Technology in Physical Education and Coaching

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Re: Discussion Number Five (5)

Telecommunicating is to communicate with someone over a long distance. These days, given the advance of computers, teachers are able to use email to communicate with parents and administrators. We are also able to upload our grades to a server, instead of filling out everything by hand. Additionally, we now take roll in our classes electronically as well. One of the applications that may be interesting is to telecommute with classrooms from all around the country. For example, if I have connected with a teacher in another state and we have exchanged lesson plan ideas, it would be interesting to see how the other teacher not only interprets the lesson plan, but teaches it and the results from the class and vice versa. It could also be interesting to have my classroom see presentations from other classrooms. For example, in my lesson plan on dance dance revolution, I have my students compete against one another on the video game. By telecommuting with another class, they would be able to possibly compete with someone in another state, which could be a lot of fun!

Re: Discussion Number Five (5)

Telecommunications is giving and receiving information over distances. There are many forms of telecommunication like: cell/ mobile phone, smart phones, phone systems (land lines and systems that run over the internet), email, internet, radio, television, “Skype,” hand-held radios, etc. I use all of the above forms of telecommunications. Some I use daily, others on a weekly or monthly basis. For work, I mainly use email, a regular land-line phone and hand-held radios. I use email to communicate with co-workers parents and other PE professionals. I use the land-line phone mainly to communicate with parents. The hand-held radios are an extra precaution we bring with us when we take students outside, incase of emergency, we have an easy way to get help. When I do work at home, I also participate in webinars and conferences via “Skype.”

Re: Discussion Number Five (5)

Telecommunications is transferring information from one point to another through a means of electronics/technology. My experiences with telecommunications is happening everyday...all day. Examples such as emails to parents, collegues, intra-school correspondence, other coaches, website links sent to me, calendars for sports schedules, etc. Recently we had a snow day...I didn't get my usual phone chain call...I got an automated call from the school district! The largest telecommuncation mechanism is the internet, this just opens up the entrre world! The range from email - blogs - skyping - podcasts - webinars - listserv - glogsters - google docs, etc. We are truly going paperless!

I have used google docs for unit test questions in physical education class. I have had student sjust email me their presentations instead of printing them...this way I have a time stamp as to when it was sent completed and there's no excuse "Oh, my printer ran out of ink...stopped working", etc.

I recently sent out a survey for a faculty and staff wellness program using google docs...I received 116 responses in 3 days and by using the summary option, I was abel to determine with a "click" the interest of the group, the classes they wanted and when! That saved the department so much time in compiling responses.

Potential applications in physical education or coaching might include a class or team webpage, a blog about their fitness program progress, the team record and season progression, injury updates, milestones with the team, personal best achievements with p.e. class members.

I have recently started a blog about this new initiative our school is implementing. We are discussing the steps that are being taken to change the way physical education is taught, approached and it's image. There hasn't been much activity but we are hoping it will help others to get more credibility to this valuable field. I see this as a way not to reinvent the wheel but to help each other and this bulletin board and others as well, are great mechanisms just to do that.

Re: Discussion Number Five (5)

Telecommunication is the transmission of information, over significant distances, for the purpose of communication.
I have used telecommunication technology to email colleagues and parents.
I have posted assignments for graduate classes using telecommunication technology.
This class has allowed me to be exposed to using a message board to gather information as well as to post information about my specific teaching experiences.

Re: Discussion Number Five (5)

Telecommunications is communicating with people who are distant from you. I have used this type of communication by emailing parents, students, colleagues. I think it is very important. At our school we are encouraged to constantly communicate with parents either good or bad news. We must respond at least 24 hours to a parent who has emailed us even if this means that we must say "I have read your email and will get back to you in the next couple of days" so that the parent doesn't think we are ignoring them or the problem. I have found that when I e-mails I simply state the facts and do not put my thoughts/feelings about the student on the email. This has worked very well, parents want to see facts and do not want to hear what you think of their child (especially if it is a negative thought/feeling). I try and answer emails quickly and have been complemented on how fast I return an email. Communicating is essential and keeps you from a lot of trouble. I personally feel more comfortable with email than speaking over the telephone with a parent. You can always keep a copy of the email sent (documentation) but it is very difficult to document a telephone conversation.

Re: Discussion Number Five (5)

By definition telecommunication is the transmission of information, as words, sounds, or images, usually over great distances, in the form of electromagnetic signals, as by telegraph, telephone, radio, or television. Through one way or another I have used all these forms of communication but it wasn’t until recently take I started to use a device that always me access to the definition of telecommunication, the smart phone. I currently have a Blackberry Torch. This phone allows me to do everything that I need to do to communicate with others. Text messaging and emails has long replaced the telegraph. The cell phone is starting to replace the house phone. I rarely use my house phone except when people call me. The radio has been replaced by the Pandora app and the ability to load song directly on to you phone. Lastly, television is still very much used but I enjoy the ability to watch videos, especially ESPN updates, on my Blackberry.

In physical education I feel the smart phone will become more prevalent in the future. Video, music, fitness apps, grading, attendance, etc. will all be used. Also students have access to these smart phones as well. Instead of having to go to a computer lab the students can look up information during a lesson right in the gym.

Re: Discussion Number Five (5)

Telecommunications is communicating by way of a phone or a broadcast of some sort. The most obvious form is the overwhelming use of cell phones. When I take my classes out to the football stadium/track, tennis courts, or even out in the woods to build a fire, the main office as well as my fellow pe teachers know my number and to call if they need me or one of my students. On a side note, while coaching golf, I am not allowed to have my phone on during matches. In this case, I have informed our parents to call the golf shop and ask them to send someone out to me if needed.

Re: Discussion Number Five (5)

Telecommunication is the transmission of signals over a distance for the purpose of communication. As it relates to teaching physical education, this could include distance learning, such as an online course where a student may develop their own fitness plan, and check in periodically with an instructor.

With respect to coaching, telecommunication could include sending game films to athletes, and the athletes then discussing the films with the coach, either through email, or possibly a chatroom.

Re: Discussion Number Five (5)

We have actually begun using the method you suggest this past year. Our football program recently purchased a license for HUDL, which allows me as the defensive coordinator, to upload all of our opponent scout film, and our own game film as well to an internet site that stores it all in own film vault. Each player has his own username and password, and can access the film whenever they want. I have the ability to cut up the films into running plays and passing plays, down and distance, etc. and the possibilities are endless. I can then send indivdual positions specific game film, for example the D backs all receive the opponents pass plays, while the d-line gets their run plays. An even better feature allows the players to use the site to make their own highlight films, AND email their film out to any college that they want to. Since we began using this sight, we have completely streamlined our scouting operation and film study. this particular program allows for basketball and volleyball scouting applications as well at this point in time.

Re: Discussion Number Five (5)

Telecommunications is the exchange of information over a significant distance in order to communicate. Some examples are cell phones, internet, radios and television.
Using the internet is one way telecommunication would be useful in physical education. The ability to broadcast classes for distance learning is a great way to apply telecommunications in physical education classes. Teachers can use the internet to research different lesson plans for their classes or they can participate in blogs related to teaching different content areas and topics in physical education.

Re: Discussion Number Five (5)

Telecommunications involves the use of electronic devices to relay information from one person to another, or one group of people to another over long distances. Some current examples would be land line telephones, cell phones, emails, video conferencing, text messaging, and blackberry messaging, but telecommunications goes back thousands of years, to smoke signals and drums.
Telecommunications can be used in the physical education setting for setting up assignments that students can access as a means of earning back lost credit in class. For example the PE staff can organize online question and answer assignments for the various activities that we teach. If a student does not dress one day or wants to do some extra credit, they can log in and complete an assignment and notify the teacher that it has been completed.

Re: Discussion Number Five (5)


I like your idea of make ups for non-dress out students by going online and doing a make up assignment.

A couple of ideas come to my mind:

Research a favorite athlete and write a short bios.

List 5 activities that can elevate the heart rate 30% or higher.

Provide a short history of the present sports unit.

List safety rules and add any that you believe are important that are presently not there!


Re: Discussion Number Five (5)

What is telecommunications?

Telecommunication is the transmission of information over significant distances to communicate. [Wikipedia]

What experiences have you had with telecommunications?

I have had the privilege of using many various forms of telecommunications:

4G telephones

Yahoo video conferencing with my wife and her family in the Philippines.

Video conferencing with my family while serving overseas as a missionary in various nations.

Shortwave radio during the 70's and 80's.

Citizen Band radio [CB].

Radio and television.

Emailing friends around the world.

Describe some potential applications for telecommunications in physical education or coaching.

Video various cues for specific sport applications using a 4G phone, then sending it to different players on the team.

Re: Discussion Number Five (5)

Telecommunications is speaking with someone through the means of electronics. This ranges anywhere from ipods, skype, phones, cell phones, computers, and internet applications. I have used such things as skype with the computer, I have used internet video to take classes online, I am using this forum as a means of communication, and phones. Some of the potential applications for this is already being seen by having our virtual schools. They communicate through telecommunications to their students. This class is an example of telecommunications. I would not be able to take a class like this because I live in a rural area and would have to drive quite a bit to take classes like this. In the future you may be able to teach all your students in physical education by staying at home and setting up computer generated workouts for the students as they come in to the traing facility. Also I am already using telecommunications with coaching basketball because we put our videos of our games on a server for the other teams in our league to see. This makes it a much more competitive atmosphere. I was reading one of the discussions and he said that he remembers having a party line on their phone and I also remeber having this. We shared our phone line with four other families I believe. The potential telecommunications has on the aspects of coaching and physical education is almost limitless and can actually put some people out of jobs because one person can handle so many more people. Plus it can save money because you can have more students and have less space to serve them.

Re: Discussion Number Five (5)

telecommunications is the transferring of messages over a long distance. I have had some great experiences with telecommunications in my classes. It first starts with the internet. I have found so many lessons through this is a website out of the state of michigan that any teacher can submit lessons for anyone to view. I use this website for supplemental lessons to the unit that i am already teaching. I have used youtube as well for sportsmanship videos, drug related videos and training videos as well with the kids. Even using simple internet in my classroom, i can print any copies from my office to the printer and have them ready by the time i get down there.
Now that i have a droid phone, i use this for checking email at home, away on vacations, and i can come in contact with anyone school related when i need to.

Re: Discussion Number Five (5)

Telecommunations is communication at a distance. I have used the 2 way radio, my cell phone and email. At my school we carry a radio in case a student gets hurt or we need assistance. We sometimes go off campus so we carry our cell phones too in case something were to happen. I also use email as a way of communicating with parents.

Re: Discussion Number Five (5)

Michelle - Does your school require you to carry a radio, or do you have the choice of using your cell phone? My school wants us to have radios, but requires that we sign them in and out of the office each day. It's terribly inconvenient and I was wondering if they just give you one that stays in your office for your personal use/charging. This is a major safety issue that we have and yet our system doesn't work for our classes. Thanks for any/all feedback.

Re: Discussion Number Five (5)

At my school my principal gives me a 2-way radio to carry with me at all times. It stays in my office at all times and I am solely responsible for it. It was actually the principals idea for me to carry it. It is both for convenience and safety. Obviously if something were to happen the radio is quicker to use than a cell phone. Also all of our perimeter doors are locked during school hours, so if I have a kid who needs to use the restroom I can call the office and tell them I'm sending someone in. In addition to that the office can contact me if they need a student in the office for any reason. This communication tool is a very important piece to our school safety plan.

Re: Discussion Number Five (5)

Telecommunications is collaborating with others that are hundreds of miles away. You can do this by email, by you tube, a webpage, or by google docs, google presentation, and an online message board. I have a webpage for my class. Through youtube you can visually see how to teach new techniques. example

Re: Discussion Number Five (5)

Telecommunications is sending and receiving information, sounds, and images through radio, telephone, computer, etc. One of the forms I have used includes the telephone. I have made phone calls to parents of students and wrestlers for both positive and negative reasons. I used to use the phone as a way to get messages out to wrestlers about changes in times of events, or cancellations due to inclement whether. I now have wrestlers use their cell phones to let parents know when we are on the bus coming home for away events and what time they need to be at the school to pick them up. This has saved a lot of sitting around and waiting for parents to pick kids up by trying to give them a time for pick up without knowing exactly when we would be back. I use the computer to communicate through emails to other staff or administrators, and with parents, students, and wrestlers. I have voicemail to record messages from others who are trying to get in touch with me. I try not to use this too often and let others know that email is the best way to get in touch with me. The past two years, I have started a website to communicate with my wrestlers and their parents. This has worked out pretty well so far, and I am in the process of coming up with information I might use if I were to create a website for my PE classes to use as an extension of my classes. I also use computers to set up weigh in sheets for my wrestlers. All in all, I use computers most often for communication. I would like to create some podcasts for my classes for students to listen to when they miss class, as well as to have for any visually impaired students I may have in the future.

Re: Discussion Number Five (5)

Telecommunications is a way to relay information over distances. This can be done using a wide range of applications which can include telephones, cell phones, computers, two way radios, and many others. I have been using telecommunications in several forms. I use the telephone to communicate with parents regarding student concerns and progress in class. I have used the computer to send e-mails to parents and colleagues. I have used two radios to stay in touch with a secretary in our office when I take the students outside for our classes. I have used faxes to send information regarding equipment orders and have found it quite convenient for parents to send in medical excuses directly from their doctors. I have used the internet for gathering information for a variety of activities I have done in class. I have only scratched the surface with the seemingly endless uses of telecommunications.

One of the reasons I am taking this class is to find ways to put telecommunication to work for me and hopefully promote my program better and more effectively. I have read about coaches texting players about changes in practice plans especially if it is an outdoor sports. I have heard of coaches trying to find a way to break down game film and providing it to his players on their ipods so they could view game films at anytime. This might save using practice time to break down film with the players and use that extra time for improving the actual skill. Websites can be used to promote a program, give links to podcasts, useful information on related topics on the internet, and providing information to students who may have missed class. The possibilities seem endless. It will only be limited by my technical expertise and access to the different technology.

Re: Discussion Number Five (5)

Telecommunications is the ability to communcate through internet-cable-phone- etc.

I used this last year using my web pages. As a coach for a youth football league we use facebook as way to communicate our information to our parents. We also use mass email for reminders. We also use Shutterfly to post pictures of our players. Both sites are not open to the public - people must be invited and sign up through us - keeping the kids safe.

Re: Discussion Number Five (5)

Hi Leo,

I am interested in creating a facebook page for my coaching and teaching but administration is not in favor? This is strange because ove a year ago they provided training on creating a facebook page for exactly this? Did you experience any resistance from administration with this? Thanks...Laura

Re: Discussion Number Five (5)

Telecommunications is sending messages between two points. This can include text messaging, phones, two-way radios, email, the internet, message boards, professional learning communities, faxing, blogs, chats, webinars, etc. These devices allow you to communicate with another person or people. In physical education, we use emails to talk to parents, administrators, and colleagues. We can professionally develop through e-newsletters. Two-way radios can be used when you are teaching P.E. outside and need to get in contact with the school. Cell Phones can do the same thing as email and two-way radios. The internet, message boards, blogs, chats and webinars can be used to communicate with other teachers, gain and send information. Telecommunications allow you to professionally develop and communicate with whoever you want to in your career. With coaching, I can use my cell phone, and email to talk to parents, other coaches, and my athletic director. I can use the internet to promote our program and gain information about coaching. I can use webinars, blogs, websites and message boards to become a better coach. I can find coaching clinics, videos, webinars on the internet to gain more knowledge.

Re: Discussion Number Five (5)

Telecommunication is communicating with others through the use of technology over a distance. Some examples of telecommunication that I have had experience with include; telephone, cell phone, email, chat rooms, video conferencing, iPad face time, webpage, and online social networking.

Some potential uses for telecommunications in physical education include blogging and creating an online social networking site. Blogging could be helpful to teachers by collaborating with one another and sharing ideas. Also, creating a facebook page for physical education and coaching can also help teachers and coaches communicate with others, learn from each other, and keep up with what is going on.

Re: Discussion Number Five (5)

Telecommunications is the science and technology of sending information over distances. Information can be sent by way of phones, radio, TV broadcasting or simply, smoke signals.
My home experiences with telecommunications are probably no different than most. I use my cell phone to keep track of my family and the home phone to talk to people I don't know. I stay informed with the news of the day through television and internet. I communicate with my friends and loved ones through email and facebook and I've lately improved our radio experience with the use of satellite radio.
At work, I couldn't imagine having to walk across the hall to ask another teacher a question - a quick email will do. Network emailing really does save time. Disseminating information to the staff can be done in an instant as opposed to putting notes in mailboxes or calling meetings.
In the past, we've used walkie-talkies to communicate with the office when traveling out to the physical education fields. It was very convenient when I needed the nurse or when a student had an early dismissal. Now, my cell phone has taken its place. I have students with very serious medical conditions that I must be able to talk to the nurse quickly. I don't feel comfortable leaving the building without my cell phone. It's really unbelievable that not too long ago we needed a shoulder bag to carry one around.

Re: Discussion Number Five (5)

I was wondering if you had any luck with developing a facebook page? I asked my principal and he's checking into it...he kindof looked at me funny when I asked him about it. I just think I'd have more parents checking my facebook page than trying to navigate through all the obstacles to get to my school site. If you get a chance, can you let me know of any feedback that you've recieved?

Re: Discussion Number Five (5)

Telecommunication means communicating over great distances with the assistance of technology. In 2012, a cool way to communicate with others is by using Skype or FaceTime. These computer programs allow the user to have a video call with another person who could be anywhere in the world, using a computer, an iPad, or even a cell phone. This technology could be used in Physical Education for different reasons. A couple of possible uses are; following an athlete on a cross country ride or other endurance event, connecting with other students around the globe, hearing from and talking to athletes from all areas of the world, developing relationships with people or students far away by regularly checking in with them. The possibilities are truly endless!

Re: Discussion Number Five (5)

Telecommunications is communication between two people using a variety of methods. I telecommunicate all the time! I don't know what I would do without email, fax, or my cell phone. It's to the point, where most people don't even have a "home" phone.

At school I communicate mostly through email, but also through instant messager, fax and 2-way radios. Most communication at my school is through email, I would say 90% of it. In addition when someone needs to get in touch with you right away, they can also call my classroom. This is a problem in the gym, where we don't have access to a phone and we don't keep a radio in the gym. When we go outside to teach, we take a 2-way radio along with us.

Telecommunication has a lot of implications in the Physical Education setting. Often during the day, parents can't speak with us because we are teaching. In this case, it's very convenient for them to email me from work or to leave a voicemail message on my phone. I have students and parents emailing me all the time. This is the preferred method of communication.

Another implication in P.E. is the use of cell phones by students to keep in touch during our orienteering unit. Students go outside to geocache in small groups using a handheld GPS unit. Teachers are in constant communication with the student groups to learn of their destination and to notify them when it's time to return to the original meeting place. Another place where we need bette telecommunication is in the gymnasium. Reception is spotty at best and we could stream videos for use in class if this reception was more consistent.

Lastly, I communicate through email with my colleagues. We are a very tight-knit group and we share documents that we use in class. We send these to the department through email as well as sharing other ideas, thoughts and problems with each other. Unlike most other departments, constant communication is necessary and telecommunications allow us to do that more effectively.

Re: Discussion Number Five (5)

I think telecommunications simply means communicating through some type of technology. This can be communicating to my students through a webpage or wiki. This can be done in video or written form. Telecommunication can also be done with people over a great distance. This could mean that we are able to Skype with a class in Japan to learn a new sport to play in physical education. We could also teach them a sport that we do and the students could be assessed on their ability to explain the game and understand the rules.

Re: Discussion Number Five (5)

Telecommunication is communication over distance via some sort of technological device. I have communicated using AOL back in the late 90's early 00's. I have used Skype and Face time as well to communicate with family and friends. In Physical Education, telecommunication could be used to talk with other teachers in other areas of the country or even to watch what another teacher is doing in their classroom somewhere else in the country. Maybe they teach a unit that I don't currently teach but would like to add to my curriculum. We could set up a Skype feed so I could watch what they are doing in their classroom. This would be a great way to collaborate with other passionate educators around the country.

Re: Discussion Number Five (5)

Telecommunications refers to any type of data transfer between 2 points over distance. We use telecommunications as teachers all the time. We use email extensively with colleagues, administrators, parents, coaches, community members, school board members, etc. We use web searches when looking for information for lessons. We use websites to share current information with students. In this world of emerging technology, we need to keep up with technology before it passes us by

Re: Discussion Number Five (5)

Telecommunications is an important tool in Education. We use it in so many different ways and it is ever changing. Like other technology, it is so hard to keep up with it. People are always looking for different ways to communicate and technology seems to be the most interesting way. In PE we use a voice projection system that is very helpful especially for those who are hearing impaired or for some who lose focus. We have a website that communicates many things for us. We show our schedule, curriculum, our bio's and other relevant information. We try and use Apps on our iPad's or iPhones to help keep track of attendance, manage behaviors, monitor assignments, and communicate with parents. Those Apps are Edmodo and Class Dojo. I see podcasts also being incorporated.

Re: Discussion Number Five (5)

Telecommunication is communicating at a distance through electrical signals. The most common form that I can think of is through email or the internet. I am in touch quite frequently with parents through email. I believe it is the easiest form of communication today. Everyone is so busy and to be able to type down a question and hit send and wait for a response is so easy for most. I also feel that the internet is a great way to get information that is needed. Google has become a very good asset. I google lessons to bring to my program quite frequently. It os wonderful to be able to share my lessons with other PE teachers and get some lessons and ideas in return.

Re: Discussion Number Five (5)

Telecommunication is communication at a distance by technological means, particularly through electrical signals
Early telecommunication technologies included visual signals, such as smoke signals. Other examples of pre-modern telecommunications include audio messages such as music loud whistles.

Obviously, I've used a telephone, internet, radio, and television...all of which are considered telecommunications. Some of the potential applications in physical education could include a whistle, music from a stereo or skyping. Using the internet to Skype with a class from another school, town or even country. I know our classroom teachers sometimes connect with a class from England. They are also pen pals with other schools.
I would like to think of a way to have this kind of communication with another school in PE.

Re: Discussion Number Five (5)

Telecommunication refers to "any type of data transfer between two points (over distance)". Between cell phones and computers i have used telecommunications probably everyday since i was a child. I always have my cell phone on me and now can text, talk, email, and social network from anywhere with my phone. As far s PE goes being able to contact anyone at anytime allows for PE teachers to get instant answers or feedback to questions they might have. You can video conference with other teachers from around the world to get new ideas for games, you can have your class video conference with another class to watch how they might do the same type of activity differently (especially things like dances from different areas of the world).

For coaching i am always on my ipad or iphone contacting other coaches to find out results from other games, where as in the past we would have to wait until the next day to see scores in the newspaper, we can get instant feedback because of cell phones. I also have been able to scout one game while my assistant scouts another and we exchange notes and video through texts and emails while at the games. Social media can also be used to get the word out about upcoming events and games that you want people to know about.

Re: Discussion Number Five (5)

Telecommunication is communicating through electric means. I believe that telecommunications has now evolved to wireless communication. The use of email, texting, and phone calls can all be done without being connected to land line. This means that we have virtual connection to people from anywhere we happen to be as well as them having access to us. I use a laptop, Ipad, and phone in my job as a physical education teacher. I email everyday, I use spreadsheets and word processors, and I communicate with teachers, administrators, and parents using telecommunications. In PE telecommunications can be used to share information with students, parents, and others. Telecommunications can be used to in coaching to share dates, send video links, and communicate with parents.

Re: Discussion Number Five (5)

Telecommunications is relaying information with another individual using technological means. The only experience that I would have with this would be using my phone or computer to communicate with parents, colleagues, administrators, etc. I think that it would be incredible if you could use the internet to skype or communicate with PE classes all over the world. The students would love to see what PE looks like in Australia for example. It would be neat to compare and contrast sports and fitness with students all over the world.

Re: Discussion Number Five (5)

Telecommunications is a means of communication usually by some sort of technological source from one distant point to another. Telecommunications has proven to be an essential aspect to our PE staff. As PE teachers, we are not always confined to a one classroom. We have the opportunity to teach in different areas such as outside, pool area, or gymnasium. Our main line of telecommunication is our two-way radio. the two-way radio has proven to be very beneficial when the building administrators or school clerical need to inquire about a student. It is also beneficial in case a student medical attention.
The one telecommunication that I've used in coaching is the use of 2-way communication via headsets. We would have coaches in the booth looking down at the field,communicating to the other coaches on the field what they see. This was an advantage for us when it came to a specific offensive play to run against a certain defense or calling a defensive play against a certain offensive formation we see.

Re: Discussion Number Five (5)

Telecommunications is the communication over a distance by telephone, cable, broadcasting or telegraph. In school when someone has to get in touch with me they use the telephone. The secretary will leave messages for me a lot because I am in the pool area and I cannot hear the announcements. The parents will call and leave messages for me if they have questions about their child. We can have conference calls with the principal, parent and teacher.
I will take my students to the track when it is nice out. I will take my cell phone with me and if someone needs to get in touch with me they can call my cell. I can call the nurse with my cell if we have an injury. Some of our students take an online physical education class in order to pass for the year. I think that they should have to take videos of themselves doing the activity for the designated time and then send that video to their instructor.
I use my phone a lot to communicate with my players. I can text everyone on my team in one text message by using the group message feature on my phone. I can have a conference call with my assistant coaches on my cell phone. I like that a lot because we don't have to leave the comforts of home to have a meeting.

Reply to Kathy Healey Re: Discussion Number Five (5)


Some of the students at your school take a physical education class online to pass for the year? Is this for students who refuse to participate in the regular P.E. classes or have failed previously? Is it for students who have disabilities or have an injury? I am curious to know what this online P.E. class entails. Students can learn a lot about being physically active and its benefits online by doing research. Also, they can learn about the history and rules of a game online, but I strongly believe they should be physically participating in activities. You did mention that you believe students should have to videotape themselves doing particular activities and then send them to the teacher, but I’m not sure if that is occurring? P.E. classes benefit students physically, mentally, socially, and emotionally. I find this physical education class online interesting, but I would like to know more.

Re: Discussion Number Five (5)

Telecommunications is the process of communicating or broadcasting information using technology. When taking classes outside, I always am equipped with a 2-way radio that gives me access to the front office and the principal at anytime in the day. This is useful in case of an emergency, or if the office needs to contact me or a student out on the field. An area that I am not sure falls into telecommunications but have an interest in researching is video coding through scanning a QR Code. I feel there could be a huge use in QR Code signage and YouTube tutorials. Fitness stations, playgrounds, obstacle courses, etc. could be built with added signage that had QR Codes. Once scanned with a smart device, the QR Code could then lead the viewer to a tutorial or information video on that particular item. Again, not sure it falls under telecommunication - but it certainly is communication!

Re: Discussion Number Five (5)

Hi Rick,

QR Code seems to be very interesting. This is the first time that I heard about this technology and it can be used for many different things in a school and I am sure that the students would be very interested with using these codes in class.

Re: Discussion Number Five (5)

Telecommunication is the process of sending and receiving data with an electric device. The only telecommunication that I currently use is email, in which I communicate with other faculty members or parents. Some potential applications that telecommunication can have is by sending important information to students, parents, and colleagues in real time. Some telecommunication tools that can be used are twitter for class information, flicker to post pictures of skills presented in class, and live streaming where you can interact with other classes throughout the country.

Re: Discussion Number Five (5)

Telecommunications is the transfer of information between two distant places via electronic, radio or light signals. My experience with telecommunications includes telephones, cell phones, two-way radios, email, chat rooms, Websites and blogs, such as this one.

Communication is a critical element, needed to keep a school running safely and successfully. I carry a two-way radio with me whenever I take my PE classes outside. Its main purpose is for emergencies, but it comes in handy to check on students and to let the office know if class is running late. We sometimes take our classes to a park about two blocks from school. Since our radios do not always transmit good signals from this distance, I carry my personal cell phone. Email is our school’s primary method of communicating with staff. I also use it to contact parents. However, it’s important to avoid including personal information about anyone (staff or students) because all emails end up in cyberspace and may be retrieved through FOIA (Freedom of Information Act).

I plan to start a blog on my website to allow students and parents to communicate with me and other community members on topics that relate to my curriculum. Again, it’s important to monitor these carefully. I am not registered on Facebook, Twitter or similar sites because I’m concerned about security. I do not trust social media, mostly because I do not know enough about it, but I’ve heard some horror stories.

Lastly, I plan to upload podcasts and vodcasts to my website that include skill demonstrations and other information pertaining to my current unit of instruction. This will be helpful to students who miss class because of illness, injury, pullouts, or other reasons. It will also allow parents to see what their children are learning in PE class.

Re: Discussion Number Five (5)

Telecommunications is the ability to communicate with others via technology. My experience with telecommunications has been mostly through students and parents communicating through the use of email. Also, students participating in discussions on message boards or working collaboratively on Google Docs.
Telecommunications can be used in a variety of ways including sharing projects, weekly newsletters, and a teacher created webpage where students collect and chart data to be analyzed in the classroom.

Re: Discussion Number Five (5)

Telecommunications is communicating with someone through the use of technology. I have had some experience with telecommunication. I frequently use my cell phone and email to communicate with people. I have used two way radios and Skype before.

In physical education you can use cell phones and/or a two way radio when classes are outside. If a student is injured or needs medical attention you can radio or call into the office. Another scenario is if a stranger is on school grounds while your class is outside you could radio or call into the office to notify them. You can use email to communicate with families about what is going on in your P.E. classes or notify parents of upcoming events you put on. Also, you can communicate through email to let parents know how their child is performing in P.E. or let them know if there is a concern with their child. Thinking outside the box maybe you could Skype with another physical education teacher or class either locally or with others far away. Maybe students could teach other students skills or a new game through Skype or learn about another school’s P.E. program. That might be interesting to set up in the future.

Re: Discussion Number Five (5)

Telecommunications is using some form of technology to communicate with someone. Experiences I have had with these started with a telephone and a desktop computer at home. If I wanted to talk to my friends, I would call them. Now students can use chat rooms, twitter, cell phones, face time, and others to talk or message someone. At school I use a desktop computer and a laptop to communicate sometimes.
In school some ways to use telecommunications could be using a web page for classes or sports. Keeping the community involved in the school. The internet has helped students get access to information, so having students search for topics and writing or creating a project. Videoconferencing can be used for research on different countries by talking to a person from the country. WE learn new ideas from blogs and websites to help enhance our classrooms.

Re: Discussion Number Five (5)

Telecommunication is the use of machines or equipment to communicate with one another, telephones, satellites, hand held radios, and now wireless devices. Telecommunications have come a long way and are a necessary part of our world. In our department there are 8 teachers and the need to communicate with each other and the office can be vital so we have hand held radios, however, they are heavy and cumbersome making it difficult when trying to teach a physical lesson. Hopefully in the near future they will become smaller and easier to carry. Now that just about everyone has a cell phone we are able to send out reminders through an app that you can have students and parents download and simple messages can be sent out and allow parents as well as students to stay on top of assignments or upcoming events.

Re: Discussion Number Five (5)

What is telecommunications? What experiences have you had with telecommunications? Describe some potential applications for telecommunications in physical education or coaching.

Telecommunications is transmission of information. A sending and receiving of information.
Telecommunications used to be alot different. We could only communicate through a phone or 2 way radio. Now, there are so many methods of telecommunications. Some examples are; email, texting, phone, facetime, skype, snapchat, instant message, video game chats, document sharing, and electronic conferences.
I experience most of these daily at home and or work.
In physical education we can use phones and radios to communicate from our outdoor teaching stations. Email is the preferred method of communication with parents as opposed to phones in the past.
Teachers can comment on student work with online document sharing. Students in PE can comment on website posts or social media (edmodo) to communicate with each other and teachers.

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