Technology in Physical Education and Coaching

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Technology in Physical Education and Coaching
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MultiMedia Carts

The gymnasium is always the room for big group presentation and assemblies. This year I asked the P.T.A. if they would order the overhead and wiring needed to house one in the gym for presentations as well as letting the Phys. Ed. department use it. I explained to them that it would help with getting large group sizes moving at the same time. We have dvd's on Tae Bo, Step Areobics, Dance and any materials that we can download to a laptop. They said it was a great idea but to be prepared to demonstrate it during one of our monthly breakfasts. Sound good to me!!

Re: MultiMedia Carts

That is awesome. i teach elementary PE in San Francisco and i have a gym but would never e able to show videos in it. We do not have a seperate projector for PE and as bad as I would love to try to get one, I'm not sure itd be worth it so late in the year.

Re: MultiMedia Carts

During testing we try to keep the gym area as quite as possible so bringing out the big screen and putting on
an exercise DVD, such as Zumba, Tae Bo, or Step Aerobics it keeps the non testingstudens busy but the noise level is at a minimum.

Re: MultiMedia Carts

It's never to early to start working for next year. Show research and results on the benefits of having a multi media cart in your p.e. department. Emphasize the impact that technology is now playing in our profession.