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The 2005 TSDMGK International Championships

On behalf of my instructor, Chung Il Kim, KJN and myself, I would like to thank Charles Ferraro, KJN and all of the "G R E A T" Tang Soo Do Mi Guk Kwan members and affiliates that worked so hard to make the 2005 TSDMGK International Championships such an awesome event, and for having us as his guests this year.

We would like to thank Master Kevin Hemphill and Mr. Michael Pope from Louisiana, for taking the time to show us around New Orleans and locating a fine Korean restaurant for us to have dinner at on Friday evening. Chung Il Kim, KJN was very happy. I would also like to thank Mr. Jason Thornhill for his assistance and hospitality throughout the weekend.

It was wonderful to be able to spend time with Ah Po, KJN again after so many years. To be able to see Chung Il Kim, KJN and Ah Po, KJN together again was worth everything. Being senior student to Chung Il Kim, KJN, I have heard him speak of Ah Po, KJN with the highest level of respect imaginable for over 23 years.

When I first met Ah Po, KJN in 1985, upon hearing that Chung Il Kim, KJN was my instructor, he sat me down for a conversation that lasted approximately an hour to discuss Chung Il Kim, KJN as being, in his mind, (after Grand Master Hwang Kee) the greatest Tang Soo Do Master that he had ever had the honor of knowing.

I will never forget the interaction between these two great men. There are many excellent Tang Soo Do Masters and Grand Masters throughout the world. Chung Il Kim, KJN and Andy Ah Po, KJN are, in my mind on a level all their own, both on and off of the dojang floor.

I know that Charles Ferraro, KJN is in total agreement with this statement, as we have had many conversations on this subject.

It was an honor to be present for this history making event… my thanks to Ferraro, KJN for allowing me to be involved.

It was also great to be able to meet Salm, KJN and his son, Rob Salm, SBN, as well as many other great leaders and SBN’s from the Tang Soo Do community.

There were hundred’s of great performances from competitors of all ages and ranks. A couple that I would like to mention here were:

1) A 9 year old boy from the TSDMGK who’s last name was McGinnis
(Not related to McGinnis, SBN). This young competitor had the technique, focus, poise and energy of an adult. All who watched his performance were totally impressed by him.

2) Sa Bom Annette Ah Po’s performance in hyung was, from what I have seen, second to none. As I stated to her after the competition; I have her father, Andy Ah Po, KJN on tape from the 1989 U.S. Tang Soo Do Moo Duk Kwan National Championships, demonstrating Wang Shu for Grand Master Hwang Kee. His execution was like listening to the London Symphony Orchestra. Watching her was like watching him. I could see him in every movement that she made.

3) Watching Charles Ferraro, KJN with Richard Kopf, SBN, as the performed the Tai Chi hyung that will be (as of this time) the final hyung in the TSDMGK curriculum.

There were, as stated, hundreds of great presentations (far too many to list here). These were the 3 that stuck out in my mind.

Congratulations to all!!!

To those who stayed up late to join me in the “Midnight Training Session”, thank you for your participation. I always look forward to squeezing in any training that we can.

Charles Ferraro, KJN is truly a great leader, but we all know that behind a great leader, you will always find a great support structure. This association (the TSDMGK) is "68 Kodanja" strong, sharing a history together of more then 30 years of building depth as well as width.

Members such as Master Richard Kopf, Master Howard Duggan and Master Joseph DeVita, just to touch the tip of the TSDMGK Kodanja iceberg were present and demonstrated there leadership skills on a level that you won’t find elsewhere. Master Brett Riley and Master Thomas Cox did a superb job of planning and executing this tournament.

The participation of Master Carlos Garcia-Huidobro and Marcelo Yañez Gomez from Chile, and Master Ricardo A. Longinotti from Argentine was among the highlights of this event. These members and their delegation’s brought with them a level of enthusiasm that was unmatched by any. It was a privilege to meet them.

In closing, I would like to thank Master Sherman for the outstanding slideshow presentation that he put together for us to enjoy.
Ku Map Sum Ni Da!!!

(My A.D.D. is kicking in, and I am running long on this posting…my apologies…)

To any that were not named here, you were not forgotten (space & time issues).

Again, on behalf of Chung Il Kim, KJN and myself, Thank you…

Yours in Tang Soo Do,

Master Jay S. Penfil

Martial Art Style Tang Soo Do

Re: The 2005 TSDMGK International Championships

Master Penfil,

Sounds like I missed a great time. I wish I could have joined you over there, but God had other plans for me.. I am glad I had the chance to speak wih you and Kwan Jhang Nim Ferraro on the phone, even though it was for a few moments.. I hope you had a easy drive back up to Mich. I hope to be able to see you again soon. I have to keep this brief as this is a internet cafe connection.

Tang Soo!


Martial Art Style deleted

Re: The 2005 TSDMGK International Championships

Hi Bernard,
The trip back was 23 hours, with a 2 hour rest in the middle. It was well worth it to be there. I was happy to receive your call, and the timing was perfect, as I was with Kwan Jang Nim at the time. He was happy to hear from you as well.

I am equally happy to know that you returned home safe after performing your duties for the power company during "Dennis".

I will look forward to seeing you again soon!!!

Yours in Tang Soo Do,

Master Jay S. Penfil

Martial Art Style Tang Soo Do