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Re: Matchbox Pierce

OK I will start with the last question and work my way up.

DLM = Diecast Liberation Movement; this refers to taking the models out of the package. This would be opposite of keeping everything mint in package.

IN regards to short packing, it really has to do with the cost of a model. In order to achieve profit levels a case of cars cannot exceed a certain cost. Therefore models that have a higher manufacturing cost eat into margins. Even if that is only a couple of cents, it can really add up over a year.

This one will be popular but it should be around for several releases.

I also think it may be a bit larger than 1:123. However at 1:123 it would be just over 30' long in 1:1. That is pretty close to our top mount.

I think the top of the cab is made separate in order to make a 2 tone scheme easier to do. I doubt we will see different cab options. Again the extra piece adds cost to the model. But in the end it makes a nicer looking model.

If I get extras, I hope to use the rear body to make a light rescue on an HO scale F350 chassis.


Location: PA

Re: Matchbox Pierce

I understand that some cars cost more to produce than others, but if thats the case, wouldn't you want to flood the market with them to reap more return? If a particular car is short packed, and not a 99 cent car goes for $10-$15 on ebay, that does nothing for the diecast producers bottom line. Mattel did the same thing with the Batmobile last year.

Location: Baltimore

Re: Matchbox Pierce

It is hard to explain but it has more to do with profit margins than over all profits.

Consider this, if you packed the entire case with these models, then you would make less profit than if you packed with other models that make more per car. Mattel sells all they make. Making more of a higher cost/lower profit model affects the bottom line. So flooding the market doesn't work on a fixed profit margin. Basically you are working harder for the same net profit.

It really is the margins that keep companies in the game. The alternative would be different prices for each model. No one wants that.


Location: PA

Re: Matchbox Pierce

I guess this is why I'm just a dumb fireman and not a marketing still just don't get it. I have no idea what the production runs are on individual models, but for the sake of argument, let's say it's 10,000 per car. If you put 50 cars in a mixed case, but specifically make sure one particular car is packed only one per case (or in the case of the Batmobile it was reported one per every third case) I don't see where the profit margin comes into play. You would still have the 10,000 cars to distribute, and by making them "rare" to drive the secondary market increases the profit for the ebay or flea market seller, not Mattel.

Location: Baltimore

Re: Matchbox Pierce

Yeah we are all just dumb ol' FF.

First you have to remove the secondary market form considerations because it doesn't play at all in to Mattel's (or any other company's) consideration.

But the MB cases are packed 48 cars for the US to the case right now. The short packing means only 1 per case as opposed to a standard 2 per case. For easy math assume that Mattel makes 10¢ per model normally. That is $4.80 per case. If the Pierce (or other) model yields only 5¢ per model and there are 2 per case that yields only $4.70. Next it has been reported that a run of models from Matchbox is about 100,000 or 50,000 cases. This would be a “loss” of $5,000 per run. Each model is supposed to be in 5 runs which result in a loss of $25,000 in profits over the run of that model. Adding extra of the more costly models to the case would only result in a greater loss of earnings. So they pack one per case and perhaps include 5 other models which yield 11¢ per model to try and gain that loss back.

We are experiencing this exact phenomenon in my company right now. Sales are up but our profits are down. Guess what corporate wants us to improve… that is right, the profit margin.


Location: PA

Re: Matchbox Pierce

OK, now I think I get it. I wasn't taking into consideration the profit per individual car.

Location: Baltimore

Re: Matchbox Pierce

Jeff, is the prototype top-mount you mention a Pierce?

I've been measuring up some other HO models, too, for comparison's sake, and the Athearn Mack B is right in the range.

Somewhat encouraging???

Location: Owen Sound, On. Ca.

Re: Matchbox Pierce


Yes our Pierce's are top mounts. I don't have the exact specs but they came in just over 30' The Athearn Macks should be a bit smaller than the Pierces. A 30' engine in 1/87 should be a bit over 4" long.

My real hope for a 1/87 scale cab is the Quantum on the new larger line. But overall that model won't be 1/87 either.

So my summary is that this Matchbox is a great model for a matchbox. I will have fun collecting them and even customizing a few. However they most likely won't sit in my HO firehouses unless as a backdrop to create a forced scale.

I would love to get about a 100 of them to make a promo for our department. All I really need to do is remove the cab lettering an have the number added.


Location: PA

Re: Matchbox Pierce

What scale is the Matchbox Quantum?

I know that it's yellow, though I'm hoping they'll eventually release a version of it in red. Looks to be the older-look Quantum.

Re: Matchbox Pierce

In regards to the larger scale Quantum, I have not heard or read anything form Mattel on an exact scale for the series. Basically they are a larger scale than the 1-75 regular line and still designed to fit in a package. Figure about 4" long for a standard model. In the only photo I have seen the cab looks like it would be around 1/87. But the body section appears to be quite truncated. That is fine with me because cabs are harder to do when compared to the bodies.

Again these are toys aimed at the 3-7 year old age group. And the price point is less than $10. So I am not expecting the world from them.


Location: PA

Re: Matchbox Pierce

Me neither. I didn't expect Athearn quality, and never have from Matchbox. But at least they're waking up to making decent-looking American fire apparatus!

Re: Matchbox Pierce

I saw this post a few days ago and noticed a buy it now Matchbox Pierce for 2.99. I bought it and was then suprised to see one go for over thirty bucks. Then went to Wal mart and found two Hotwheel 5 alarm aerials Finally something works out for me

Location: wpg

Re: Matchbox Pierce

Now that there are two or three photos of the Quantum Aerial around, is anyone but me somewhat diaappinited? I realize Matchbox is all caught up in the "make it to fit the box" thing, but could they not have made the overall dimensions a little smaller, and the proportions more accurate?

The cab MAY be passable (for Jeff), but that body, as well as the aerial boom, are WAY off, and the wheels are far too large.

I realize that this is a basic, eight-buck piece, but could they not have made it a tad less like a toy and more like a model? I thought that was their "new direction".

Location: Owen Sound, On. Ca.

Re: Matchbox Pierce

Oops...I'm not diaapinited...I'm disappointed. Just in case you thought I had some kind of "regularity" problem.

Location: Owen Sound, On. Ca.

Re: Matchbox Pierce

I just picked one of these up at Wal-Mart today. Nice little rig! And only one on the rack.

Looking forward to seeing these in other color schemes and possibly with improved wheels. Maybe?!

Re: Matchbox Pierce close to 1/87th, Jeff???

Does the piece look better than the pictures?

Location: Owen Sound, On. Ca.

Re: Matchbox Pierce

Not even close to 1/87 scale. It's more on par with the Seagrave Meanstick.

Nice little model, and if you've seen the pictures, that's what you get. I'd like to see it with different wheels, more like what they did with the upgraded Mack heavy rescue years ago.

Re: Matchbox Pierce

I'll check out Kmart while doing some banking.

Location: CA

Re: Matchbox Pierce

Got 2 today in the mail compliments of ebay--not bad, though, $12 total for both including shipping. I haven't seen batch L yet anyway so it was worth it to me. Just what I saved in gas hunting........

Anyway, on the bottom, it lists the scale as 1/123.....wasn't that the same scale as the crash truck they released back in the mid-late 90's.......

Nice little truck. I hope I can find a few more just hunting about. I can't believe folks are paying $30+ for a 99 cent car on ebay!

Re: Matchbox Pierce - Still finding em

Had to run over to the local Wal Mart a little while ago. Immediately went over to the toy section and found 2 M-Box Pierce engines. Looked like they had just put out a carton. Makes a total of 4, all at Wally World. Anyone else having any luck?

Location: JawJaw

Re: Matchbox Pierce

Haven't personally found any, BUT........

For those of you in New England. I asked a family member if they thought about it to take a look for me, I was surprised last weekend when they told me they had found SIX--at 3 different stores (2 each) all on the same Sunday afternoon. Since then I've gotten cell phone calls when she finds them--and she keeps finding them, but I got all I need. 2 to keep MIB, 2 to keep as is and a couple to customize.

All about timing I guess. Hope she has the same luck when the new Convoy Pierce Ladder hits the shelf!

Re: Matchbox Pierce

Stumbled across this site, thought id put my upset 2 cents in, I have been to every wal-mart, toysrus, kb toys and so on, k-mart, even the dollar stores that sell matchbox...NOT A 1!!!!! and i destroyed the racks guess they forgot to bring them to upstate ny!!!!

Location: NY State

Re: Matchbox Pierce

The MB Pierce pumpers may have been there, only to be scooped up by the scalpers before you got there. I had heard it was only one or two per case, and it usually seems that most stores only put up about a case at a time, at least around this area. We are also starting to see a lot of the 2009 cars show up already.

Location: Baltimore

Re: Matchbox Pierce

Saw one today at the Potomac Yards Target store in Alexandria, VA for 97 cents. They also had the newer police Subaru Impreza (2) and the Hummelstown PD Dodge Charger.

Location: Woodbridge, VA

Re: Matchbox Pierce

Believe it or not, finding the Pierce hasn't been too much of an issue, but the Motor Home--which is part of the same assortment, has been impossible. Rumor is there is only 1 Motor Home in the assortment.

The next one we'll be seeking out is the Pierce Quantum Ladder that will be part of the Convoy series..... Pix I saw on the MCCC show it as a lime green rig. Proto looks good.

Also, in 2009 there will be a modern Ford Ambulance and the Caddy Hearse will become and Ambo as well!

Re: Matchbox Pierce

The Pierces are packed 2 to a case for now. But like most fire trucks they are popular with kids and collectors.

The Quantum in the larger scale models will be marked for Bernanillo Co NM. So it should be lime.

The latest report is the new MB ambulance is based on the E Series van. But someone stated the back of the 2009 blisters called it out as an F Series. But since it was first reported earlier this year the van is what has been described.


Location: PA

Re: Matchbox Pierce


Good news all around....I wasn't a fan of the last Ford Ambo--the box looked too short ans appeared too high. As for the Generic--the best rendition of that one was in last year's 5-pack. Looks similar to the GMC commercial chassis.

How do you think the Quantum Ladder will look next to the pumper. They're saying the truck is about 4 inches long. You think proportionally they will look good side by side?

Re: Matchbox Pierce

Quantum Ladder?? where is there pics of it

Location: NY state

Re: Matchbox Pierce

How do you think the Quantum Ladder will look next to the pumper. They're saying the truck is about 4 inches long. You think proportionally they will look good side by side?"

No I don't think they will look good side by side. The engine is about 1/120 scale. Expect the Quantum to be about 1/87 in scale wide but truncated in length. Depending on the model and view it might look OK next to HO scale models.


Location: Pennsylvania

Re: Matchbox Pierce

Was up in the Pittsburgh this weekend. Had to stop by a Target to get something for my dad. Naturally, I went by the toy section. Found 4 of the M-Box Pierce pumpers, 3 together on the same metal hangar. Guess they must have just put out a couple of cases.

Location: JawJaw

This forum will require renewal on August 3, 2009 (38)