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Re: First Response

Thank you Chuck, Out of all of the car's I have gotten I can say 8 were ok and those wre blanks. A prime example of what I have been saying. When I said something about the FHP having a front tag that was the same as the rear. I was berated and bashed because of it. FHP has never had the same rear tag on the front of the car it has alway's been different. Now they may have had the 2 plate system but I have never seen it. I have gotten car's as soon as you open the front door and then close it they will just fall right back open.

Re: First Response


My apologies. You did indeed converse with me and sent me a replacement Charger when I had issues with the car. Admittedly the replacement car was perfect and why I opted to purchase Crown Vics.

Based on the advice in this post I will try to correct the issues with the steering, etc.

The vendor and I have been in touch and he is shipping out replacement covers to me.

All in all, I can't say a negative thing about the level of customer service from Dennis or the vendor.

Please note that this is in no way an attack on the product line. I think you have a fine product here. Nobody can be on an assembly line overseas personally inspecting each piece as it comes off the line. What may be lost by QC is clearly made up for with customer service.

Thanks again for all the advice. Troy, I may take you up on sending the cars to "your shop" for repair.

I'll let you know.

John A.

Billions & Billions

Lee, I've been working here for an old dogs age (no offense to my ex Mother-in-Law). I can look out my window (not really, as we park our vehicles in a five tier garage, and I don't have Superman's X-ray vision) and say for certain the front and rear plates are different. As a matter of fact, front vanity plates supplied free of charge to the taxpayers by 3M are now in their second generation.

PS: If only a handful of cars out of billions and billions have minor QA issues, how come I have seven (six which I would call major: poor paint and obvious hand brush repair on a FHP, bent door arms on four silver CVs [two orders five months apart], and no winshield on a helo) issues out of eleven items?

Re: First Response

It is funny how some people want to pick on Lee. I have dealt with him alot and he has been an outstanding person to deal with. I don't blame him for being upset about the FR car's. If I had bought alot of them and had problem's with them I would be mad as well. But some of these board's who have banned him for speaking up they in my opinion have gone to far. As for Troy you seem to have the biggest problem with Lee from what I have seen you bash him at every single turn. Have you ever spoke to him off the board or have you tried to settle it like adult's?

Doug is Lee Woods or his wife.

Same server, he has done this before using different ISP, but same server!

Re: First Response

Same server yeah ok what ever look at the ip address. Get a life loser!!!! Funny my wife has been in the hospital for surgery. Get a life loser

Re: First Response

Since you know everything let's see here is my ip address and here is here's ok. I am the same person get a life loser!!!!!! Get your fact's straight before you open your mouth!!!

State or Region FLORIDA

Doug who posted his response
State or Region FLORIDA

Re: First Response

But we know who you are don't we Mark B.

IP Address

Re: First Response

Enough is more than enough. Take your differences of list, PLEASE....

Re: First Response

And people wonder why I say what I say about First Response. I just got both of these in the mail look at the lightbar sloppy paint job and the other with the missing right spotlight. Very poor QC.

Re: First Response

No offense Lee... but really, if your not satisfied with the product, or the service you receive or don't receive, then just stop buying them.

That is what I did with Code3. I have not bought a Code3 product from them since the problems I had with the Philly Squrt. They simply dealt with it by totally ignoring any and all attempts to contact them by me or anyone else. In essence, they just ignored the problem.

It takes an Act of Congress to get any communication with Code3, and even that doesn't work!!! At least Dennis provides replacement cars-n-parts, openly acknowledges that there are problems, and communicates what he plans to do to correct them... (unlike a certain person from Code3 who simply writes in rhyme and chooses to ignore all correspondences but those from his "chosen few").

Re: First Response

And I have contacted Dennis about missing part's or problem's with cars and instead of getting a helpful response he has berated me when ever he can. That is why we both have such a problem. Now if he was willing to send me the replacement part ok but he won't. It is like Chuck posted about his car's 72.5 percent well I have 100% car's and problem's with both.

This forum will require renewal on August 3, 2009 (38)