Technology in Physical Education and Coaching

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Technology in Physical Education and Coaching
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Re: Discussion Number Five (5)

Telecommunications is when you speak to people on the phone. I speak to people on the phone every day whether it is on my cell phone or on land line.

Re: Discussion Number Five (5)

Telecommunication is communicating with the use of technology from two points such as two-way radios and cell phones. I use my cell phone on a daily basis. In physical education, teachers can use cell phones and/or a two-way radio when classes are outside. If a student is injured or needs medical attention, a teacher can use the radio or call into the office. Safety concerns and procedures such as lockdowns and school evacuations are regularly practice at my school and telecommunication is required. You can use email to communicate with families regarding grades, behaviors and let parents know how their child is performing in class. A creative idea can be a potential application is physical education teachers within the department can use telecommunication for tournaments, class vs. class competitions, and scavenger hunts.

Re: Discussion Number Five (5)

Telecommunications can be defined as "communication over a distance by cable, telegraph, telephone, or broadcasting". It is when there is an exchange of information through the use of technology. In today's world, most communication that is not done face-to-face would fall under this category. The phone, email, online social networking, and even this course would be considered telecommunication.

In my physical education class I use telecommunication in many forms. When needed I communicate with the nurse and front office with a walkie-talkie. I send email, post messages on Twitter, and keep an eboard. I have the ability to send parents text messages through a service called Remind 101.

I would also consider using Spotify as telecommunication. I am telling the service what music I would like to listen to and they then provide me with the music. At the same time they also make recommendations of what music they think I would enjoy.

Telecommunications, specifically Twitter, has enabled me to connect with physical educators around the world. I am able to search for others with common interests and exchange lessons and ideas. Telecommunications is a great way to bring everyone closer and create a professional network.

Re: Discussion Number Five (5)

Telecommunications is any way of electronically communicating between 2 parties. In our school administrators have walkie-talkies to communicate with each other, the office, and other district sites. We(PE teachers) have used simple walkie-talkies to communicate to each when outside the school building where we might be spread out. Other forms of telecommunications we use are our cell phones, email, our attendance and grading programs, and google classroom. Messages are sent to students, parents, and teachers from anywhere you have reception whether it be wifi or hard wired into the internet. All parties involved can look at grades, assignments, or announcements. Recently we have started using the Remind program. This allows us to have "text" message sent out to all "enrolled" in class or sports. This allows students, parents, and teachers/coaches to send messages without having to know someone else's phone number. This allows phone numbers to stay private.

Re: Discussion Number Five (5)

What is telecommunications?
Technologies that send information over distances. Mobile phones, land lines, satellite phones, radio, television and networks are a few examples. However in this day and age we are incorporating our smart devices as a main tool of use in order to communicate with our students. Internet pages on the web, applications specific to your teaching, video recording movement analysis, webinars, Facetime/Skype video chatting and much more seem to be the new and growing telecommunications.
Potential applications for my PE class or coaching right now have to be video analysis. The kids enjoy recording themselves in slow motion film and look at focal points of movement to see where they have mastered the skill or need help. The other obvious tool we use is a GPS tracker for time and distance in a workout. I have lessons on pedometers and Heart Rate Monitors as well.

Re: Discussion Number Five (5)

Telecommunications is the communication over a distance by cable, telegraph, telephone, or broadcasting. As a physical educator I communicate using my cell phone by calling/texting staff members, and parents. I also use email to communicate with staff members, and parents as well. I also communicate with my students by using google classroom. I post videos, assignments and announcements through google classroom. I know Skype and webinars are becoming more common. Teachers have used webinars to inform educators on instructional practices.

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