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What is a street fighter ?

What is a street fighter ?

In the beginning it is a child , like any other , just like the kids you teach , and then later , by tragic circumstance , through poverty , abuse , drugs , alcohol etc , the environment changes the child and in this world of dominos and victims survival molds a fighter .... the choice is always right or wrong , on which side to fight .
In my neighborhood you watched these children grow up and you watched them die on a regular basis . For those who learned to fight you saw them kill .... the choice is not simply right or wrong .
Pick any neighborhood , show up at the local park on saturday morning and begin teaching for free and come every saturday , see how many children you can teach right from wrong .

Martial art is a way of life

Re: What is a street fighter ?

I definatelty agree. Attitude plays a big part. You can be beat before you even enter a fight, if you go into it psyching yourself out. Nowadays, you have to go into a fight thinking the worst, you might die. If you are not prepared to die, then maybe you should walk away from it some how. You never know if a person has a gun, or knife, etc. Hell, just last year I believe, two kids got into an argument at McDonalds, & there was one puch thrown. The kid hit the ground, & died. I, like yourself have lived in some of the not so greatest neighborhoods in the world, have done security in two sets of lower income housing complexes; I've had a crazy ex-girlfriend try to stab me, been shot at for being at the wrong place, at the wrong time. I was in these housing projects, somone that was w/ me late at night got into an argument, started yelling, somone came down from upstairs, & said something like whats all the yelling about? The guy said why dont you shut up, & go back to sleep. The other guy said to us, stay right there, I got something for your a.. ; Thats all I needed to hear, I took off running, zig zagging as I was going, cause I didnt want him to have a good shot. The woman that this guy I was w/ arguing w/ her, had went around the back of the projects, & was waiting by my MOMS car. She had got some salt, put it in some aluminum foil, & got a beer bottle. When he came around, she took the salt, thru it in his eyes, hit him over the head w/ a beer bottle, then sliced his face w/ it. I should of left his crazy drunk butt there, but I choose to take him home, & he bled all over my moms car. I had to get some rubbing alcohol to clean up the mess before my mom seen it. I think I just turned 18 at the time. Thank God, I changed the way I live. Thank God, he's been on my side, cause I havent been in a street fight in years, I've broken a few up, had to use self defense, but have not been in an actual fight in years. I hope I dont have too, cause not to sound cocky, but, I have no doubt in my mind I can put somone in the ICU, or leave them drowning in a puddle of blood, & that is a huge resposibillity. I have seen many occurances like the one I mentioned above over the years, & have changed the way I approach self defense, & my way of thinking regarding fighting. Sometimes I show my wife some self defense moves I'm working on, she has said to me on many occasions, David, you can kill a person like that. I said I know. But, when going into a fight, you gotta think, it's gonna be one of us, & it's not gonna be me. In the earlier subject regarding why alot of Karateka get beat in street fights, cause they are not prepared, & do not think right. Most of the self defense taught today is garbage, not only in TSD, but in other arts, as well. It is very stagnant! How many times have you seen somone grab somebody elses wrist in a fight? Me, never. But, have seen a man grab a womens wrist before. But, what happens, when he does grab her wrist? He doesnt just stand there, he'll pull her, slap her, etc. The same thing w/ choke defenses, or anything else. The person isnt gonna just sit there, & put their hands around your throat in a fight, they might grab you around your throat, throw you up against a wall, pick you up & slam you down on the ground, etc. In a fight, somone isnt gonna hold out a single punch to defend yourself, their gonna come at you w/ combonations, from every angle in the world. The same thing w/ knife defenses, most stuff taught in class, will get you hurt. No one is gonna stab in, & just stand there, their gonna come after you continuosly, from every angle you can think of. There are things that can minimize you getting cut, but the fact is you're probablly gonna get cut. You should get some training blades, get a black shirt on, put some chalk on the edge of the blade, & just go at it. See how many times you get sliced. You can do this knife against knife, or empty hand against knife. We should train both. I have many ideas about knife fighting, & can go into them, if you guys wish. This is the kind of stuff we need to think about, because lets face it, it's a violent world. BTW, ck out this article on violence: .
The other reason alot of Karateka are getting their butts handed to them in the street, is cause their taught to fight wrong, IMO. Alot of people might try to do something, like their sparring in the Dojo. For example, to try to kick somone in the head out of the blue. This is how you get hurt. Kicking somone in the head is very dangerous in a street fight, & should be used as a finishing move only, IMO. When you got the person dazed, then you could use a kick to the head, but it is still dangerous. You need to set them up w/ combonations, kicks to the legs, & punch them both in the head, then that brings their hands up, then goto the body, cause if you hit them hard enough in the body, their gonna drop their hands, in pain. That's when you go for the knock out. While I do not advocate violence, & should be used absolutely as your last resort. I believe you should try to talk your way out of a situation, if you can. I also believe, if you can defend yourself, & get away w/o hurting the other person, do so. But, if it comes down to it, I have three principles to a street fight that I try to remember:
If they cant see, they cant fight.
If they cant breath, they cant fight;
and if they cant stand, they cant fight.
Lets face it, it's a violent world, & we have to prepare for it, the best way we know how. It is up to you/us to take the responsibillity on ourselves to prepare to defend ourselves. If you are not thinking this way, you might be setting yourself up for a failure.


Re: What is a street fighter ?

By circumstance?

No it is a choice. Having spent time teaching in years past the "throw aways", "unwanted", "project kids", the biggest and first step is making them understand they have a choice. They have that power. I am not trying to paint a rosy picture, or say it is easy...choosing right over wrong is often difficult and sometimes for some of these kids potentially dangerous (as is the case of a gang member choosing to leave and live right. The alternative often is simple when they realize it - leave now and have a chance at life or stay and either die or face a lifetime of incarceration.)

Truth, there is a choice, there is always a choice. The tragedy is often times they do not realize it, or worse have made a choice that leads to no place good. But, as long as there is breath in our lungs, it is never too late to turn away and stop going down that tragic path.

There is a good book that deals with this subject (many actually) I would recommend. One is called "Monster" written by a former LA Gang Member and other is called "I stand Convicted: The story of an Innocent Man who is Guilty as Sin" Written by Duke Tirschel a martial artist.

Badly Paraphrasing Frank Herbert - What makes us different from mere Animals is our mind and our ability to reason and make choices extending beyond primal urges and needs. It is what makes us human. Despite this most humans are still nothing more than Animals, not even aware they possess this ability.

Martial Art Style Tang Soo Do

Re: What is a street fighter ?


What I am saying I guess is in agreement with you I think. There is a choice, it is just getting people to realize this. We even choose what we believe to be right or wrong.

As for your suggestion, I have opened up a new school location recently which is near the "low rent-subsidized" housing. I have been toying with an idea for about a month, to offer a program to get those kids into the school.

The question is "How exactly to do it? What is the best approach?" What suggestions would you have? These children by (ironically enough) crossing the railroad tracks could walk to my school. From the past I believe that I cannot do it for free, something freely given is often not valued. Example when I taught for free in the past (many years ago) to what we called at the time "underpriveledged children" none attended. When I charged a mere $10 a month, all of a sudden my classes at the YMCA were full of children who dutifully attended every class and to the YMCA's joy participated in their events as a bleed off, making it a defacto community center by the time I left for overseas. My school is not about money, I only require enough to pay the rent and the lights, I am in it for the love of Martial Arts.


Martial Art Style Tang Soo Do

Re: What is a street fighter ?

Often children are born into a bAd situation , just as often through death of a parent or other unfortunate event they are left with a rather harsh life . Often you see generation upon generation with very little hope . Yes once in this life one has the choice to improve but often the chance or opportunity is beyond their reach . For the few that are gifted in some way they are advanced to the upper class of soceity which further impoverishes their old community . Class , while often segregated by race or other factors is almost always segregated by ones finances . Money can enslave not only communities but entire nations . Yes these children have a choice but without hope , without a guiding light there is very little chance that they will succede . In all honesty , you can't "save them" , not alone anyway . All you can do is offer them hope , show them a choice and if enough of us try ,well then who am I to say they can't be "saved".

I began teaching on the streets a long time ago . It was probably helping others that saved myself . It's still what keeps me "right". If we are talking about the love of the art , then a modest price with the intent of keeping a safe place open where people can feel a part of something and can earn something with in themselves is a most honorabe endeavor . You are quite right that people must have dignity .

Re: What is a street fighter ?

Some where I spoke of conditioning in regards to ones environment

There is also the conditioning that is found among the blue collar / working class / laborers , etc. Hard physical , relentless work . The tools of their trades not unlike the weapons a martial artist trains with .

And , then there is the driving hunger . A leanness of life that gives focus and molds the soul

Re: What is a street fighter ?

So all the years I've been swinging a pick,shoveling trap rock, digging trenches, installing/ repairing septic systems, operating, jackhammers, and all the other jobs I've had I been training in Martial Arts and didn't know it?

Honest Work Builds Character,that's the simple truth.


Martial Art Style Tang Soo Do

Re: What is a street fighter ?

Amen to that Bernard...

Yours in Tang So Do,

Master Jay s. Penfil


Martial Art Style Tang Soo Do

Re: What is a street fighter ?

Character is good

On the other hand you have been conditioning both your body and mind and this is something every do jo mimicks to train it's pupils , only that a couple hours a week training pales in comparison