education and coaching is a must. There are many people in this world that have a better understanding of physical education and coaching concepts than I do, and if I want to better myself, my students and my players than I better be in contact with these people. Through this contact we can share ideas, plans, strategies, tips and other vital information that can be beneficial. I have already sent and received scouting reports via email and voice contact. I have also shared lesson plans through email. I could also see sharing video of drills and concepts as being beneficial as well.

Re: Discussion Number Five (5)

Telecommunications is transferring data from one point to another point. It is often difficult to walk from one area of the school to another. For my colleagues and I to communicate quickly and efficiently, we often email one another with ideas we might have or last minute information that might have changed with the schedule. Another experience I had with telecommunications is blogging. For my class in graduate school I had to blog with my classmates to exchange information we had for specific topics or issues. Chat rooms and blogging are great applications to use in physical education especially if they are specifically generated from physical education teachers. These are two ways which insightful information can be spread among professionals within their profession in a quick and effective manner. What is also good about this is that it is not only a one on one conversation with someone it can be various amount of people having a conversation at one time.

Re: Discussion Number Five (5)

Telecommunications is the sending of information from one place to another.

E-mail is the primary way I use telecommunications. I e-mail collegues, I send projects I'm working on from home to school and vice versa, and our school uses it to keep the staff informed. I use the internet for research and pleasure. I also make use of the fax machine.

Some applications would be continued use of e-mail to share information. Listservs, newsgroups, web discussion groups, and chat rooms also are excellent sources of informtion that would enhance our teaching.

Re: Discussion Number Five (5)

Telecommunications is the process of electronically communicating over a large distance by various means such as telephones, televisions, internet and radio.
My experience includes the telephone and internet with both parents and other educators. Developing websites for either the physical education classroom or teams would allow for communication with families.
Keeping an update on team results. Also using it as newsletter for parents instead of wasting paper.

Re: Re: Discussion Number Five (5)

I agree with Amy about using telecommunications to limitt the use of paper. Our administration just told us that $300 dollars is coming out of every department's budget for paper!

Re: Discussion Number Five (5)

Telecommunication is the use of electronic devices to transmit information over a distance for the purpose of communication. My experience with telecommunication includes faxing documents, emailing, text messaging and talking on the phone. As for physical education and coaching, I think the most obvious uses of telecommunications in physical education and coaching are the use of web pages and email to make information available. Websites can be used to make things like schedules, results, and photos available, while email can be used to communicate with parents, players and coaches.

Re: Re: Discussion Number Five (5), Radek

Radek's post reminded me of how I use telecommunication to share ideas for skills and lesson plans with other P.E. teachers on sites like During my first year of teaching I relied very heavily on sites like this, not only for ideas on how to teach certain concepts, but for ideas that I knew were coming from actual people who had actually used them in a P.E setting.

Re: Discussion Number Five (5)

Telecommuncations is sending information or data over distances using electronic devices. All teachers in my PE dapartment have been carring two way radios for several years now. They come in handy when we need to contact the office or nurse. I do carry a cell phone in case of real emergencies or incase the radio battery goes dead. Email has been a useful tool for our department as well. We can email parents on the progress of their child and other teachers in the building or district. I like the idea of using video conferencing in physical education. It could be used as a professional development tool for teachers and a learning experience for students. Students could interview a professional athlete through video conferencing.

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