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Strawberry Festival

The festival lasted from 9-5, I stayed at the Dojang, from 8 to 2, though there was not much traffic past the front of the studio, we managed to have some visitors, and some will be coming in for classes!!

We also walked the crowd and passed out about 200 flyers!!

There was a Kung Fu demo by the Bui Kai school, and Karate Do had a booth and was passing out flyers, we had a nice talk, it turns out they were bumped from the demo and thought I got it, but we both missed out to the Kung Fu school. I will try to get in first next year seeing as my school is on the street that the event is on I may have some leverage. if not I will at least have a booth in front of the school!

Tang Soo!

Re: Strawberry Festival

sorry to hear ya got bumped

great site BTW!

see you in RI.

SBN W. Kopf K-7

Martial Art Style tsdmgk

Re: Strawberry Festival

With Bells on!