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Re: Top Code 3 Flops

I think they should and could have asked $550 for the Super Pumper, and got it. Maybe it came too soon after the continuity sets?

Poor marketing to the Obi Wan freaks doomed the Skywalker DP. I would have believed it was golden. Now just space dust.

And of all the gaggers, the blue capped Cubs was an atrocity, almost like their record in the Majors.

Re: Top Code 3 Flops

I would say add the ALF Century(so called Century), & classic Seagrave tiller to the list.... proof that even junk will "sell out."(& yes, the really stupid "burning house" was a relatively fast "sell out" too...within a few months, & lets no forget the so called Syracuse Sutphen...also not even close to what it was said to be, yet mysteriously "sold out.")

To me, a sell out doesn't make something not a failure.

Re: Top Code 3 Flops

not really big on the cubs engine but hell i bought 5 during the sale to give to people for holidays....golden baby

Re: Top Code 3 Flops

As far as total dollar flops, the FDNY baseball apparatus have to take the prize. As far as the Super Pumper sets, Code 3 has made a small bit of money on those and they continue to sell but slowly. Consider that although a certain issue number of any model are announced, whether that many are actually made is debateable.

Re: Top Code 3 Flops

JM82, There's no bigger Cub fan than me. and I didn't buy it.

Re: Top Code 3 Flops

I almost forgot about the millenium series!

Re: Top Code 3 Flops

1 Sending away the nice employees who knew what customer service was

2 Making special clubmodels less then there are clubmembers, and selling part of it to a dealer where you don't have to be member.

3. Promising a minimum of a model a month, let it happen twice, miss one month, miss the Xmas model, and not adjusting your rewardprogram towards actual possiblities

Re: Top Code 3 Flops


HANS, I think you hit the nail on the head.


Re: Top Code 3 Flops

The Millenium Series was a Super Flop. Like an Idiot, I ordered three full overpriced sets direct (when I was a member). Now they are high priced (but very colorful) junk gathing dust in my storage closet.

I also agree with the post that C3 could have asked $500.00 or more for the Superpumpers, and they did come to soon after the Rescue & Squad Series Sets.

It's just poor marketing decisions if you want my two cents.

Re: Top Code 3 Flops

Not to raise the level of culture on this board too much, but the statements that Code 3 could have charged $500 for the Super Pumper set brings to mind a scene from one of Shakespeare's historical plays (I believe it's King Henry IV Part I) in which one character brags, "I can summon spirits from the vasty deeps," to which another replies, "Why, so can I, or so can any man - but do they come when you call them?" Point is that Code 3 could charge anything they wanted, but could they sell them at that price? I believe they probably could have gotten $500 from the diehard SPS fans, but they would have had to reduce the release quantity to about the same for the earlier squad sets instead of the 10,000 that was announced. Had they done that, they would have had a sellout and made a killing, instead of having a warehouse full of thousands of unsold sets. I may be underestimating Code 3's stubbornness, but I continue to believe that we'll see the SPS at sale prices this year. Way overestimating the willingness of collectors to pay the big price of the SPS with its 3 satellites (which may have been one of the catalysts for the reduced releases in 2006 and some of their other cash flow problems) is what qualifies the SPS as a "flop," not its quality or its appeal to a limited number of collectors.

Re: Top Code 3 Flops

I think back to the size of the box the set came in--HUGE!!!! I can't imagine that 10,000 pieces were produced--just like the Jack Daniels pumper--I ordered it late and conseqently had to wait 4 months for it to arrive because mine was part of the second wave production. So I wonder if only half or a third of the 10K SPS were produced. One box takes up the space of probably 10-15 engines in a warehouse. I gotta figure that they had to produce X with an option for X more. I truly don't think we will see a sale anyime soon.....think about it--how long did it take before they put diamond plate 2 (CFD E102) on sale--almost 5 years later! For sure, SPS will go on sale but it probably won't be until Code 3's going out of business sale....I give them less than 5 years--3 if better competition blows the market wide open.

Only time will tell.......

Re: Top Code 3 Flops

$500 for the SPS????? Not only did I not order it, I wouldn't have paid only $100 for the set.

Re: Top Code 3 Flops

Now, I would definitely pay $100, even $250 for the SPS set. I ordered, then cancelled two sets. I am pretty sure we'll see the price come down because it's a huge issue quantity of very limited interest.

Re: Top Code 3 Flops

I would have to say the biggest flops are the FDNY Super Pumper Set, The Fort Worth Set, The San Fran Classic Seagrave Ladder, and the two green trucks from Chicago. I t would have been allright if Chicago would have ran some green trucks but i don't like made up engines.


Re: Top Code 3 Flops

Surely the Interschutz Inferno. They couldn't give that away free at a street corner. It keeps showing up on e-bay and not selling. Fake, ugly and pointless!

Re: Top Code 3 Flops

I think the fire bell suburban had to be the biggest flop, they all had to be given away.

Re: Top Code 3 Flops

Last I heard anyone selling the Fire bell Suburban made a pretty good profit.Not too bad for a Suburban.

Re: Top Code 3 Flops

"Definately Not a Flop"

I think everyone missed the Joke, ....they had to be given away.....DOH!

Re: Top Code 3 Flops

Hey Pete.....if I remember right, didn't they give them away and charge 10 bucks for shipping then pomise to give Rescue Rewards to make up for the goof!

Re: Top Code 3 Flops

Hey John, yeah, way to go.
You've got me back now. havent you?

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