Technology in Physical Education and Coaching

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Re: Discussion Number One (1)

Educational technology is a resource to facilitate learning and improve student performance by enhancing our delivery of information and activity. I enjoy learning and using various aspects of technology. I have used pedometers, body weight/fat monitor, designed templates for lesson plans (word) and data collection (excel), digital pictures for visuals on stations, videos and videoing recording for assessments. I supervise our daily video news production at our elementary school. From this class I hope to learn ways to improve my technology skills and be able to implement them in my classroom.

Re: Discussion Number One (1)

Educational technology is anything used by you as the teacher or the student that enhances or adds to the learning experience. For example, a simple electronic scoreboard could be used to enhance a students experience while playing a team sport. It would make it more like a "real" game. Obviously the more knowledge we have about ourselves the better we can determine our health and physical fitness. Therefore, items such as heart rate monitors and pedometers as well as computer programs that allow students to see progress made over a period of time are wonderful ways to gain more insight into ourselves. I have limited experience with using technology in physical education. By taking this course I hope to first gain knowledge of what is available out there and second have the courage to try these new things in my school. I teach at a school that has very little money to do anything. A P.e. buget just isn't a reality so I have to purchase many things for the students myself. If anyone has any suggestions on where to go for grants and that I would appreciate that info.

Re: Re: Discussion Number One (1)

You may find this funding source helpful in finding ways to purchase needed equipment for your PE program. I came across this site as I was researching my Technology Use Project. It is well organized and they may save you hours of leg work.

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i am responding to Rody response about the website that was posted. I looked into this as well for information to purchase items that our district can not afford. I found this to be a great tool to keep as a bookmark on my computer for future use.

Re: Discussion Number One (1)

Educational technology to me is the use of technology to instruct, assess, demonstrate, or record information in a school setting. Education technology is only limited by the creativeness and know-how of the instructor. Technology can be used to instruct through the use of power point, video, charts or graphs or rules created on a word processor. Using heart rate monitors, Trifit testing stations, video cameras, digital cameras, and pedometers are great ways to assess students in physical education and sport. Videos and digital photographs are also a great way to demonstrate proper skills, and using PDAs and computers make for quick and easy record keeping.

I have some experience using heart rate monitors and Trifit machines to assess students, and PDAs to record and analyze the information from the heart rate monitors and Trifit station. I currently do not use power point or video cameras in my physical classes, however my school has the equipment to do so. Through this course I hope to discover ways to incorporate these devises in my lessons.

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Could you tell me what heart rate monitors you use and I am interested in how successful their use has been? My PE department is currently using Polar's PE manager software and we are fundraising to acquire the E600 heart rate monitors.

Re: Discussion Number One (1)

Educational technology is using various forms of technology as tools to enhance the students' learning and understanding of concepts. It also enables teachers to assess more efficiently. I currently have a laptop computer that I uses at home and at school. i also have a desktop at home where I create highlight films for athletes. I use software on the laptop to create tests, task cards, and review sheets on specific software. I also have a handheld that contains software I use to keep track of attendance, attire, performance, attitude, behavior, and skill rubrics. I do have a laser printer that the school district has provided. I use a television with both a VCR and DVD player attached to it. We have several aerobic videos on VHS and DVD that I use with the students. I have also used a projector with a dvd player to display aerobic videos when we combine classes in my school. The Physical Education department also has a stereo system so that we can play CDs during the class. I use pedometers when we go to the track and during our orienteering unit. I also use software to break down football film for stats and tendencies. In this class I hope to learn new ways to incorporate technology into my class, whether it be using new technology or enhancing what I already have.

Re: Discussion Number One (1)

I have been involved with “educational technology” through-out my educational experiences both as a student and as a teacher. I have found that becoming efficient with the latest or current technology is a major time investment with amazing positive results. My experiences as a teacher with “educational technology” at the elementary levels include; time saving during daily tasks; improved organizational skill both in scheduling and programming; improved communication with staff, students and parents; increased data collecting and time saving during grading, positive stimulation of students and staff. My understanding of “educational technology” is that, it involves effective application of programs and devices that are up today and current with today’s trends. This will enhance the educational process of our students and staff.

My hope is that this course will guide me to effectively present and utilize data that I have already, and will collect in the future. Here is one of my goals I turned in to my principal at the beginning of this school year. “One of my personal goals for this year is to share the knowledge I have gained while taking the Technology in Physical Education/Coaching course with my colleagues. With support from our administrative leaders along with the WF Physical Education / Health Education Dept. we will join with students to participate in cool high tech activities to stimulate learning.”

Re: Discussion Number One (1)

I like the way you describes educational technology and the positve outcomes. I am not a technology type person and have been reluctant to step into the world of computers. It made me feel better to know that it is time consuming to learn, but the results of doing so are extremely beneficial.

Re: Re: Discussion Number One (1)


We use the Polar E600 heart rate monitors along with the Polar PE Manager software. They work very well for the most part. The pros of the heart rate monitors is that the students are interested in them and it actually increases their participation and enthusiasm because they enjoy monitoring and keeping their heart rates up. They are also a great tool for assessment and feedback to the students. They function quite well for the most part. The only troubles I've had are if two monitors are within a couple feet of each other it records interference in the heart rates. Also some students have a hard time getting a heart rate or putting them on correctly. This is easily fixed if you take half a class one day to specifically explain to the whole class how to use and put on the monitors. Depending how much money you can fundraise, each teacher here has a PDA with PE Manager on it. This is great because the heart rate monitors send the data straight from the watches to the PDA via infrared and you can give immediate feedback to the students.

Re: Re: Discussion Number One (1)

That sounds like a great set up that you have. I am expecting to purchase some heart rate monitors soon and have a couple of questions for you. Are you happy with the equipment that you are using, or would you recommend a different company? How did this equipment coast?

Re: Discussion Number One (1)

Educational technology is the incorporation of internet or other information technologies to help in the learning process. Learning and teaching options have changed so much thanks to the addition and utilization of technology in the education experience. In my own teaching experience, I use dvd,vhs,ipods,overhead projectors,heart rate monitors, body fat analyzers, pedometers, cardio fitness equipment(treadmills, stairclimbers, ellipticals, upright & recumbent bikes, rowing machines)DDR, camcorders and a palm pilot with software for keeping statistics for my coaching job.
In this course, I hope to expand my knowledge and skills to stay abreast of current current and emerging technologies.

Re: Discussion Number One (1)

Educational technology is when a facilitator uses some form of media to assist in learning. In the field of physical education we’re talking about pedometers, heart rate monitors, computers, web sites, virtual field trips, pulse meters, palm pilots, global positioning systems, video gaming systems, eye toys, projectors, digital cameras, video and DVD players, MP3 players and smart boards among other sources of media. This is an excellent form of teaching because it captures the attention and imagination of today’s students.

In my Kindergarten through fifth grade physical education class, I have used pedometers, pulse meters, digital cameras, eye toys, projectors, MP3 players, video and DVDs and video gaming systems. Currently, I am proud of implementing PS2’s and Nintendo Wii’s into the curriculum. With the assistance of grant money and our physical education budget, we were able to purchase enough equipment to have an entire Digital Fitness Unit. We feature the PlayStation 2 game: Dance, Dance Revolution. Students are increasing their heart rate as they move to pulse pounding music. I can make this unit developmentally appropriate for all levels. Students look at how many steps they can accumulate when they look at their pedometer in-between songs. I also enjoy incorporating the Eye Toy into the physical education curriculum as well. Students interact with the computer as their own bodies are captured on the TV screen. They also learn to take their heart rate on pulse meters when they are done finished with each activity. Many times I capture the excitement of these units on the digital camera and put articles in our electronic newsletter for positive publicity on our physical education program.

I’m hoping to generate some new ideas from people all over the United States. There are so many creative people out there with quality physical education programs and it’s my intention to read a variety of topics in the physical education forum to learn new ideas. I want to offer any assistance to other teachers that might be interested in our program as well.

Re: Re: Discussion Number One (1)


It sounds amazing to the digital fitness unit. I work in Czech Republic at an International School. Your program is the exact direction I want to go with this schools Physical Education Program. How long do you do the Digital Unit last for? Do you think I that I could do fitness stations with this type of equipment at the beginning of each class? The students would rotate to two stations each P.E. class before getting into the skill portion of the class. Do you think it would take to long to put away for this type of program to work? What do You think of Fitness Friday, where the students do a digital workout every Friday? At my school the P.E. classes have a rotating
Schedule, so every other Friday the classes would get to use the machines. I would really like to hear what you think.


Re: Re: Discussion Number One (1)

Wow you really sound like you incorporate a great deal of technology into your P.E. program already. Your ideas are inspiring. I wish our school system had the money and support that your system must provide.

Re: Discussion Number One (1)

Educational Technology to me is utlizing different methods of technology to help educate students. There are students who are hands on learners, visual learners and auditory learners and to meet all of these students learning abilities technology is the best way. My own experience with technology is during physical education classes and health classes are heart rate monitors, pedometers, smart board and pod casting. My own experience with DDR, Wii is something I would like to bring into my PE classes especially witht he autisc students.
In this course I hope to get different ideas on how to utilize more heart rate monitors and learn new ideas to bring into my classes. How to make the most out of the 44 minutes of class time I have.

Re: Discussion Number One (1)

Peter, with the digital photography have you ever used that to correct students? Like video tape them and then show them how they can improve their techniques? I am trying to see how I can utilize that more in the gymnasium and for coaching.

Re: Discussion Number One (1)

In my own words, and in my opinion, educational technology is anything technological that we can learn from. Technological means to me that it works independent of me. I can press play, or I can push a button and it accomplishes something that I do not have to help with. Saying that it is educational means that students, or adults, take away from it something that they did not know before.

Since I was in high school my basketball games were video taped, and we would watch these games with our coach and look at defenses, and errors that we made. I also remember getting video taped when shooting a basketball, swinging a softball bat, and serving a volleyball. All of those were so that I could analyze my form, or so that my coach could see what he or she thought I should change.

Presenting I have done the same thing with videotaping as a coach. So that technology for learning has not changed, and it really does work. Anybody that does not understand why they can not make a basket should watch themselves shoot.

What I hope to accomplish with this course is a better understanding of what technology is out there that I did not realize would be useful in PE. I also hope to learn how to bring into PE the technologies that I have used in regualar classes already.

Re: Discussion Number One (1)

In my own words technology in Physical Education means using new electronics to motivate students( another way to learn)by keeping up with the latest inventions. It can also make my job easier and more organized. It opens up a variety of resources for me.

In this class I hope to learn new things. I am trying to keep up with things and I hope this helps me to learn new technologies.

Re: Discussion Number One (1)

Education Technology are tools that are used in a classroom to enhance student learning, performance, and practices. Education Technology comes in many facets such as applications (microsoft word, excel, powerpoint),hardware(laptops, smartboards,heart rate monitors),and interactive gaming (DDR). Since I am the new teacher in my school, my co-workers refrain from using technology in physical education. For health, we have the opportunity to utilize technology for our lessons. We have four teachers on at once in physical education and one in the health room. We are always team teaching. The classes are big and we have minimal space. I on the other hand will be looking to integrate technology into the physed classes. This course has provided me many ideas to bring to my department and discuss the potential of technology in physed. I intend to work on a grant proposal to purchase heart-rate monitors and laptops for fitnessgrams.

Re: Discussion Number One (1)

You might also want to consider a NEC projector for the laptops. Also be sure that all the laptops you buy have a DVD player and burner. If they don't have a DVD burner you you can get an external one.

Re: Discussion Number One (1)

Educational Tech is any technology used to aid in the process of teaching or learning. As the years have passed the educational technology has changed. Not to long ago an overhead projector was the latest and greatest thing around. Now, they are still used in some schools sorry to say, but they are on the way out. In my 10 years of teaching P.E. using technology in the class has become easier every year. With the I pod, laptops, dvd players, projectors, portable I pod speakers, P.E. DVDs like dance and cupstacking dvds so on and so on. Heart rate monitors, bike computers to keep track of the miles and every thing else you can imagine. Using technology in P.E. is so easy now and it makes it even easier to integrate other subjects, something that always helps.
In this class I hope to gain better knowledge of how to use technology in P.E., and get some new ideas. I also hope to share some of my ideas. Since we now live in a world where the technology changes every day, no one can say I don't need to change the way I teach, this is the way I do it.

Re: Discussion Number One (1)

My reaction to this term centers on the different ways you can integrate traditional educational techniques with technology. Examples of this would be things as simple as using digital timers, pedometers and heart rate monitors to using smart boards and tablets for lesson presentations. I also think of it as a process to be used to facilitate teaching and learning. Being able to visit website for resource support to teach to students is part of educational technology. A student putting their own fitness scores into a computer and then downloading the information into a program that allows them to monitor their own progress is also an example of educational technology. It is the use of any form of technology that would simplify or enhance the educational experience of the student or the teaching abilities of the teacher.
My own experience is not as involved as I would like it to be. I have pedometers, digital timers, heart rate monitors, and I use the web daily as a resource. The school/District that I work in is rather slow to include the PE specialists in their ability to participate in the elaborate technology. The classroom teachers get things first. We will have limited wireless access this year so I look forward to being able to use the smart board, work tablets and such to present lessons or have students put together fitness programs. THis is what motivated me to take this class. I have been familuar with powerpoint, excell, etc. but since I didn't need to use it for teaching I didn't use it. This class will get me to refresh my knowledge, learn where I don't know and then put it to practical use.

Re: Discussion Number One (1)

we have just acquired 15 heart rate monitors and 12 pedometers for the coming school year and I am interested in how you have used them with your class and how many you have. We already have wireless internet in our gym and each teacher has a laptop. Only 10 of the HRM are able to be downloaded to the computer.

Re: Discussion Number One (1)

We are currently in the process of trying to get funding for the 46 pedometers we need for just one class. (that's our maximum class size at my high school) Another teacher and I are putting together a project for this. We are having the students map out routes to the state capitals in groups of four and using a key of one mile on the pedometer equals 100 miles of travel on the map of the U.S. that we will provide them. The students need to keep a journal of all the capitals they were able to visit and the miles they traveled. Our final project is a poster board detailing their trip that they will present to the class. We will grade them on the distance traveled, capitals visited and their presentations. We plan on having them draw a capital out of a hat to start. Our social science department loves the idea.

Re: Discussion Number One (1)

Educational technology means cool new toys that help us better involve the students in this technological age. We have used simple things like stop watches for years, but motivating and getting kids interested in a world where they are entertained 24 7 is difficult. A lot of the latest technology plays off the video games that they are so interested in. Wii took that interest and try to add a little movement to it. A great start for a society that has become so sedentary. Other companies have done things like taken a stationary bike and added video and programing to simulate real riding outside. Treadmills and climbers that record data and keep track of more than just time on the machine. All these items along with computers for keeping grades and data, LCD projectors for showing items from the computer to the entire class, have all helped us do our jobs a little easier and also has helped in reaching students.

On a daily basis at this moment in time, I use the computer and LCD projector with my class and am doing a summer online course in which the students use heart rate monitors. We are trying to incorporate them into the school year along with 15 pedometers that we have.

My goal for this course is to learn a little bit more about technology use in a p.e. setting and how others have used it. I am also looking to learn new ways to apply what we have and what is worth trying to get money to acquire.

Re: Discussion Number One (1)

Educational technology is enhancing the curriculum that is already being taught. The technology is used to inform and bring to light in a way that can help students understand what they are learning in a more exciting way. When I use technology many students pay more close attention. The technology that I use teaches details to skills and activities that I might not be able to explain. I hope that I can learn more creative ways to use technology in my class and to be able to communicate with my students better through technology.

Re: Discussion Number One (1)

I think that educational technology is that assists in the learning process. I think that this can mean anything from the use of pedometers to tracking the fitness level and progress of the students by using some type of fitness software.
In my classes the only types of techonology that I have used are: the internet, pedometers, an electronic body fat indicator, and a digital scale.
In this course I hope to begin to feel comforatable using the computer. I would like to get rid of the dread look on my face as well as the feeling in my stomeach as soon as anyone says anything about a power point or that they are going to change the paper system to an electronic one. I was very excited to see that the power point wasn't as difficult as I thought it was going to be. I hope that I will be just as pleasantly surprised to see that others are not as hard as they look either. One thing I would really like is to learn how to record students grades by using a spreadsheet so that it will be a lot easier when doing final grades and midterm reports.

Re: Discussion Number One (1)

Educational technology is a general term which is used to describe the use of technology in the educational system. Many times people will associate the word technology with computers. Computers are a great technologically based tool that can be extremely beneficial to an educator, but is not the only form of technology that can be used in the class room. I have used camcorders to record and analyze skills, used video's to get the students interested in the unit, and played music during circuit training routines.
I am starting a new job at a school that is centered around technology and project based learning. Every student at the school will have a labtop computer. I am taking this class to discover new and innovative ways to engage my physical education students through the use of technology.

Re: Discussion Number One (1)

I think educational technology is the use of scientific breakthroughs to help students and teachers communicate, demonstrate and learn more effectively. Technology has already improved most areas of physical education from equipment construction, balls, bats, shoes etc.., to synthetic fields of play. In my own situation I feel that I use technology much more in my coaching than I do in my physical education class. Being in a low income, overcrowded school without many resources, we are limited in the use of technology simply because we cannot afford it. Computer time is a luxury in our building and is not easily given to physical education classes. My coaching does allow me to use technology in baseball practice. We video hitters and pitchers and look for form flaws that need correction. We use a laptop computer with a stats program, radar gun, pitching machines and the latest research for stretching and mental preparation. I am in the process of trying to implement pedometers into our current physical education, but I have not been successful yet. I am hoping that by taking this class I can be better informed about the available technology that is out there for me to access and use in my classes.

Re: Discussion Number One (1)

Educational technology is the use of technology to aid in the learning process and to help improve performance by using technological resources. I use technology everyday and really don’t know how I would make it without it. I use a word processor, spreadsheets, databases, and presentation software almost on a daily basis. I use it to keep track of effort and achievement, to communicate with parents, for peer editing, group multimedia projects and I use it to assess student learning. I hope to gain a better understanding on how to use specialized programs related to physical education and sports.

Re: Discussion Number One (1)

Education technology is technology that has the opportunity to improve or make easier a student's ability to better understand a lesson. With the many different learning abilities of each student educational can help close these gaps.Educational technology can also help the instructor to enhance his or her own lesson. Presently I use pedometers, Nintendo Wii, and the internet for technology in my classroom. I hoping this course can motivate me to better use these technologies in my everyday PE classroom lesson.

Re: Discussion Number One (1)

Educational technology is a way of saying tools that can enhance the educational process. At school we use a lot of educational technology. Computers, smart boards, projectors, DVD players and Camcorders are only some of the items. I have always enjoyed using these technologies and have tried to stay ahead of the curve. In P.E. class we use HR monitors, pedometers, DVD players and other things to help our students understand the concepts and standards we are treaching.

In this class I hope to expand my understanding of how to use technology in my classroom. I am also looking for ways to use it in coaching.

Re: Discussion Number One (1)

Educational technology can be defined in two inter-related ways, in my mind. One is the field of educational theory that looks for ways to improve education, including teaching, teaching materials, etc. The other definition of educational technology is the use of technological tools to enhance and improve education. Although separate, the definitions are inter-related because they both deal with the issue of improving education.

The definition of educational technology that deals with technological tools is the one most relevant to this question and involves both theoretical issues, such as creating new technologies that can be used in education, and practical issues, such as deciding how to use current technology within educational settings. Some of the ways educational technology is manifested are through videotaping of students, creation of video by students, measurement of physiological functions, use of computers for both research and digital production, among many others.

I have used videotaping of my golfers in order for them to understand their swings better. Videotaping not only allows them to see themselves, but also to slow the sequence down and view the different positions of the swing. I also use viewing of videos with my P.E. students to help them understand sports that they may not be familiar with beforehand. Use of computers is also very common within my classes so that students can create their own exercise and fitness plans using both word processing and research opportunities online.

What I have hoped to accomplish from this class (and, fortunately, have succeeded) is to learn both more types of technology to use as well as more places (websites, for example) to find more technology and the different uses of technology in the field of Physical Education.

Re: Discussion Number One (1)

Educational technology is the use of any kind of technological assistance to facilitate and help improve educational performance. It may include an individual creating, using or managing technological processes and resources to help the process of learning and instruction in development. A wide array of different tools and resources may be used in educational technology, all of which have the ultimate aim of advancing student performance. Some of these facets of educational technology can include hardware, machines, smart phones, overhead projectors, smart boards, or even systems of instruction and methods of delivering curriculum.

My own experience of technology in physical education and coaching includes the use of video analysis (more specifically in coaching) and using different technology in instruction such as heart rate monitors, pedometers, and limited use of computers in physical education. I hope to be able to learn strategies to incorporate technology more into my daily teaching, rather than just having a technology aspect once every blue moon! I would like to learn how to use heart rate monitors more, and perhaps learn some new technology that I can use in my curriculum.

Re: Discussion Number One (1)

Using video technology on a daily basis would be one of the things I would love to incorporate into my PE classes. Sometimes the younger students just do not have enough body awareness to realize that there arm,foot,leg,hand etc is out of position. having the video to show them would be an incredible difference. Plus I think it would be a HUGE motivational tool.

Re: Discussion Number One (1)

I would define educational technology as any avenue to teach others without using traditional means like textbooks or lecture in person. I consider educational technology to cover auditory items like phones and amplifiers, computers, pda's, videocameras, software and measurement gadgets like pedometers and heart rate monitors. I am amazed at how much technology has changed in the last ten years. I used some pedometers, Insta-pulse sticks and a Heart-Talker heart rate monitor in 2000. They are so outdated that I rarely use them if any with my students. My goals are to gain confidence in using technology in my gymnasium and to feel that I can justify using some forms of technology when my students already lack movement time. I see my students once a week for forty minutes and feel guilty when I don't have them active enough. I think I'll have to choose technology wisely to carry it over to my gymnasium.

Re: Discussion Number One (1)

I view technology in education as a tool that can assist teachers to teach materials in fresh, interesting and exciting new ways. I believe using technology engages students in ways that teaches them real world topics at real world speeds. Students today are in demand of information as fast and current as possible. Using educational technologies aids this process.
I have the opportunity to use Smart Boards, ceiling mounted projectors, internet sites and computers in my classes. I also use video cameras, computers and different programs as a football coach.
I hope to learn new ways of implementing technology in my PE classes. I would like to learn how to use pedometers, heart rate monitors and computers as tools to teach students about fitness.

Re: Discussion Number One (1)

Educational technology is a tool to assist an instructor. Educational techonology is a vehicle to enhance the educational process. Students can spend more time engaged in the content via educational technology. Students are technology natives, as educators we must enter a world of technology that are students are engross in.

I currently use video to record student skills and performance. Students then critique there personal video. Students use the web to research and develop weight training workouts then utlize MS Excel spreadsheets to track weight training results.

With a very tight budget I hope to find cost effective ways to incorporate technology into my classes. I would like to learn more about the use of pedometers and how to integrate there use in my courses.

Re: Discussion Number One (1)

Educational Technology is using technology to help students to better understand material and improve their performance. Since students learn 70% of the material through their eyes, it is to their advantage that we utilize all the new technology that is available to them in this day and age to help them perform better.

I currently use CD, VHS, DVD, cassette, word processing, spreadsheets, and the Internet. I occasionally use pedometers and heart rate monitors. With 30 minutes for a class period, it just takes too much time putting them on and taking them off to use them more often.

Through this course, I expect to get new ideas of how incorporate technology into my P.E. classroom, or ways I can do things different with the ideas I already have.

Re: Discussion Number One (1)

Educational Technology is a set of resources that are used to aid or enhance the presentation of educational material, so that teachers have a more efficient process in getting their information across to their students. My experiences in physical education with technology is highly developed using a wide range of support equipment anywhere from emails to the internet, from videotaping, to picture taking and an array of software usage from PowerPoint to excel. My partner just said today, what we would do without computers. What I would like to accomplish at the end of this course is to take some of my ideas and follow through with them to gain more experience in technology, in the field of education.

Re: Discussion Number One (1)

I believe educational technology is ever changing. Therefore, it will be difficult to define succinctly. However, I believe that and device that can aide teaching that either runs on batteries or must be plugged in can be used for educational technology. The many facets of educational technology aligns with the different types of learners. You have auditory technology, visual technology and kinesthetic. Some times there are devices that address several, if not all types of learners. My own experience is very limited with technology in P.E.. I have used a computer for day to day items; such as e-mail and word processing. I have also used pedometers with my students. After completing this course, I hope to be able to integrate more technology with my students into physical education. I also hope to learn more about technology and its uses, since it seems to me to be ever changing!

Re: Discussion Number One (1)

I am starting to use heart rate monitors consistently in my high school PE class. The students take turns alternating use on Mondays, Tuesdays, and Fridays. We share with other classes on Wednesdays and Thursday. On these days the students are so much more engaged in the activity. I really hope, that especially after creating a lesson plan that I can create more of an individual use for heart rate monitors in the classroom.

Re: Discussion Number One (1)

To me educational technology means using different sources of technology to enhance education. It uses technology to present the material in a different and often more effective manner. Technology is everywhere and if we as teachers can include it in our curriculum in might help to bridge the educational gap between teacher and student. Students can be "hooked" into the unit by using these newer methods of presenting a subject. Since technology is such a part of our students every day life, I believe that it should also be used as a tool in their education.

Until now the only ways that I would use technology is through online assess to grades and email and once a year I would take my students to the library to use the computers for a online research project. In coaching I would post statistics both through the newspaper and on online posing sites like maxxpreps.

In completing this course, I hope to have different forms of technology throughout my teaching and coaching curriculums. I want to purchase and include heart rate monitors and to create a site and forum where parents and students can see what is being taught in class. I not only want to post what is going to happen but I also hope to include student work, videos, and pictures. I hope this will get students excited about the content and also use the posts to celebrate what has taken place in class. I want to do the same when it comes to my teams. Creating a team website will be key! I also want to used videos to help my athletes analyze their performance in games and also to break down the mechanics of a skill. Since athletic teams are much smaller than Physical Education classes (60 students),I can take the time to implement the video devices as part of our regular practice.

Re: Discussion Number One (1)

If Webster defines technology as "a scientific method of achieving a practical purpose," then educational technology should be using a scientific method for the practical purpose of teaching someone else. This could mean something as simple as a stopwatch to help someone map their progress in a mile run, to the new products from Garmin which keeps time, distance traveled, heart rate, and a host of other measurements on your wrist and sends them wirelessly to your computer! Basically, it is anything an individual uses in addition to their own voice/body that makes the situation easier for one person to educate another.

My previous experience in technology basically has to do with using simple application on the computer(word processing and spreadsheets) and operating Fully Automatic Timing systems for Track and Field.

Through this coursework, I hope to utilize the technology my school has to make better connections with my students/athletes. This generation is considerably more comfortable using electronic technology. I hope to discover new ideas and new uses for technology I am already familiar with to capture my students' attention and focus their efforts on physical activity.

Re: Discussion Number One (1)

There are many definitions of "educational technology" out there! When you search for a definition of the web, you can find thousands of sites pertaining to the definition. That means to me that there are many different definitions. To define educational technology in my own words, I would say that it is the use of technology to enhance the learning process. With that said, there are many ways to do that (facets of technology). This can be done with digital technology (computers, IPods, Heart rate monitors, Thinkpads, scanners, etc.) but it also can be audio equipment, video equipment, photographs, cameras and CD players.
Anything that can enhance learning is better than no technology at all. At my school, there is limited technology, however, the students have access to the computer lab, audio/visual equipment, and heart rate monitors. I have been trying to get a lap top for assessment and student use, but have been unsuccessful.

Re: Discussion Number One (1)

Educational technology is a way to use technology as a tool to aid in teaching. I find it to be a great way to motivate students to be more involved in physical education class. Technology use in the classroom, especially in physical education, allows students to learn beyond the correct techniques and rules of the game. It can be used to aid and motivate students to do more such as the pedometers and heart rate monitors. It allows students to see how their bodies are reacting to the activity.
I have used technology in class by pedometers, videos, body fat analyzer, and computer lab (SparkTeens)

Reply to Kile


I think that technology is a great motivator as well. How do you incorporate the body fat analyzer and can you elaborate on Spark Teens?

Re: Discussion Number One (1)

Educational Technology is the ability of a teacher to use technology to further enhance the learning for his/her students. I have some experience with technology. I have used Microsoft Excel and Power Point with my students and as part of my lessons. My school has pedometers and heart rate monitors, and fitnessgram software. I hope to learn other ways to implement technology and revive my passion for trying new innovative, "computer age" things in my class - as I know the students will absolutely love it.

Re: Discussion Number One (1)

Educational technolgoy is the use of any device that will help teachers and/or students become more informed, better critical thinkers, and become 21st century learners. Examples could be auditory, visual or manipulative such as Ipods, DVD, DDR, smartboard-tablet,etc. I have used smartboards, DVD, stopwatches, Ipods, treadmills with pulse rate monitors etc. I would like to become more creative with the devices that are out there and make the activities more productive as well as interesting for my students and myself.

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