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Hey Thanx 4 clickin see i worked really hard on my page but no one goes to it and i would really like it if you could go to my page at it has a lot of dolls back grounds doll maker and a bunch of other stuff thanx a lot l8terzzzzz


That site is made well but most of the picz. don't come up and if u press show picz. it won't come up either. Mayb thats y no1goes 2 ur site. put sum new stuff on that will show up and tag it under attention again and ill loook at it thx 4 lettin me c ur site!

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Hey Thanx 4 clickin see i worked really hard on my page but no one goes to it and i would really like it if you could go to my page at it has a lot of dolls back grounds doll maker and a bunch of other stuff thanx a lot l8terzzzzz