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Re: Navy Crashtrucks from code 3

Oshkosh repaints. Red with white upper cab in NAVY standard. Yawn.

Re: Navy Crashtrucks from code 3

They are the Oshkosh T-3000 Crash trucks. The Norfolk one is pretty spiffy if you ask me, and the real life Crash 16 is even spiffier :)I will be buying one or two. I sensed something was up when there were alot of pictures being taken of it a few months ago, I didn't think to put it together when Code 3 announced they were doing Navy Crash trucks. I was surprised to see one from NRMAFES.I figured it was going to be some other Navy base, but then again this is the world's largest Navy base so it makes sense. I am glad they did one though, its cool in my opinion.

Location: Va Beach, VA

Re: Navy Crashtrucks from code 3

Thanks guys for the info. Don't think I'll buy one though. I've got a couple of the original ones and being at ex-USAF ARFF guy I really don't want a swabbie truck in my fleet.

Location: Smyrna, GA

Re: Navy Crashtrucks from code 3

Why does being the world's largest shipyard give it a guernsey, Code 3 is yet to produce ANYTHING from the worlds largest volunteer fire service....

Location: Sydney Australia

Re: Navy Crashtrucks from code 3

And why should they, they are after all, american firetruck modelmakers, why dont you try getting some of your own oz modelmakers to do them if you want them that badly.

Location: London UK

Re: Navy Crashtrucks from code 3

Finally something NEW!

Re: Navy Crashtrucks from code 3

NO...NOT NEW...simply repaints of models released several yeas ago. C3 doesn't understand what new means.

Location: Smyrna, GA

Re: Navy Crashtrucks from code 3

I would imagine you will be happy with these Chuck...just think of an endless supply for more of your bashes...way to go Code 3.

Re: Navy Crashtrucks from code 3

The long sobs of the violins of autumn Wound my heart with a monotonous languor

Re: Navy Crashtrucks from code 3

What great event did the above line signify?

Re: Navy Crashtrucks from code 3

The start of D-Day..the Normandy invasion...June 6, 1944. It was the radio message broadcast to the french resistance to inform them that the invasion was going to start.

Location: Smyrna, GA

Why Oshkosh and not the Titan?

Didn't the origonal Oshkosh sell for $39.99? These will probably go at $69 to $79. On ebay you can pick up an Oshkosh for as low as $25 with shipping, but a Titan will cost close to $85 everytime. Seems to me that the Titan is the more popular model.

Their marketing director should have chosen a Titan, as sales would eclipse the Oshkosh. I'm sure NAVY or USAF runs the E-Ones, in whatever P Military designation.

I can't tell them how to run their business, but I feel that knowledge of what the collector really wants still alludes these people.

I'll stick to ebay for supplies, and more Oshkosh on the market will definately lower the resale price.

My 2 cents.

Re: Navy Crashtrucks from code 3

We don't have any Titans in our fleet. Only T-1500's and T-3000's. There is talk that we may get some Strykers in the US Navy Federal Fire fleet in my region.

Location: Va Beach, VA

Re: Navy Crashtrucks from code 3

Can't we get it right it's STRIKER not STRYKER!

Re: Navy Crashtrucks from code 3

Wasn't Stryker the studio executive who was actually the head of the covert intelligence unit on the 1980s science fiction show UFO?

Re: Navy Crashtrucks from code 3

Nope. That was Straker.

Re: Navy Crashtrucks from code 3

The Stryker is a family of eight-wheeled all-wheel-drive armored combat vehicles produced by General Dynamics Combat Systems.
A striker is a person who decides not to work untill conditions get better.
Except in Mexico.
It turns out people in Mexico who decide not to work are called Mexicans.

Location: London UK

Re: Navy Crashtrucks from code 3

Its been pointed out to me, that my above post is not politicaly correct.
So I must add, that in mexico, people who WANT to work, are called busboys or housemaids.

Location: London UK

Re: Navy Crashtrucks from code 3

"NO...NOT NEW...simply repaints of models released several yeas ago. C3 doesn't understand what new means. "

Typically, this post identifies the new releases on tap for Code 3 Collectibles and I hope I have prepared you for the fact that it will not happen as we initially planned. Previously, I have tried my best to explain the host of situations causing disruptions in the established production schedule and I hope you understand our challenges. However, tools are now in place, test shots reviewed and all that remains is getting the production schedule back on track.

In light of the manufacturing being in a state of flux in Asia today Code 3 made a decision to gain greater control of its own destiny by changing manufacturers. This is a time consuming process and has pitfalls along the way. The progress is good and we will be back on schedule soon. When the schedule is set for the remainder of 2008 there will be information on new releases on a quarterly basis.

Since there are a lot of comments regarding production in China, I took the time to contact a few friends in the die cast business to see what has been happening with them in the past several months. In all cases I was told that they were suffering the same problems regarding production scheduling, tool movement etc. These companies are all involved in die cast vehicles.

Re: Navy Crashtrucks from code 3

Put that in your resume and apply for a Code 3 position,
your message simply points out the deficiences faced by all diecast manufacturers....they all put their eggs in one basket with the achieved intent of keeping prices down for a reasonable quality level(Code 3 was the exception in some cases )and got shown up to be exactly what they are .....companies with thoughts for nothing but their respective bottom lines and themselves.....they need to recognise that collectors wants and needs change and they need to change with them.

Re: Navy Crashtrucks from code 3

THose were excerpts from the Code 3 newsletter by John Dunkel....

Re: Navy Crashtrucks from code 3

Oh well another wasted night waiting up until 1am to see what load of poop JD will bring but nothing not even a dry fart.....

Location: Sydney Australia

Re: Navy Crashtrucks from code 3

I'm looking for a crash-truck,that would fit my bill,it has to be driven on the any freeway ,or road empty,except basic fuel and oil,taking it from the dealers shop to my place,in California,it would be used to transfer water to other fire-fighting equipment,I would be getting my water from the creeks,brooks,rivers,using a portable water pump,to fill the water tank,in the crash truck :detr.diesel/allison automatic/air-brakes :

Location: south lake tahoe,california 96150

This forum will require renewal on August 3, 2009 (38)