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Re: Lime LAFD Engine 51

There are two versions of the LA 51 Seagrave. The origonal had a metal antenna on the rear portion of the roof. Code 3 recalled all LAs (Lime and Reds) as it may have been a hazard to the stupid and clumsy. They made about 5000 limes, so it is plentiful, but it was issued around 1997, so it may be scarce. The recalled/antenna removed versions all appear to have been placed in new boxes before redistribution.

An LA 51 with antenna, in an unopoened box with sleeve would be worth $350 plus to an avid collector. There may only be 100 to 300 out there, maybe less.

An LA 51 without antenna in an unopened box with sleeve would be worth around $100 to $125 to an avid collector.

An LA 51 without antenna, issued in Canada, with gold Maple Leaf on plinth, in an unopened box with sleeve would be worth $200 to $300 to an avid collector. I've heard that only 250 were issued this way (very rare).

Out of box, with antenna around $75 to $125.

Out of box without antenna around $50 to $75.

It really depends what type of collector wants it. If just to place in a display case, most would opt for the least expensive.

I tracked down a bunch with antenna when I was first informed about the history of this issue. I'm still trying to discover if any of the canadian issues were offered with an antenna, but from what I could learn, I believe not.

Problem is, Code 3 won't give out any information concerning what was issued, or returned and reissued. They probably don't honestly know thenselves, as they were just starting out at the time. Hope that helps.

Re: Lime LAFD Engine 51

Thanks for the information! I really appreciate it!

Re: Lime LAFD Engine 51

And dont forget, the canadian one came with its own certificate, hand numbered, which had the model in color, and was sealed in laminate.

Re: Lime LAFD Engine 51

British Pete. Thanks for that info. I haven't opened the package, but I could see the card (upside down, reversed) between the cardboad and the clear shield. I didn't know that it held a photograph in color of the issue.

Do you know if the yellow Winsor has the same type of card, or was it only included with the LA issues? I don't open my boxes. Thanks.

Re: Lime LAFD Engine 51


As far as I know all of the early Canadian releases have the laminated card. My Windsor models do as did my Wasaga and LA models I had.


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