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Welcome to the Pan Forum... Everything related to the steel pan will be discussed here... The Voice of the Pan instrument as interpreted through the Pan players, arrangers, tuners, and you, the Pan Lover  as you meet and greet right here in the Pan Forum! This is your very own Panyard where you all can share thoughts, ideas, experiences and information. This Pan Forum is the place where your informative exchanges are setting the scene for Pans acclaimed recognition, on the world stage! Everyone is welcome! Big and small Give your views, share it all!

When Steel Talks
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Re: Panorama 2002

Interesting perspective - thanks for the vote of support for Despers, but thumbs down for the unnecessary "kick in the ass" for BRADLEY - re: the jibe you made - true or not - it did not appear that you thought that "fact" - cost Despers a higher place in the 2002 Panorama.

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Replying to:

I think this year, the panorama judges should be ashamed to place bradley and the desperadoes in 5th position. They played first and they played the arrangement of Savannah on fire, which was the best soca arrangement this year. Phase 2 came up second and Exodus third which is normal i think, but desperadoes 5th ...

I guess bradley has finished his coke and jumped from the highest peak of Laventille.

Re: Re: Panorama 2002

Phase II had the best arrangement that night. It was filled with music and excitement and it was clean, The ending was unexpected and powerful. All Stars should've never won that panorama, they were too repititious. Starlift should've place 4th or 3rd, they should've never placed last. These judges don't know music. Bradley's song was good but the song wasn't clean. Take a close listen.