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Saving Palace dolls onto my computer

Hi I am so glad there is a forum here...well my question is I have the Palace and know how to make dollz now but how do I save the dollz I make in the Palace onto my computer???? I would like to feature the dollz I make in th Place on my page but don't know how to save them on my computer or on a disk please help!!!! Thanks in advance

Re: Saving Palace dolls onto my computer

You can use the MS Paint program on your computer, or if you have something better like Paint Shop Pro you can use that. Check this page out for how to save your dolls from the palace to your computer.

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Replying to:

Hi I am so glad there is a forum here...well my question is I have the Palace and know how to make dollz now but how do I save the dollz I make in the Palace onto my computer???? I would like to feature the dollz I make in th Place on my page but don't know how to save them on my computer or on a disk please help!!!! Thanks in advance