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Re: Lime LAFD Engine 51

Thanks for the information! I really appreciate it!

Re: Lime LAFD Engine 51

And dont forget, the canadian one came with its own certificate, hand numbered, which had the model in color, and was sealed in laminate.

Re: Lime LAFD Engine 51

British Pete. Thanks for that info. I haven't opened the package, but I could see the card (upside down, reversed) between the cardboad and the clear shield. I didn't know that it held a photograph in color of the issue.

Do you know if the yellow Winsor has the same type of card, or was it only included with the LA issues? I don't open my boxes. Thanks.

Re: Lime LAFD Engine 51


As far as I know all of the early Canadian releases have the laminated card. My Windsor models do as did my Wasaga and LA models I had.


This forum will require renewal on August 3, 2009 (38)