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I'll NEVER EVER buy another continuity set AGAIN. I'll wait from here on out--if it sells out so be it.

Ok....I can see the squads at 50% after over a year, but the SPS at 50%, that's a complete rip. I bought Ladder 26 at the last "blowout" for $44. Now it's lower than that. Guess they can't give it away. Bet the JD Ladder is next to get put on sale. If they can't sell the pumper, I'd be hard pressed to think they could sell the ladder.

What doesn't make any sense is why are Rescues 5, 4, 3 offered individually and 1 and 2 not? You would think they produced equal qunatities.....or am I off base?

I'm really looking forward to see what repaint they issue next week......

I know this post is going p-off the C3 faithful, but that's the beauty of this board. You can offer an opinion. With that said, hope some of you get some bargins while you can.

Happy Memorial Day weekend. Be safe everyone.

This forum will require renewal on August 3, 2009 (38)