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Re: When Should The Moderator Step In?


This is the only board (aside from Matchbox Collectors Community Hall) that I frequent. You have done a great job and a great service keeping the best board in the business alive.

While I think some posts certainly push the limit, I think it is valuable to see this and to remember the posters. It is a valuable resource when considering to trade/buy/sell with this individual.

If someone is that offended by what is written, they don't have to read it.

I do think, however any profanity laced, sexually explicit, or racial attacks on a poster are highly inappropriate and very offensive if you are a first time viewer on the Board. But those are rare (THANK GOD!). Should they be deleted? I think so, but I'm not the moderator.

For the most part, the survivability of this Board is because you have allowed people to say what they want. You'd like to think we're all adults here and can handle the responsibility, but keep in mine, most of us are all grown up and are still playing with toys

Chuck's post was a benign statement of his experience, how it took on a mind of it's own after several people began responding is unfortunate, but it is what it is.

This is a great Board and I don't want to see it change or have to be policed.

Re: When Should The Moderator Step In?


I concur with the above sentiments and this board is a glowing example of maturity in moderation and also a perfect example of persons frequenting a board being adult and not needing a great deal of moderation(maybe it's the medications...he,he,he). The only time any board needs to be pulled into line is when the comments become unacceptable to a point where younger ones will be exposed to obscenity and breeches of etiquette that normal society should not tolerate...but then how do we explain George Bush, Hillary Clinton and all of those other political obscenities that habituate every TV screen.

Re: When Should The Moderator Step In?

When posts start to defame and become personal get rid of them. Some of us posting maybe adults (although there are some doubts there) but kids probably read the forum as well, after all we are talking about toys etc. This board is useful to collectors, but what I have seen from a few posters recently the board needs a moderators eye kept on it. If some don't like being moderated and it will be only some, let them leave!

Re: When Should The Moderator Step In?


O B A M A my man, O B A M A/B I D E N


Location: Florida

Re: When Should The Moderator Step In?

When the same person keeps posting the same whining on every die-cast board there is. We get it...your upset...enough already, get a life and move on

Re: When Should The Moderator Step In?

Ok there Troy your just as invovled as anyone else

Re: When Should The Moderator Step In?

""O B A M A my man, O B A M A/B I D E N""

There goes what's left of the constitution!!

Anyway.... delete if there is profanity, or threats/attacks. Leave honest reviews & opinions.(whether they are "popular" or not)

Jim from western NY state.. a PROUD NRA member!

Re: When Should The Moderator Step In?

""O B A M A my man, O B A M A/B I D E N"

Equal time.....

""N O B A M A/N O B I D E N""

Re: When Should The Moderator Step In?

I agree with most here who believe that posts should be deleted when they are laced with profanity or insults.

Honest opinions and personal points of view should remain, as they always have here. That quality is what sets this board aside. Lack of heavy handed moderation makes for some "lively" discussion, but it's seldom mean spirited. When it is, and posted by some "anonymous" person, most of us know who it is by the tone and texture opf the post, and it's usually just one person against another anyway.

In some other places, reaonable opinions that disagree with the official board dogma are deleted, or the poster is "warned" off.

With the very act of moderating, the moderator runs the risk of becoming biased or subjective, and can fall into moderation to suit his own agenda. This includes "officially approved" character ssassinations by "officially sanctioned," yet anonymous, character assassins. I saw it, and I still can't believe it.

Re: When Should The Moderator Step In?

When a justified complaint is received or there is potential for considerable offence. I've stopped visiting 2 other boards because they became offensive and meaningless to my hobby. one of them is over moderated the other could do with some.

Location: Not here

Re: When Should The Moderator Step In?


That's a thought-provoking question. Since this is your board, you clearly have the right to make the call. Since you asked, in my opinion personal attacks or comments that contain profanity should be removed. I suppose someone might say that strongly disagreeing with another person's opinion might be construed as a "personal attack," but to paraphrase a past Supreme Court justice's response when asked how he defined pornography, "I don't know, but I know it when I see it." In other words, back to your call. If it was up to me I'd delete any post with political references like some of the above. I have strong political beliefs and wouldn't dream of prohibiting others from expressing theirs, but this forum is based on a common passion for collecting model emergency vehicles, which we share regardless of political viewpoints. Adding in the political aspects just risks an angry exchange over something that has nothing to do with the subject of the board.

Lastly, I just have to say in regard to this post above: "If someone is that offended by what is written, they don't have to read it," - how would someone know they were going to be offended by a post unless they read it??? After they've read it and are offended by it, can they "un-read" it?

Location: Woodbridge, VA

This forum will require renewal on August 3, 2009 (38)