Technology in Physical Education and Coaching

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Re: Discussion Number One (1)

Educational technology is a learning tool that enhances student learning and students motivation to learn. Today there are various types of technology that can be intergrated into a classroom. Some of those include computers, heart rate monitors, pedometers, gaming devices, software, timing devices and so much more.

Within my own classroom the types of technology that I use are the computer for powerpoint presentations and fitnessgram testing. I also use pedomeeters for encouraging cardiovasular endurance within students. And gaming devices such as DDR for coordination, reaction time, cardiovasular endurance, and fun!

What I hope to get out of this coure are new ways to include technology into my curriculm. I enjoy staying current with the advances in technology and love challenging myself to be a better teacher.

Re: Discussion Number One (1)

Educational Technology is a term that is used to focus our attention to the fact that technology is a great tool to be used in the classroom. It provides many opportunities for students to learn. Creating new and exciting ways to use technology increases motivation. Physical Educators know that motivation empowers students to learn.

Computers, heart rate monitors, pedometers, soft ware, and video cameras are tools that I have used in the classroom as well as coaching. The opportunities seem unlimited with all that technology has to offer.

My goal from this class is to see what other teachers are using in their classrooms to keep their students motivated to learn. If we expect the student to learn then we need to do the same.

Re: Discussion Number One (1)

To me, Educational technology is the use of various kinds of technology in the classroom. In my PE classroom, this could be using computers, the internet, video games, video equipment, heart rate monitors, pedometers and (for teachers) PDA’s when taking roll or notes to download on the computer at the end of the day. I have used video games in my classroom that deal with exercise and dance, I have also used heart rate monitors and I would really like to use pedometers more. I use a PDA on a daily basis to take roll and notes and then I download it all at the end of the day and it makes putting together my grade book a lot easier. By taking this course, I hope that I can learn more about different technologies that I can use in my classroom and get ideas for lesson plans that include technology that I can share with my department.

Re: Discussion Number One (1)

I like the idea of using a PDA to do attendance. This would eliminate the amount of time it takes me to record it in my gradebook, since I have to take the time later to transfer it onto my computer.

Re: Discussion Number One (1)

As I view Educational technology, it is using the tools available to students and teachers that will ehance student learning, understanding, comprehension and application of material. The term technology refers to a spectrum of resources. You could consider computers, software or hardware, smartboards, heart rate monitors, pedometers, assessment systems, Ipods, DDR, Wii programs, interactive video games, etc. What technology will be used int he next 10 years hasn't even been invented yet!

My own experience with technology in physical education ranges from first using simple pedometers to currently using heart rate monitors as well as the Tri-Fit assessment system. Using technology in my classes gives credibility to the program. I am having the students use 21st century skills. There is no longer subjective grading but objective grading by using the HRM's. Either the student is or isn't in their target zone. In a society in which there is instant feedback on almost everything we do...the HRM are perfect for the students. I have used the HRM's while testing my soccer team for fitness while they ran the Cooper run. It was a great way to see teach players cardio fitness level.

I'm hoping to increase my knowledge of tools and resources for technology in physical education. I would also like to explore creative "out of the box" ways to use technology in the classroom and gymnasium.


Re: Discussion Number One (1)

In my mind, “educational technology” is a term that describes the manner in which teachers utilize current technological equipment to enhance their instruction as a means to improve the learning of their students. It permits the teacher to more effectively bring in sources not contained within the building walls and books by providing them with other mediums to meet the needs of the students/athletes.

In coaching, this can take the form of using a Flip camera to record an athlete’s performance and then going back to a computer to help them analyze their strengths and weaknesses. They could then compare that to what they find on instructional websites that focus on particular skills. For a team sport like volleyball, it can be used to help a team see its own performance as a group and to improve on their defensive or offensive strategies.

Re: Discussion Number One (1)

I agree with Meredith being able to bring resources not contained within the building is extremely important for our students. We must give them the knowledge of what else is available to them once they graduate. Most students are very proficient in using technology so we already have an advantage. Our job is to introduce the technology that is available so that they enjoy the use of technology while remaining active for life.

Re: Discussion Number One (1)

I love the idea of using the Flip camera for a coaching tool! I can video my players and they could see within minutes how to correct what they are doing wrong. It can also be used as a teaching tool within the team. They can video tape each other and then go to the computer and discuss their findings! I can also use this to show our younger players how we want to execute our plays. I can have our manager tape the older players running the play and the timing that they have to make it work. The younger players can then watch it in slow motion and they could discuss how they can run the play effectively.

Re: Discussion Number One (1)

To me "educational technology" is using technology to enhance a students understanding of the content of the subject. I am fortunate that at my school we use a lot of technology in our PE department (our entire district in itself!). We use a smartboard, for lectures on sports, and fitness information. We take our notes and make a presentation out of them and include pictures, videos, animations so that students are not bored and learn and retain the information better. Along with the smartboard, we have other attachments (document camera, and smart slate which controls smartboard from anywhere in the room). We also have heart monitors, those we use during runs and students are responsible to write down their info and they can see the different heart rates for different activities. We have a trifit system in which we conduct tests like sit and reach, bicep strength etc. (fitness gram tests) and we are able to track students progress throughout the year or 3 years. And we also have 30 portable laptops, those are just a few things, like I said, I am VERY fortunate. After completing the book, I learned a lot of new ways to incorporate technology especially in the area of projects/assignments that we could give especially on rainy or hot days. The book gave good ideas and websites for one to examine and apply to teaching.

Re: Discussion Number One (1)

Educational technology to me is defined as a tool to assist int the teaching/learning process. In physical education we need to teach students to be active for life, therefore, the technology that we choose to use should be available to them for life. As a P.E. I have used video, the Internet, Heart Rate Monitors and Pedometers as part of my lessons. As a coach I have edited video, created spreadsheets, been involved in website design and developed multiple playbooks using various programs. In this course I hope to learn more about the technology that is available to me. It is sometimes difficult to decipher what technology is effect and which is the "newest thing" to have. I also hope to learn how to use this technology in my classes.

Re: Discussion Number One (1)

Educational Technology would be a tool used to enhance students knowledge in any number of subject matters. This could be fulfilled by using anything such as a film or video, computer, smartboards, clickers, etc.. With regards to physical education, technology would come from using pedometers, heart rate monitors, electronic jump ropes, treadmills, bikes, etc.. In addition to the pe technology facets already mentioned, I also have had great success with video taping students/athletes performing various skills. To my knowledge, there isn't a more clear cut way of getting students/athletes to understand what they are doing right &/or wrong than being able to see themselves in action. Through this class, I hope to be able to implement technology into my classes, even more than I already do.

Re: Discussion Number One (1)

Educational technology is the application of scientific knowledge (usually computers) to enhance student learning. Educational technology can include many areas. From the use of graphing calculators in a math class to streaming video in US history, technology in schools is everywhere. In my setting (a large suburban high school), students may use laptops on a moving laptop cart, or type papers in one of a number of computer labs. Teachers may use a smart board to keep their students engaged and some even use a classroom set of ipod touch units to enhance learning.

In my own experience, I use a computer for grading and we also use an excel spreadsheet to develop a personal workout plan in my weight training class. As a football coach, we use video editing software to break down film on both ourselves and upcoming opponents.

As a result of having this class I hope to gain insight on how I can better integrate technology into my own lessons. I also hope to get some ideas on how to enhance some of what I do to make my classes both more modern and relevant.

Re: Discussion Number One (1)

In my opinion, educational technology is any form of technology a teacher uses to teach their students. There are many different types of technology that can be used when teaching. Something as simple as a stopwatch or as complex as a GPS with HR monitor. You can even count pencils, weights and books as more simple forms of technology. All of these technologies both old an new help to provide an interesting and relevant educational experience for the students.

Using technology can be a blessing and a curse! Sometimes we work so hard to provide lessons that are engaging and enriching, but all we really needed to do was keep it simple in the first place. That being said, using technology has helped me to make my classes more enjoyable and educational. In the past I have been able to use pedometers, heart rate monitors, projectors, video cameras, the internet for creating websites and posting assignments. All of these things have been fun for me to use as teaching tools and fun for the kids too!

In today's world the students are becoming more and more technologically advanced and it is important for education to keep up with them in an effort to provide an experience that is beneficial and enjoyable.

I hope that from this course I will discover new ways to keep up with and stay ahead of my students as I seek to provide them with an educational experience that is meaningful and gives them the skills necessary to improve their lives both in and out of the realm of physical education.

Re: Discussion Number One (1)

Educational Technology is technological tools used to help in the advancement of student learning. Certain tools that would be useful for achieving higher student learning are overhead projectors, SMART boards, video monitors, internet, etc. The use of these tools has proven to be beneficial for students and education. These tools have been used to make it easier for students and teachers when teaching new lessons and increasing student motivation.
I use these tools in my classes when teaching and re-teaching certain skills. I use the flip camera while coaching to show my players what they are doing incorrectly and that way it show immediate reinforcement.
I hope that this course can make me aware of all the different types of technology that is available to me and how I can incorporate it into my lesson and coaching.

Re: Discussion Number One (1)

Educational technology refers to all of the things that we use as teachers to enhance and support the teaching of our subject matter on a daily basis. This includes anything technology based from the use of calculators, to pedometers, video, computers, dvd's, cd's, television's, and websites. I have used technology sparingly in the teaching of my physical education classes, but extensively in my role as a coach.
I have been using film and video analysis of our future opponents since i began coaching in 1994. What started as a very rudimentary setup based on hand written notes, has evolved into a computer based scouting program that is internet based. I now have the ability to send specific playlists of certain formations, plays or down and distances tendencies to my players with the click of a mouse.
Hopefully this class will inspire me to use technology in my physical education class, in much the same way that I have used it in my coaching role.

Re: Discussion Number One (1)


Amazing use of technology in your coaching! I never realized technology plays such a huge part in competitive sports. May I ask what sport you are referring to in your video analysis? Also, what age group? Are you teaching high school or college?



Re: Discussion Number One (1)

In your own words define the term "educational technology" and describe its many facets.

I would define "educational technology" as the practical application of modern technology such heart rate monitors, websites, computerized dance pads, etc. that greatly enhance the science of physical education.

What is your own experience with the use of technology in physical education and/or coaching?

I have used Excel spreadsheets on a PDA to take daily roll, give a daily grade, and average grades for several years now.

I have thoroughly enjoyed purchasing and implementing a Dance, Dance Revolution computerized dance system.

I have reaped the benefits of designing, building, and implementing a PE website at our school.

I have designed and implemented several Power Point presentations as teaching aides in my PE classes.

What do you hope to accomplish in this course?

I hope further my understanding and usage of technology as it applies to physical education.

Re: Discussion Number One (1)

Educational technology to me is the use of any technological device to further the knowledge of my students in the area we are studying. This can range from the very simple such as DVDs or pedometers to the more complicated software for the computer, ipod and ipads.
My experience with technology in Physical Education or coaching has been somewhat limited to using DVDs, video taping, internet that i use mainly to show students skills and software that I use for their fitness testing. The software I use is Microsoft Word, Excel, and Powerpoint. I use these programs to mainly keep in contact with parents and to oraganize all the students that I have to help record the data. I also use the older version of FitnessGram but only the teacher version because I was told that our system did not support the student version for some reason. I also use itunes to help create playlists for the students to run and exercise with because I am able to put it through my computer into our PA system in the gymnasium. The video, I use when coaching and in the classroom, is so the student can have a visual idea of what they may be doing wrong or right when doing a skill or running a play with a student athlete.
I would like to accomplish a better understanding of what new technology is out there for Physical Education and how I can bring that into my classroom with the limited time I will see them throughout the year. Also I would like to get to know what other people use in their schools to get new technology on a limited budget. This will also help with the overall atmosphere of the classroom.

Re: Discussion Number One (1)

Money is an issue for me too. I work extremely hard on a fundraiser each year that I run. I also have written grants - over ten - but only received one - although that was a huge one for me - $10,000 which enabled me to buy heart rate monitors, 16 pull-up bars - a years supply of lith AA batteries.

Re: Discussion Number One (1)

Congratulations on your grant. I know exactly where you are coming from. We have tried for many grants as well. They are very time consuming, but worth it when you get one! We have done many fundraisers as well. We put a lot of time into them and sometimes don't get a big payout. We were able to hold a "Pinball" tournament during lunch periods and were able to raise over a $1000 for that chaotic 3 hours of the day:-) Good luck.

Re: Discussion Number One (1)

We were able to write a grant for 24 spin bikes. We received enough money to by LeMond RevMaster bikes with computers. We are teaching spinning in PE and for the teaching staff.

Re: Discussion Number One (1)

Educational technology to me describes any type of electronic device used to enhance educational instruction. This can range from cameras to interactive whiteboards. Though technology has been around for awhile, it seems to be exploding in our school district right now.
I was first exposed to technology when i did my student teaching. I was impressed that the PE teacher had a computer and printer right in his office. He had a grade system he was able to use as well to input grades. I first started using technology in the FLint school district my first year. I was able to get a laptop and internet in my classroom. I remember inputting grades from my desk and composing quizzes and tests to match the curriculum I was teaching.
From there I moved closer to home at Carrollton schools and they really endorse technology in this district.
It started out by using my camera and taking 35 mm pictures and posting them for parents to see at conferences. Now, this has been taken to a whole new level as I can easily take pictures with my scandisk and put them to a slideshow for conferneces. Parents really enjoy the teacher taking th etime to show these pictures during conferences.
Of course the computer has made a huge impact in teaching. I have my kids counting in spanish, korean, and french during cals just because i was able to find that information on-line and then project it through the screen. I also teach drug awareness and there are many sites i can use to educate the students. I also use my new droid phone to download music appropriate for the activity we are doing, checking email through the day and taking attendance as well. We also have wireless internet, so i can take my cart anywhere if i have to move out of the gym and just need a power source for the projector. DVD's are also very useful. I have the "supersize me" video that i show to the kids and then use the computer to print off tests. I also can print to the office right from my computer. this makes copies a breeze.
In this class, I expect to learn about different types of technology and how they impact class. I also have found out from this class what the future looks like. I can see using holograms in class to enhance the proper form in many activities that i teach.

Re: Discussion Number One (1)

Educational technology is anything that can enhance student learning or can assist in the educational process. I currently use heart rate monitors and an online gradebook. In the past I have used oximeters, pedometers, and body fat analyzers. I hope to increase my technology knowledge and make myself more comfortable with all of the technology available today.

Re: Discussion Number One (1)

We just received our new heart rate monitors and will attempt to set them up before next semester. Do/did you have any issues? How do you base your grading system in regards to the results from the heart rate monitors.

Re: Discussion Number One (1)

I would define "educational technology" as using any type of electronic audio/visual equipment to teach a certain area of curricula.
Our school encourages us to use technology in the classroom, yet when it comes to purchasing equipment/software, this area continues to get cut from our budget. Our school does have computers in every room for the teachers, but there are only two rooms in which we can take a class to in order for them to use. The core classes have Promethean boards in their rooms. Hopefully someday, the gym will as well. It would be great to use when coaching in those areas! At the moment I use computers to create documents for coaching, and for my wrestlers, and I have also created a website for my team. We also have TV/DVD to use with PE along with a Wii system.
I am hoping for this class to help with expanding how I already use technology in PE and with coaching wrestling.

Re: Discussion Number One (1)

Educational technology is the integration of technology in a classroom or throughout a school. This can be the use of hardware such as SmartBoards, computers, laptops, tablets, etc. and software such as Dragon Speak, Kurzweil, Photoshop, etc. Also, technology isn't always electronic related. Some teachers still train students to use an abacus. Many of the different instruments used in a typical band class/program are not electronic and would meet the definition of technology.

For my own experience with use of technology in P.E., we just started using TriFIT hardware/software at the beginning of the 2011-2012 SY with great success. We did a pre-assessment of all P.E. students to give the P.E. teachers and students a baseline to start the year with the goal of doing periodic assessments to see how much students have improved.

I hope to further enhance my knowledge of technology and integrate it in my P.E. program.

Re: Discussion Number One (1)

Hi Joshua!

We also have the POLAR TriFIT 700 health assessment system. Did you assess all of your students? If so, how long did it take and what procedure did you use? Do you have all of the instructional software? We just purchased the health risk appraisal and meal you have those? I am trying to figure out the most efficient way to use the system and would like any suggestions from those who are already using it:) Thanks...

Re: Discussion Number One (1)

I would define "educational technology" as as utilizing any technolgy to enhance and facilitate learning. This can include computers, software, harware, Smart Boards, cameras/video recorders, and music devices.

My experiences with technology in PE have been great so far and I keep adding more to my tools. I have utilized video recording, gaming, such as dance activity games, web sites, and web based programs to track fitness statistics.

After taking this course I expect to maybe learn some tricks to more easily integrate technology into my Physical Education class. Some aspects of technology scare me becasue of the unknown. Hopefully some of these unknowns will become more understood throughout this class.

Re: Discussion Number One (1)

Educational technology are tools we can use for a variety of tasks to enhance our students' learning. Technology gives us the opportunity for students to look at ways to acquire and apply knowledge in a variety of situations. It allows students to receive feedback on their performances faster than they could in the past and in a variety of modalities. It also gives us the opportunity to reach a greater number of student learning styles with much greater ease than in the past. These tools give us the chance to gather data and look at and improve our practice which only benefits the students' learning. It can be used to educate parents, adminstrators, and the community about our physical education programs. We can reach these groups in many ways that we have not been able to reach in the past giving us the opportunity to advocate for the importance of our subject area.

Re: Discussion Number One (1)

Educational technology: Using technology as a tool to enhance the learning process and instructional delivery of teachers. The technology provides the learner the ability to produce projects that support what has been or is being learned. The use of technology can provide the student the ability to problem solve, think, and reason. Technology helps engage the learner and provides support to what is being learning.

My experience with technology in physical education has mostly been with measuring devices and interactive devices. The measuring devices that I have used are pedometers, heart rate monitors, tanita bioimpedence scale, body weight platform and isometric strength measuring device, and blood pressure cuff. The interactive devices devices have been treadmills and ellipticals. Instructional software has included a fitness assessment system which is a part of the POLAR TriFIT 700 health assessment system that we have in our department. I am excited to use the health appraisal and meal planner software that we have purchased for this year.

I hope to learn more about what technology can do for me as an educator to enhance the leaning process of my students in physical education.

Re: Discussion Number One (1)

Hey Laura,

It seems that you really implement technology. What level do you teach? Are the students receptive to using the equipment? We have a small fitness room in out gym that students can use. We have a DDR and 2 Wii's. I usually let the students that are injured do the Wii's. WE do go over heart rate, but the students never seem to care what their are when using the elliptical and the stationary bikes. Any tips that could be useful for me?

Re: Discussion Number One (1)

educational technology is technology used to enhance a learning environment for students by using a variety of technological tools. Educational technology can include the use of audio (music, as well as editing music to fit the needs of class), video, computer usage such as, research, powerpoint, word processing, calculating. The use of smart phones, gps units, and even heart rate monitors can be a facet of educational technology. Students need to learn how to use all of this equipment if they want to make it in the rapidly changing world.

I have edited music by way of quicktime and audacity to use in my physical education classes. Mainly in use of circuits. This is good because it gets the students in a rhythm when the music is playing. when the music stops, they know to go to the next station. This can also be used for warm-ups. When the music is playing, the students are jogging. when it stops, I yell out an exercise and they are to do it until the music starts again, they is when they continue to jog.

I hope to get some good ideas to use technology in my own gym. Like the author of the book says in chapter one, the tools are out there, they just need to be implemented correctly and the teacher needs to know what they are doing to incorporate it into their classes.

Re: Discussion Number One (1)

Educational technology is using various forms of technology to help in the learning process of students. Technological hardware such as cameras, audio equipment, SMART Boards, and computers can all be used to improve students' attitudes toward learning. Computer software such as Microsoft Windows can help physical educators develop quality assessments as well as power point presentations and newsletters.
My experience with technology is very basic and limited. I have mastered the art of the newsletter and my word processing skills are average. I use Wii Fit with my students as well as Dance Dance Revolution. I enjoy adding music to my lessons as often as I can and I've recently been experimenting with video clips. I hope to become more comfortable with the technology that I already possess and more accepting of the technology that is to come.

Re: Discussion Number One (1)

Educational Technology is utilizing any type of technology or technological process to enhance my teaching and the student's learning in my classes. I am very fortunate to work in a school district that values technology and has the resources to supply teachers and classrooms with the latest in technological advancements. Each classroom in my school has a SmartBoard and a document camera. Each teacher in my building also has a MacBook Pro laptop. Our school also has a state of the art computer lab with 30 iMac computers with 27" monitors. Also in house are 2 iPad carts with 18 iPads on each. The computer lab and the iPads can be reserved for usage by any teacher. In addition, the Wellness department has 2 digital cameras, a Flip Video camera, a computer cart, complete with a MacBook Pro and Epson Projector, stereo system, wireless microphone system, and an iPod. I use much of this equipment on a regular basis, some on a daily basis. In the Health classroom, I use the SmartBoard and document camera and I use all the all gadgets in PE. We show films, Powerpoint presentations, youtube videos, our own students performing skills and routines, just to name a few usages. What I would like to do more of is to use technology to track student progress and accomplishments and have them utilize the technology for some self directed education. For instance, I envision being able to set up iPads at stations and programmed to show different levels of an exercise for students to do at their own level. I also envision students being able to video their own performances to make adjustments or correct after viewing. So although I currently use a lot of the technology equipment to teach, I am hoping to get the students more involved in using the equipment as well. In this course I hope to become motivated to use the technology I have in new and different ways!

Re: Discussion Number One (1)

Educational technologies are tools that teachers use to help facilitate learning. Often times people believe that technologies are only confined to computers, but generally can be any new machine or hardware. Furthermore, online resources such as,, and wikis, blogs and concept mapping sites can also be considered educational technologies while they are not hardware or a machine.

I often have a tough time thinking that an overhead projector or a VCR are technologies, but nevertheless they are. I suppose I am more concerned about new and emerging technologies, but those can often be too expensive for schools to purchase. They have to be fully emerged for the price to come down.

Right now I seem to be addicted to video in my lessons. It helps me assess students, helps the students assess themselves, and provides and means to communicate to the community what were are doing in class. When a students sees exactly what I'm saying about their layup they can go back and fix the problem, or moreover, film themselves again and see if they are progressing.

While I am well-versed in technologies in my own life, I often have a tough time incorporating them into my classes. I am eager to learn about new ways to use such technologies from my readings and peers' suggestions.

Educational technologies are to ease the education process and offer a multitude of educational approaches to include all learning styles.

Re: Discussion Number One (1)

I would like to use videotaping in my classes as well, but am having a hard time figuring out how to implement it into what the rest of the class is doing? Do you make it a station and have the kids film each other or how do you work it into your lesson? Do they just watch it back on the camera? Do you have them fill out an assessment sheet/peer assessment form? I know I have a lot of questions, but I really would like to try this but I'm not really sure how to go about it. Thanks in advance for answering all these questions!

Re: Discussion Number One (1)

I am going to try to do the same. If you have an iPad (or smartphone), there are apps called Coach's Eye, Ubersense and CoachMVideo. They have some great features to explore. I am going to try using it as a station. In groups of 3 or so, they will watch a 1-2 minute video demonstrating the skill (live streaming from, then practice it with their partners. Then they will use the ipad app to video each other performing the skill and email it to themselves. As a homework assignment, they will watch the video of themselves and fill out a rubric describing that skill and email it to me. (Actually, they upload it - we use Moodle for our class page where all that "paperwork" can be done). If I have more than one iPad, I will have more stations doing the same. Otherwise, the other stations will work on different skills or will be playing the game. Just in the developing stages - will see how it works in reality!

Re: Discussion Number One (1)

At my school we try to use many different types of technology. Our weight room if filled with technology including DDR, HRM's, Treadmills, Trifit Towers, etc. We also have power points that we show to go over positioning in various sports.

Re: Discussion Number One (1)

Education technology is any technology that is used to increase knowledge and/or abilities and thus improve an individual's overall mental and physical health. I have learned to use Powergrade which has increased my ability to communicate with my students on their performance in my class. I have found a website called Moodle that allows me to give knowledge tests and it grades it for me and sends all results to my site. I have introduced pedometers to give students with cardiovascular issues to participate in a different way. I am using a track and field program that allows me to keep all the stats of my team and break them down many ways as well as send them to other coaches. I hope to learn other ways in this course that will help me spend less time recording and more time teaching.

Re: Discussion Number One (1)

Educational technology is any type of machinery or equipment that can be used to enhance a learning environment. The book mentions hundreds of different types of technologies that can be used in the physical education. Items such as a computer, stereo, video, or camcorder can be considered technology but the list does not end there. Being able to send a message from one person to another or creating a spreadsheet to collect data are also types of technology that can be used in education. My experience with technology is moderate but getting more intensive each day. I use a computer everyday to create lessons and send emails. I have created spreadsheets and charts to record student data and had my students create graphs of their own to chart progress. I have a sound system that is fairly new and a projector system that is brand new. Our school recently purchased Ipads that can be used by the students to learn more about the topic that they are learning. With this course I am hoping to learn where technological advances are headed in the field of physical education. I would like to stay up to date with the changes that are occurring or I may see in the next few years. If I can learn how to add a few new technologies by the end of the course or learn a little more about a technology I already use then I feel this class will be a success.

Re: Discussion Number One (1)

Educational technology involves using technology to teach, create and help with learning. Technology is a resource that has changed the way institutions teach. Educational technology changes the way we communicate, share, and present information, it supports the learning process. Educational technology is used everywhere from administration all the way to students. The technology can be used to present material, practice, document, and assess it.

There are many applications, software programs and grading programs that can be used by teachers to enhance the learning of students. There are many pieces of educational technology that can be used as tools in the Physical Education setting such. heart rate monitors, pedometers, internet, laptops with apps, ipads with apps, digital cameras, discussion boards, teacher webpage’s, aerobic equipment and projectors. There are many videos and tutorials on the internet that are great for teaching several activities from dance to skills and strategy of sports.

We have a grading software program called Jupiter grades that allows students, parents, and faculty access to student grades at any point in time. Each student has a personal laptop with several applications they can use to document data. For example, they can use Microsoft Excel to graph and chart their steps from the pedometers. We have a wii that I hook up to the projector and play it on the big screen. Usually we put on a “Just Dance” game, one student will be in charge of the remote, but everyone in the class will mimic the dance moves at the same time. Students rotate turns with the remote. For my dance unit, I usually present each dance by showing a video found on you tube or dance sites showing other people performing the dance.

In our district, we have pedometers, wii, Mac books, Tandberg’s, projectors, ipads, digital cameras, and digital video cameras available.

With this course, I hope to gain new ideas on how to incorporate technology into my teaching, grading and assessing. Fortunately technology is valued in my district, and they are always willing to listen to new ideas.

Re: Discussion Number One (1)

I would define educational technology as any teaching tool used to help deliver instruction more effectively through non-traditional methods. Educational technology involves teaching through all learning styles at once, auditory, kinesthetic and verbal. My experience with technology in P.E. is much greater than I first realized. I have experience using heart rate monitors, GPS units (hand-held and watches), video, videotaping, using the Wii, music and video, powerpoints, imovie as well as the Internet on a daily basis.
I would like to learn about new and different types of technology that I can continue to use in my classes through this course. I also love that I get to discuss what is going on in other districts and schools around the country. I look forward to hearing and learning from others in my profession. In addition, I am always looking for new ideas for grant writing opportunities, and adding technology to a grant seems to be a recipe for success!

Re: Discussion Number One (1)

Educational technology is any use of technology that can be used as a form of learning. There are many different ways technology can enhance education. In the physical education/coach setting it can be done through computers, internet sites, heart rate monitors, pedometers, etc. In this course, I hope to discover new ways in which I can use technology to improve my teaching and also increase the motivation of students in physical education. I am hoping that I can take my class outside of the gym and be able to interact with my students in a virtual setting.

Re: Discussion Number One (1)

In my opinion, educational technology is technology that is used to enhance or better deliver the educational content of a lesson or activity that a teacher is presenting. This educational technology often allows a teacher to better reach and relate to their students. Students today are born into a digital world. They learn the ins and outs about technology from a very young age. We as teachers must keep up with this technology if we are going to retain their attention in the classroom.

I have used technology in many different facets of my life. In physical education however, I have not used technology for much more than playing music or videos, or to record students steps with the use of pedometers. I have used stop watches and heart rate monitors some but not to the capacity to which I know they can be used.

I hope to develop some new ideas for my physical education curriculum. I have access to iPads now at my school and I know I can be utilizing those in my fitness classroom. I would also like to develop some new creative ways to use older technology that I had been using.

Re: Discussion Number One (1)

Educational technology, at one point in our history, referred to the pencil that can be sharpened or the ball point pen. Both represented tools that advanced, improved, enabled the educational process - or at least, changed it. Those of us who went to school in the 70's and 80's would recognize the typewriter, eraser paper, electric typewriters and automatic erasing as tremendous advancements that helped us through school. Those pale in comparison to what "technology" has available for us as educators and students today. In real terms, the world has opened up to us and exploring it is at our fingertips. We have more tools available to us than we know what to do with.

My goal in taking this class is to get an overview of the types of technology available to me, and to begin the creative process of finding which ones I can "bring" into the gym that will enhance student learning.

Re: Discussion Number One (1)

In it's most broad sense "educational technology" is anything that can assist teachers or students in the learning process. It can be used to clarify information, expand on education, or evaluate education. However, the one thing we can not lose sight of is the fact that is can't replace education. While technology is designed to make our life easier in many ways (and it does make teaching easier in many ways), it can't be used just to entertain kids or as the sole way students attain their knowledge. When used effectively, technology not only entertains students, but keeps them engaged in learning and supplements what the teacher is trying to get accomplished. It has almost become cliche by now, but technology has certainly made the world smaller. Information on anything is a click away. The ways in which we can show our students how their knowledge is being applied in the real world is limitless.
My own personal experience with technology is fairly good. My biggest weakness is that I've never had any direction from anyone else in how to use technology in PE classes, so most of my knowledge has come from trial and error. From a logistical stand point I have used Excel as my main bookkeeping resource. I use it to record grades, create percentile charts, among many other things. I have used LCD projectors and laptop computers at times in classes. From a coaching standpoint I probably have used technology a little bit more. Mainly from editing game film and using the Hudl website and software to review film. Most good coaches are quick to embrace good technology because of how it can help them make better use of their time.
With the knowledge acquired from this class, one goal I hope to attain it to more effectively use handheld computer devices in my classes. This is the new "big thing" in education and I think there are many potential benefits to use IPhones, IPods, and IPads in class. The flexibility of the apps and other uses makes them a great resource. Another thing I wish to accomplish is to see how other teachers are making themselves better at their craft.

Re: Discussion Number One (1)

I believe that technology is a tool to assist in learning. It should be used to become more efficient at a certain task. Technology can also help learning become more fun and interesting to students. Forget TV and Radio, this generation does not now life without computer and touch screen technology. They touch it, it appear like magic. You do not have to rewind anything anymore. Technology can have a negative effect as well. I am seeing more kids use it to be lazy and less efficient. Our school district has spent so much money on technology. It is amazing how much technology we have but our test scores are actually worse than the schools around us. Our MS and HS students use it more for recreation than a learning tool. It can be a distraction, if it is allowed to be one.

We use technology for numerous things. We use it to assess students. The students use it to self assess. Data Collection, Attendance, Medical Info., Demographics, Video Analysis, and multiple applications. We like to GarageBand our music for stations.

Technology Devices we use: Computers,iPads,iPod,iPhone,Pedometers,Radio,Wireless Microphone System,Smartboard,
TV,DVD player, Scoreboards, and more.


Re: Discussion Number One (1)

Education technology encompasses so much. There are so many tools out there that help all types of students learn. Ipads, computers, audio equipment, pedometers, cameras etc. There is no one type learner. Technology is here for all to use to assist and guide the learner.
In my P.E class, I use music,an audio system so that all students can hear and I also use my Ipad when appropriate. I am really starting to branch out into different ways of bringing technology into my classes and this course will hopefully give me new ideas on how to do that.

Re: Discussion Number One (1)

Educational technologies can assist students in physical education classes by providing a more creative and motivating way to engage in physical activity.
In my PE classes I use music from an ipod/stereo to start and stop activities/tasks. I have started to use xbox/Kinect in my dance units that requires a projector and screen. I have also received a grant for Fitnessgram to be recorded online database. This will record the students scores and keep them from 5th grade until 12th grade.

I have started to use my ipad for coaching soccer. There are several apps that allow you to input rosters and positions and use the ipad to demonstrate drills and plays for practice and games.

I hope to learn new ways to incorporate technology into my PE classes and any new ideas/concepts would be great.

Re: Discussion Number One (1)

I teach K-4 and I also use music in class quite a bit. The music helps create the mood for the activity and also helps with transitions from one activity to the next. I also find it helps with the atmosphere of inclusion. Behavior that is off task for whatever reason seems to be \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\"glossed over\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\" by the music and the other students can easily stay on task instead of fixating on the behavior.

I am seriously looking into getting a projector and screen to add variety and interest to my curriculum. Creating a PowerPoint slide for instance and have it on in the background with all the instructions and important aspects of the activity would be very helpful. Also there are a lot of free online resources I could project for the students to enjoy and learn.

I can envision videoing students creating tumbling routines and playing it back on the screen for all to see, they would love that! I am also interested in trying to get funding for a Bluetooth speaker to play music in class.

Re: Discussion Number One (1)

To me "Education Technology" is any type of technology that can be used to enhance the education of students and or teachers. there are different types of technology that can be used in the school setting along with at home. For the fitnessgram testing that we do, we recieved a grant and now upload our scores to the NFL play 60 website. I have also used a web page on the school website to promote and advocate for our PE program. Have used digital cameras and my iphone to take pictures to upload to our website. There are links to other sites along with valuable information about our program as well on our web page. For coaching i have used video taping and a website called that helps to break down game film so that my coaching staff and players can watch film at any time.

I hope to increase my knowledge of technology and to discover new and exciting ways to incorporate more technology into my PE program

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