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Re: The ads and pop-ups are back

Yes they are,and all started yesterday

Re: The ads and pop-ups are back

Not only are the pop-ups back, but this web host site (Bravenet) appears to have recently been installing spyware!

I routinely run anti-spyware programs (Ad-Aware SE)and (Spybot). The other day Ad-Aware found a Tracking Cookie called a Data Miner apparently planted by Bravenet. I removed it.

Then today when the pop-ups and ads started I grew suspicious and changed back and forth from Mozilla Firefox and Internet Explore to see if there was any difference. There was very little difference. I reinstalled Google Pop-up Blocker and there was no change.

Then I ran Ad-Aware and found THREE Data Miner Tracking cookies - all reporting to Bravenet.

Here is what a Data Miner Tracking cookie is:

A tracking cookie is data stored on your computer in the form of a cookie and is shared between two or more websites to enable them to track your movements across the web. This will help them gather information about your interests and tailor special marketing for you and gather statistics when visiting their sites. While these tracking cookies are NOT in any way harmful for your computer you might feel they are an intrusion to your privacy.

Thought I'd share this with you all.

Re: The ads and pop-ups are back

Bravenet has been setting a data miner for a long time. Now there is even more spyware oozing from them. I usually run AD-AWARE every day that I am on line.

Re: The ads and pop-ups are back

You are correct 146,

But this data miner seems to be random. I can visit this site without any trouble for many months, but every once in a while the Bravenet cookie shows it's ugly head.

I'm not sure YET if it is planted by clicking the "X" (close window) on the pop-up. But if I get interested enough then maybe I do some more testing.

In the mean time, I'm going to ask Larry at Fire to see if he will put his forum in the tryed and true real-time post format that is used on the tryed and true ATEV board. Perhaps we should move over there?

Re: The ads and pop-ups are back

You are welcome to use the Forums on With this new forums software you can post photos from your home computer into your post.

I ran a poll and collectors wanted two catagories "General" and "Kit Bashing".

Re: The ads and pop-ups are back

Like Jeff, after being flooded with ads, popups, and even a new ad url jumping up on my taskbar, I ran trusty Ad-Aware and it turned up three separate data miners reporting to Bravenet, and three others on a second scan. Guess Ad-Aware and Spybot will be working overtime for awhile now.

This forum will require renewal on August 3, 2009 (38)