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PyAng Ahn Sam Dan
(Intermediate Form # 3)

Look left, turn to the left, middle block in the back standce.
Step forward, bringing feet together, simultaneous left low block, right middle block.
Simultaneous left middle block, right low block.
Look behind, step with right leg, middle block in back stance to the rear.
Step forward, bringing feet together, simultaneous right low block, left middle block.
Simultaneous right middle block, left low block.
Look left, stepping with left leg, re-enforced middle block in the front stance (Ssang Soo Maki).
Stepping forward, spear hand.
Twist spear hand over, twisting into reverse front stance with right knee bent, step with left, bringing left leg behind right, keeping right heel on the ground and left heel off the ground, both knees bent, tucking right hand to right waist, keeping left hand by right elbow.
Spin the rest of the way perform hammer fist in the horse stance.
Step right foot forward, center punch
Breathing, bring left leg up to right, spinning around to the rear (only left leg moves) fists on waist
Keeping fists on the waist, right leg outside-in crescent kick, landing in horse stance, right leg forward. Twist, blocking with right elbow. Right hand hammer fist, and back to right waist
Left (rear) leg outside-in crescent kick, landing in horse stance, left leg forward. Twist, blocking with left elbow, left hand hammer fist and back to left waist
Right (rear) leg outside-in crescent kick, landing in horse stance, right leg forward. Twist blocking with right elbow, right hand hammer fist, keeping hammer fist out
Step forward left center punch in the front stance
Breathing, bring right leg level with left and out into horse stance, all the while keeping both knees bent and head at constant level.
Spin around with left leg into a horse stance, looking over left shoulder simultaneous left elbow to the rear, right punch over left shoulder to the rear
Retract right hand to right hip, chamber left arm, forearm parallel to the ground at chest level, with left fist not extending beyond body
Jumping to the right perform left elbow to the rear, right punch over left shoulder to the rear, followed by right elbow to the rear, left punch over right shoulder to the rear, (all strikes performed in the air before landing), Kihap, land looking over right shoulder.

Martial Art Style Tang Soo Do