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Re: DelPrado by Subscription

If "subscription sets" is the wave of the future in this hobby, count me out of it entirely. I'll go back to just FD memorabilia, & firearms.

Re: Buy separate models for $ 17,50 ex shipping at my place, only the ones you want

Re: DelPrado by Subscription

It appears this company is coming to the US. However, their new US domain name is not registered in the US.

You can to to and click on Contact is USA for the phone number and contact information.

I emailed the contact to see if I can get some additional information. If I do, I will post it on

Re: DelPrado by Subscription

Regarding the post from fyerfyter 146, it does seem that more companies are trying the subscription route, with NMM's series and now Del Prado trying it out in the US, but I doubt that many other companies are going to go that way. Remember Matchbox Collectibles' subscription series - the fire apparatus seemed to do alright (until they got into the very early apparatus), even though, like Del Prado, the scales were not uniform. Del Prado is probably just trying to see if the concept that's been limited mainly to Japan and Europe would work in the US, given all the interest that their series have raised among fire collectors here. Del Prado has released a number of series of many different items for collectors, not just fire apparatus. What I'm hoping is NOT the wave of the future is Code 3's practice of forcing collectors to buy a whole set of almost-identical models to get one piece.

Re: DelPrado by Subscription

The DelPrado USA contact information has been there for a good year. I've mailed them in the past and received a slim print catalog in the mail some weeks later.


Re: DelPrado by Subscription

Does anyone have a list of the 25 models in the series they are offering from this flyer?

Are most of the remakes of the older Matchbox series?

This forum will require renewal on August 3, 2009 (38)