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Intermediate One Steps

Where can i find them written down?
I lost 3+4 and 5+6 - cannot find them in my brain..
Can anyone help me please?

Thank you!

Martial Art Style Tang Soo Do

Re: Intermediate One Steps


if you need a better explanation let me know,

3-4 are the outside to inside block, punch punch, frame side kick

5-6 right(5) left(6) leg back front kick, outside to inside block, punch,push down arm downward heel kick

Martial Art Style Tang Soo Do

Re: Intermediate One Steps

Thank you Mister Redfield, I think i got them now. Somehow is was thinking there were some in between....

7-8 is the one with the knie in the end and 9-10 is the one with the back-kick.

Martial Art Style Tang Soo Do