Technology in Physical Education and Coaching

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Technology in Physical Education and Coaching
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Re: Discussion Number One (1)

I have been involved with “educational technology” through-out my educational experiences both as a student and as a teacher. I have found that becoming efficient with the latest or current technology is a major time investment with amazing positive results. My experiences as a teacher with “educational technology” at the elementary levels include; time saving during daily tasks; improved organizational skill both in scheduling and programming; improved communication with staff, students and parents; increased data collecting and time saving during grading, positive stimulation of students and staff. My understanding of “educational technology” is that, it involves effective application of programs and devices that are up today and current with today’s trends. This will enhance the educational process of our students and staff.

My hope is that this course will guide me to effectively present and utilize data that I have already, and will collect in the future. Here is one of my goals I turned in to my principal at the beginning of this school year. “One of my personal goals for this year is to share the knowledge I have gained while taking the Technology in Physical Education/Coaching course with my colleges. With support from our administrative leaders along with the WF Physical Education / Health Education Dept. we will join with students to participate in cool high tech activities to stimulate learning.”

Re: Re: Discussion Number One (1)

I have not used a lot of technology with my students yet. What specific things have you done with your students to incorporate technology that you would recommend? I love your goals. Did many teachers take advantage of you services?

Re: Re: Re: Discussion Number One (1)

Specific technology that I have used in my elementary P.E. classes includes electronic scales, pedometers, insta-pulses and miowatches. This equipment is used in different ways during the presidential fitness testing, obstacle courses we set up in the gym, also during our 25 minute hikes through “Our Backyard”, (school property of about 90 acres behind our buildings) this area is also a good place to use our compasses and GPS units during high school orienteering classes. I have also used the usual PE technology equipment computer programs like fitness reporter, Tournament Builder Pro, cardiosport heart rate monitors, stop watches, digital camera & video bites, TVs, CDs, cassettes, records. I need to learn more about MP3s and IPods. I am still trying to find out how to get my video bites on my web page, as will as, checking with our district to put them on my web page.

Re: Discussion Number One (1)

Technology seems to be something that some districts are high on and others are not. Sometimes phys ed isn't taken seriously and as a result the funding is low. I'd love to have a smart board in the gym but when I ask for one it's laughed off. I have been doing smart board lessons when I lose my gym due to book fairs and such. The students really seem to get into it. Does anyone have any reccommended sites?

Re: Discussion Number One (1)

Matt, Sorry I don't have any sites to direct you to, however I would be interested in hearing about what you use the smart board for, also, I can empathize with you on losing your gym, happens to me more than I would like!