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Free to good home. Pay only postage

I used to have the camera until it fell into the ocean but I have an XA A11 electronic flash free to whomever wants to pay postage. Write me off post and it is free to first responder. I loved the camera and hope the flash will help someone out. Thanks, Y

Re: Free to good home. Pay only postage

Residential real estate is a type of real estate designed for living, as opposed to working, manufacturing or providing services. Residential property is generally divided into private houses and multifamily residentials. Private houses are single-unit buildings designed to accommodate a single person or a group of people who share the whole space of the house. Multifamily residentials are multi-unit buildings designed for a number of people or groups of people, where each person/group of people occupies one unit and does not share units with other people/groups of people.

It should be noted that these definitions are based on the intention, i.e. the initial main idea, with which residential property is constructed. Naturally, a private house can be divided into separate units by its residents, and one person can own multiple units in a mulitfamily apartment complex, but that does not change the type of estate.

The two primary ways of obtaining a residential estate are buying and renting it. In the EU, 70.5% of residents are full owners of their property, while the remaining 29.5% are renting it out. Out of all owners, about 39% are paying a mortgage loan, while 61% have no active mortgage.