Technology in Physical Education and Coaching

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Re: Discussion Number Five (5)

Telecommunications in today’s world usually involves electronic communication transmitters such as computers, telephones, television, and radio.

My experience with telecommunications includes slow scan television in a college course many years ago. Earlier in my career, I appeared on a weekly radio show reporting on an athletic team I was coaching. We use two way radios during athletic events like cross country and track. My daily communication with classroom teachers and departmental colleagues is via computer and email.

This year our physical education department is up for instructional materials adoption. Telecommunications materials proposed are DDR, hand held GPS units for orienteering, heart rate monitors and wireless hand held computers for use in the gym and outside.

Re: Discussion Number Five (5)

Telecommunication is a means of communicating over a distance. Information can be transferred by the use of electronic devices such as phones, television, radio, computer etc.. Within our school system, we are constantly communicating using email. Our school has tried very hard to go paperless and relies soley on email notices for everything. We have T.V's in common areas of the school which can be used to send information to students and we also have a school radio that is helpful for having announcements broadcasted. In our physical education department, we use cell phones and walkie talkies for safety outside the school, either in the athletic fields or on field trips to be able to call the nurse or office if necessary. I also use my cell phone to text players on my team for quick memos or updates.
I find the phone easier to use for dealing with parents just because often times things can be misconstrued with email. All teachers in my school are given laptops when you start working here and the entire school is wireless. So we use email for notices, grading, homework assignmnets, and communication with students. We even have an interschool "craigslist" or marketplace for all employees to sell/buy items, share information and have open discussions.

Re: Discussion Number Five (5)

Telecommunications is any means of communicating using some sort of electronics. The land line telephone, for example, has come a long way from the days when an operater would have to connect your call to party lines shared with neighbors. Cell phones are now replacing the need for land lines and people can be contacted anywhere in the world. I remember our house having a party line and wanting to make a phone call but couldn't because a neighbor was using our line. Luckily for me, my father worked for the phone company so our party line didn't last long. When cell phones first came out and they were so clunky, it was rare to see a lot of people with a phone to their ear walking around the mall. Now with phones being so small and so affordable, if you don't see someone talking on their phone it is a surprise. Sometimes you can't even tell they are talking on a phone because the blue tooth technology allows for wireless telecommunications between the phone and the device. I think that telecommunications will have a place in P.E. when distance learning becomes more common place. Teachers will watch a student performing a skill and be able to give immediate feedback via the internet or some device that is like a telephone but it attached directly to the students ear. It could also be used in the gym while teaching a lesson to a large group. Each student would have their own personal earpeice and using voice technology the teacher could communicate with individual students without even moving from their spot at the front of the group and without the rest of the students knowing who he/she is communicating with.

Re: Discussion Number Five (5)

Telecommunication is the assisted transmission of signals over a distance for the purpose of communication. I have used telecommunications by calling or emailing parents about student performance. I also use phone chains or mass emails to relay important information to student-athletes that I coach. I also email colleagues daily for various reason. Knock on wood that I’ve never had to use it, but when we have outdoor physical education classes we have access to a radio to quickly relay information without having to return to the building. Often times the radio is used to contact the nurse or trainer if there is an injury. One of the potential uses of telecomuncation that I have yet to investigate is video streaming. I use it in my health classes, but would like to implement it into my physical education classes too.

Re: Discussion Number Five (5)

Telecommunications is the science and technology of communication at a distance by electronic transmission of impulses, as by telegraph, cable, telephone, radio, or television. I have used these communications to communicate with parents, players and students throughout my career. I have used the telephone on numerous occassions to contact parents regarding their students achievement or status in the class. I have also had students call their parents to let them know schedule changes during the season. Without cell phones I don't think my players would ever get picked up on time!!! The school as a whole, just recently used television and cable to provide the entire school with the ability to watch the President's inauguration. A few years back this would have never been possible. It was an experience that everyone cherished and will remember for years to come.

Re: Re: Discussion Number Five (5)

Cat, I agree that cell phones are great ways for the students to communicate with their parents for pick up after school or practices. I do have a problem with cell phones, in that, they are used to communicate too much, by that I mean texting. My daughters friend had 12,000 text messages in one month! To me that is way too many and what kind of social skills are we teaching our kids if we allow them to use their thumbs to communicate more then their mouths or face to face?

Re: Discussion Number Five (5)

Telecommunication is communication through the use of an electronic signal. Examples of telecommunication that could be seen on the elementary PE level would be: telephones, walkie-talkies, internet via web cams.

Re: Discussion Number Five (5)

I believe that telecommunication is away to communicate with someone electronically. The experience that I have had with telecommunication devices are as follwow:

Computer by way of emails and Skype.

Two way radios for recess duty and football games.

Cell phones for P.E. classes and football practice that are outside on the field or away games.

Vonage internet phone that can call any number in the US for a small monthly rate.

Fax machines.

I feel the two biggest applications are first Email, because it open up the line of communication with teachers and parents at my school. I can send reminders to students reminding them of trips, shows and tournaments that are coming up. The second device has to be the cell phone. I always have one on me when I go outside or on trip, just in case of emergency. I also have used a cell phone to call parents that are late picking their child up from after school activities. Both of these devices have
saved me valuable time, that has allowed me to do other things that I enjoy doing.

Re: Discussion Number Five (5)

Telecommunications is a way of communicating with someone from a distance. Smoke signals are and example of telecommunications, now we can just pick up a phone or send an email. I feel that internet is useful in PE to post all your information for students. I have used many telecommunications bot personally and professionally. I communicate with parents through phone and mostly email.

Re: Discussion Number Five (5)

Telecommunications is networking through the use of the phones. For example our school has a connect ed system. We have ir set up so we can comminicate any important information to select families in the district. A message goes out to every phone on the list. for PE we have used it to advertise our family fitness day at the high school

Re: Discussion Number Five (5)

Telecommunications is communication at a distance either by telephone, radio, or television. In our district we have Honeywell Instant Alert for Schools. It is an automated calling system that calls every teacher, and every student in the district when their is important information. It has been used to close our school for weather, and it has been used to share emergency information.
We have not used it for PE or for coaching but I think it could. An instant message could go out to players on a team if a game is canceled, or a game time is changed. For PE an instant message could go out to remind students of presidential fitness testing.

Re: Discussion Number Five (5)

Telecommunications is the science and technology of communication at a distance by electronic transmission of impulses as by telegraph, cable, telephone, radio or television. I communicate with the other Physical education teachers in our district by phone or e-mail to ask questions or to get feedback from them. I also use the phone and e-mail to keep in contact with parents if this needs to be done for the success of a student.

Re: Discussion Number Five (5)

Telecommunications is the use of electronic devices that allow signals to be sent and received over a distance. Some of my experiences with telecommunications is using a phone (both landline and cell), walkie talkies (for any emergency within the classroom or school), emails (work and personal), internet access (research and communication), electronic billboard, and fax machines. Some potential applications for telecommunications I would like to implement are: webpages for students (portfolios), webquests for developing problem-solving skills, podcasts/vodcasts for my sports education unit, and blogs for student interaction.

Re: Discussion Number Five (5)

Telecommunications Is communicating over some sort of distance, long or short using some form of electric device. This was first done using a telegraph and then the telephone. I remember when cell phones first became popular and priced so that people could afford them. I have used most forms of telecommunications except for the telegraph. In physical education I use a hand held radio to talk with my co-worker when we are doing our track unit. I have also used my Mac computers I CHAT function to show a P.E. teacher at another school how I was doing a dance unit with my 3rd graders.

Re: Discussion Number Five (5)

glenn, i think i can see the day when you can hand out small lightweight headgear that you can use to communicate with your track runners. mostly in the distance runs, you could tell each individual runner if the pace they are on is too slow or too fast. also if any runners are gaining on them. ralph

Re: Discussion Number Five (5)

we already see this type of communication in cycling with ear pieces being worn by riders with coaches talking to them throughout the race. In the state I officiate in, they have outlawed this very means of communicating between coaches and players and also between officials. Go figure!

Re: Discussion Number Five (5)

Telecommunications is a way to communicate electronically. At my school we use all kinds of ways to communicate. We use the ethernet and leave messages for one another. We leave emails and probably for me the most important ty of telecommunication is through two-way radio. This is a big part of my job. I need direct communication with the office so that I can let them know of any problem or emergency. Sometimes if I don't have the two-way radio the office can call my cell phone.

Re: Discussion Number Five (5)

I started to think of what telecommunications really meant so I googled the definition.. It says that telecommunications is the assisted transmission over a distance for the purpose of communication. When I think of that definition, especially across a distance, I think of a huge screen on the wall of the gym. The screen would be connected to the computer and we would be able to communicate with, and see other PE classes around the United States and all over the world. It could also be used to partcipate in a huge group exercise with people from all different PE classes around the state or even classes from other states. This could also be used in coaching sports. The coach could have a well known athlete talk to the players or teach them skills.

Re: Discussion Number Five (5)

Using a screen for live feeds into the gym would be an incredible use of technology. Besides all of the guest speakers talking to the class I could see using it for 'friendly' skill/trick competitions with a national or worldwide genre. Since the Olympics occurs during the school year students could watch the competition of the sports they are working on in class or just for the spirit of national pride.

Re: Discussion Number Five (5)

While reading other responses to this question, I believe that I wasn't totally off base, but went a little extreme. I have used a Walky talky when I bring the kids around the city for a fitness walk incase something happens. We are also required to have our cell phones on us in case of an emergeny either on the field or on the walk. All of the people in our department have exchanged numbers so we can get ahold of at least one member of the department if need be.

Re: Discussion Number Five (5)

Telecommunication is defined as the science and technology of communication at a distance by electronic transmission of impulses, as by telegraph, cable, telephone, radio, or television. It can also include, e-mail, bulletin boards, blogs, and podcasts.
Like most Americans the cell phone has become my primary source of telecommunication. I can not image my world without it, even though I did not get my first cell until I was 22. E-Mail is of course the other most widely used application that I incorporate into my personal and professional life. I have also had experience creating podcasts, and uploading/downloading video to and from the internet.
As an educator or coach it is important that you are available to the parents. This availability can be accomplished through telecommunication, parents should have an email address, and a phone number with a voice messaging system, in case they need to contact you. You can also use telecommunication as a teaching tool by creating blogs and asking students to respond. You could have students send you answers in email form. There are programs that will allow students to text answers using their cell phones. The possibilities are almost endless...

Re: Discussion Number Five (5)

I see telecommunications as the delivery of information through transmission of signals. My experiences include the simple things such as land line telephones, TV and radios. Most recent, cell phones, PC’s, laptops, satellite TV, satellite radio, the internet, web, our school network, email and video email. One application would be to record and send to our school network the students fitness test results for example their mile run. As they cross the finish line for the mile the students would have a electronic signal that would record their signal ID and their time. The students or parents could then access the information from the District’s on-line website. Keeping with the fitness tests theme the students could load the results of all their results from fitness testing. Parents would be able to use this information to evaluate their child’s fit level and bring it to their child’s Doctor to assist with the child’s overall health evaluation.

Re: Discussion Number Five (5)

This would be a great and easy way to track scores as well as more quickly use the data. The technology is out there for the big races but the cost gets in the was as usual. Still, a great idea.

Re: Discussion Number Five (5)

Telecommunications is the sharing of data, ideas, and information to others through electronic pathways. As a teacher in a district that uses very little paper I am in a position that requires me to send and receive e-mails throughout the day. I have also used some youtube videos that look at various coaching drills and methods. My classes are kept informed of their status through data that I enter on my skyward site that is then accessed by the student at a later time. This could include daily attendance and a current percentage grade. In my coaching we also use texting frequently to update the other levels on scores and changes in facilities and practice times. I think it is a very good experience for the students to find a certain athletic skill and see it demonstrated through video and then report back on it to the rest of the class. I am not sure how far I really want to see this area expand due to the fact that I do not want to be replaced by a video or hologram.

Re: Discussion Number Five (5)

Telecommunications allows us to deliver voice communications, data, graphics, television, and video at very fast speeds and in a number of ways. I have never used telecommunication devices in physical educations. I have heard of videoconferencing and webcasting, but I’m really not sure what the entail. I think that telecommunication would be useful in adapted physical education. Students could use this technology to aid in class activities. Coaches could use telecommunication during athletic events to give athletes feedback on their performance.

Re: Discussion Number Five (5)

The american heritage dictionary defines telecommincation as, the science and technology of communication at a distance by electronic transmission of impulses, as by telegraph, cable, telephone, radio, or television. I remember as a child when all my friends had cable television and my family was still using rabbit ears. Sleeping over my friends house seemed like a luxury. During the baseball season I implement a phone tree where I call the top person in each of the four rows and then they call the person below them. I use this to communicate with my players if a game has been postponed or game time changed. On every friday during the school year I call as many as five parents and sometimes more if time permits to inform them about something positive there child has done during the school week. I find this communication creates a positive relationship between parents and me.

Re: Discussion Number Five (5)

I would define telecommunications as electronically shared information between two or more people. Telecommunications encompasses so many forms; fax machines, cellphones, walkie-talkies, landline phones and GPS systems to name a few. I use the fax machine for grant applications and to send Jump Rope for Heart summaries to my representative. One of my schools has a walkie-talkie that we use at recess. At two of my buildings, the outdoor playground/teaching area is not in sight of the office so I make sure I have my cellphone with me. It makes it easier with the kindergarten and first grade students who I send back inside. The office personnel know that they can expect students coming to them without me bringing the entire class with me to take care of ice packs or injuries that require more than a bandaid. Other forms of telecommunications that we use often at work include the intercoms and email. Only one of my schools has an intercom system that is hard wired. At the other schools, we have individual intercoms that we have to check every once and a while to see if they are on the correct channel. I've had situations where the channel gets changed and I hear someone else teaching in their classroom. We use these mainly for lock-down drills and medical emergencies. My principals communicate via email often. For me, it is nice to know what is going on in a building because of traveling so often. There have been countless times in the years past where I showed up with a load of equipment to teach with and found out at the last minute that I had a change of plans to deal with. I am thankful that communication has improved with the use of these types of telecommunications. It has given me a sense of direction and security for myself and students. I look forward to what the future has in store.

Re: Discussion Number Five (5)

Telecommunications, also called telecommunication, is the exchange of information over significant distances by electronic means. In earlier times, this may have involved the use of smoke signals, drums, semaphore, flags or heliograph. In modern times, telecommunication typically involves the use of electronic devices such as telephones, television, radio or computers.

My own personal experience with telecommunications would consist of obviously using the telephone, internet for email and social networking and also receiving telecommunications through the radio and television. My family currently lives in the UK, so I use a telecommunications method called SKYPE, which is a video conferencing medium where as long as both parties have a webcam and an internet connection they can talk over the internet for free and see a live video screen of each other. This is a very useful tool, and it also has the advantage of being free. I think this could be used in both teaching and coaching. An example could be conferences between students, parents and teachers, or also to talk to fellow coaches without being face to face.

I also currently use email to stay in contact with my soccer team throughout the off-season and also during the course of the season. I find this very useful as I can easily share information such as dates and times for winter workouts, training times, and results from games and expectations for upcoming matches.

Re: Discussion Number Five (5)

Telecommunications is the transfer of information (words, sounds or images) over a distance by electronic signals, telephone, radio, or television. Every day I use a phone, computer, email, text messages, listen to the radio and watch TV. All are forms of telecommunications. During a football season we use head sets to communicate between coaches, there are computer programs available that coaches from different schools can exchange film via the internet. In class we use two-way radios to communicate with other PE teachers, the nurses office, and the administration office. I don’t know how we would get through a day without using some form of telecommunication.
As a football coach the use of computers and video systems has made our jobs easier than those who came before us. I see that getting a great deal easier in the future. Computers break down film into offense, defense and special teams. There are programs available that break down film so coaches can figure out a teams tendencies in down and distance situations. Advancements in this field are inevitable and I cant wait to see what they will be.

Re: Discussion Number Five (5)

Telecommunications is a general term for a vast array of technologies that send information over distances. Examples of telecommunications include: Mobile phones, land lines, satellite phones, radio, television and networks. I use the regular most popular forms of telecommunications [email, telephones, intercom etc.]. But, when we take or students outside for Physical Education towards the end of each year, we use two-way hand held radios to keep in contact with the main office. It is very important for us to be able to do this in case an injury happens or a student needs to leave early. I am not really sure what we would do without these. For coaching, an example I have is conferences that we hold each season. Sometimes it is very hard with all of the coaches’ very busy schedules to get together in person. Through conference calls using Skype, we can communicate from our homes or at school.

Re: Discussion Number Five (5)

Telecommunications is basically the exchange of communication or information between two sources. Transmission can be accomplished by many various means but not limited to radio, TV, cable, phone, Internet and etc. In my Physical Education setting, I mainly use my computer for the Internet for email and to sync my pocket pc for my grades. I rarely use the TV and rarely have a need to use the phone to call the office.

Re: Discussion Number Five (5)

As I understand telecommunications, they can be one-way or two-way. Telecommunications in general are using technology to send information to a recipient. An example of one way telecommunications that I use all of the time is email or researching web pages. Two-way communications are extremely common. Cell phones and two way radios are examples of two-way communications. I actually use the two way radios with other staff when I have my students performing the President’s Council on Physical Fitness mile run. We do not have a track, so we use property in the back of the school that is jointly owned by the school and local park district. With stranger danger everywhere, I feel the students are much safer when I have another staff member at the opposite end of the pathway holding a two way radio. We can communicate immediately if there is any trouble. Any time I am outside with students I bring the two way radio for instant communication with the office, in case of injury. I also bring my cell phone with the first aid mini kit. Both of these have come in handy more than once.

Re: Discussion Number Five (5)

Telecommunications is the transfer of data from one place to another. One type of telecommunications I use all of the time is e-mail. E-mail is such a great way for me to communicate. It allows me to send or respond to messages at my convenience. It also gives me time to formulate what I would like to say. This is especially useful when responding to e-mails from disgruntled parents. E-mail is a great way to send documents and photos electronically. It's an easy way to clear up attendance errors. I can e-mail our attendance office and they take care of it.

Re: Discussion Number Five (5)

I love using email for quick communication. However, I do not like how some people use it to "replace" face to face contact. Email is "easy" and very non-confrontational. I really think that many people have gotten away from having face to face conversations even. Talking on the phone is even sometimes minimal, and forget writing a letter! Geez. So I do love email for it's quick transfer, but I do not like what we have lost.

Re: Discussion Number Five (5)

Telecommunication is defined by Wikipedia as "the transmission of messages over significant distances for the purpose of communication. In earlier times, telecommunications involved the use of visual signals, such as smoke, semaphore telegraphs, signal flags, and optical heliographs, or audio messages via coded drumbeats, lung-blown horns, or sent by loud whistles, for example."

When it comes to telecommunications in my physical education, the only form that I use is cell phones. Our PE teachers carry cell phones for many reasons. First and probably most important is for medical reasons. If a student drops down with a medical emergency we need to be able to notify the office immediately. Second we use it to communicate with other PE teachers if we need to combine classes for a reason such as it starts raining. We have to figure out who can go where and this is the fastest way. We also use our phones to communicate with the office staff. If there is ever a lock down or anything of this nature, the office has to call us because you cannot hear the load speakers out on the fields. Disipline issues are also sometimes handled through phones. We notify the discipline room if their is a fight or if a student is one their way up or if we need a campus supervisor. In PE at my school, our cell phones are our lifeline to the rest of the school!

Re: Discussion Number Five (5)

Any use of electronics to send some sort of data (text, voice, video, files, etc.) across a distance is my understanding of telecommunications. Using walkie-talkies to get the attention of another teacher/coach on the other side of the track, a phone to call the nurse's office down the hall, using email to send a message to other teachers in your district, or using a message board like this one to communicate with other teachers all over the world are all examples of telecommunication. With enough technology at your disposal, you could have your PE class see and hear another PE class on the other side of the world. You could even have many different PE classes follow the exact same lesson in several different locations led by one instructor, live!
Besides calling other PE teachers/coaches on the phone or walkie-talkie, sending emails and accessing other school's webpages, I do not believe I have used telecommunications to any large degree. It is such a broad area to be explored, it shold be utilized more.

Re: Discussion Number Five (5)

Telecommunications is a way of communicating between two things through some sort of electronics. In our school we have 2 way radios that administration, janitors and office have for quick communication incase of an accident, lunch needs, etc. Although these are not a great way to communicate in a private matter, they are handy! Teachers have telephones in their rooms for communication as well. They do not dial outside lines but teachers are available to get in touch with each other or the office by this. For the most part, all teachers have cellphones which are used mostly on field trips in case of an emergency!

Re: Discussion Number Five (5)

Telecommunication is using something to pass information or data from one person/location to another in a relatively short time. Examples would be blogging, email, voicemail, texting, facebooking. faxing, audio conferencing, video, online attendance, cell phones, walkie talkies etc. The most common ones that I have used are email, voicemail, cell phones, facebook and walkie talkies.

Re: Discussion Number Five (5)


It seems like we have a lot of common in our experience and view of telecommunication. I like your point that it is used to pass information quickly.

Re: Discussion Number Five (5)

I found the following definition of telecommunications on the website: to be: The transmission of words, sounds, images, or data in the form of electronic or electromagnetic signals or impulses. Telecommunications was first started with the telegraph and now includes modern devices such as the internet and cell phones with the capability of texting or accessing the internet instantly.
I use the internet alot during my teaching and coaching. I use the internet during my teaching to enhance my lessons. I use it to research current information and to show students things such as video demonstrations etc. For coaching I use it for demonstrating current skills and or watching updated game footage. There are many was I use email with students, parents and athletes. The uses of telecommunication are endless with teaching and coaching.

Re: Discussion Number Five (5)

Telecommunications is any type of technology that is used to get in touch with another person. I use telecommunications of some sort everyday. I actually use multiple telecommunication sources. I spend time making cell phone calls, sending emails, and texting people throughout the day. All of these different types of communication use a type of technology to relay your message. I could use emails to my students or athletes that keep them up to date on upcoming events, homework, projects, current events, or different activities that may be important for students or athletes to know.

Re: Discussion Number Five (5)

Telecommunications refers to communicating through electronic form such telephone, email and message boards such as this one.

I prefer to use email when talking to parents about general questions, but the use of blogs and RSS feeds ca help to get information to them more readily.

Re: Discussion Number Five (5)

Telecommunications is the greatest innovation of today. With the rapid growing cell phone industry everyday new technology is introduced. Telecommunications is the way of communicating through electronic devices. Teachers have used them in the classroom for video conferences, teleconferences, and room to room communication. There is a growing number of telecommunications from schools to schools around the world. I could use use video conferencing such as skype to communicate with other teachers to collaborate ideas and learn new techniques for implementing new ideas in my classroom.

Re: Discussion Number Five (5)

Telecommunications refers to any type of data transfer between two points. We've all obviously had experience with this our whole life with telephones but technology has changed the ways we can now do this. A few examples would be email, text messages, video chat, message boards, and so on. Telecommunications has a big place in phys ed. When I lose my gym during the year I bring the class to a smart board and go on links such as brainpop and internet4classrooms. There's a varity of information to choose from and it's something that my students really get a kick out of. Message boards and blogs help me to become a better teacher by learning what other successful teachers have been doing in there classes. I've already gotten a number of ideas from this message board!

Re: Discussion Number Five (5)

I mentioned in a previous post to you about using the smartboard, now I'm getting the idea as to what you do with it.

Re: Discussion Number Five (5)

I like the idea of using a smartboard to check-out brainpop and internet4classrooms. I, like most pe teachers, lose my gym multiple times per yr. I usually have my students use it as a studyhall and allow them to work on other classes material. Now, I will be able to make the time much more beneficial.

Re: Discussion Number Five (5)

Telecommunication is simply staying in touch over a spatial distance. Probably the most common form is the cell phone. I've read a few posts and can recall my first "car phone", or bag phone! I sometimes forget myself and call my iPhone my car phone, and my kids just give a perplexed look.
I teach in a school where the athletic fields are a ten minute walk from the building. With safety being a concern, I always carry my phone with me, just in case. We do have administrators carrying two ways, and I've been promised that I would get one, it just hasn't happened yet.
I am a fan of college athletics, and I can see possible use in the recruiting process, especially for the smaller schools that can't travel because budget concerns. Colleges already offer virtual tours of campuses, maybe coaches could meet with prospective student/athletes through SKYPE?

Re: Discussion Number Five (5)

SKYPE is a great idea for getting students in touch with college recruiters. As I am a middle school teacher, is this something colleges offer yet? I wish they had SKYPE when I was going to college!

Re: Discussion Number Five (5)

Telecommunications is sending any type of data between two points. There are various ways I use telecommunications within my own classroom. One way is the Internet and email. I use the Internet to research new teaching material or share some of my own personal lessons with peers. I mostly use email to communicate with parents or other professionals within my own teaching field. I also use a 2-way radio especially when I am outside with my students. I have some students with severe allergies and if I don't get immediate medical attention to them when needed it could be very dangerous situation.

There are other telecommunication devices or applications Physical Educators can use to enhance student learning. Some of these include; 2-way radios, email, the Internet, fax, podcasts, instant messaging, chat rooms, discussion boards, audio/video conferencing, and social networking sites.

Re: Discussion Number Five (5)

Telecommunications is using something to pass information or data to someone within close range or abroad. The capability to get information from someone is at our finger tips. I have used blogging, email, on line attendance, voice mail, texting, face book, faxing, audio conferencing, cell phone, walkie talkies, pod cast, and instant messaging, and discussion boards.

I can discuss with fellow peers in the district very quickly through email. I can send one message to many people and get the response back quickly. I have watched other teachers use the internet to communicate with other classrooms in different parts of the country. Students interacting with others while performing the same tasks and then discussing the pros and cons of that experience.

I have conferenced called other coaches within our league to discuss voting when I could not attend the meeting. It seems like I really have only used a few on a regular basis. I am hoping to have time to explore more of these options.

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