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What asesments do you use for HR monitors

Next year our department is having every student buy a HR monitor(just as you would a textbook). We look at it as a great tool for letting kids know how hard they are working and there is no gray area when it comes to assessing participation. The kids know if they are in the right zone they are good. I currently just use their average for their grade. Does anyone else grade on time, low/high end of the zone and average HR? How else do you use them in your department?

Re: What asesments do you use for HR monitors

We are currently in the process of implementing HR monitors in our school district. So far we have one school that was used as a pilot school to see how it works. I agree that the heart rate monitors are a great technological tool that will help kids be aware just how hard they are working in class. It is easy for a teacher to predict student effort just off of observation, but a HR monitor is the best method. Currently, without the HR monitors, I teach the kids the equation to find their THR. I have seen different equations for this, but I simply use 220-age. I have them figure out their own THR and explain to them this is the range we want to be in during our cardio fitness workouts.

Re: What asesments do you use for HR monitors

We have purchased the Polar Cardio GX Heart Rate Monitor System. All students wear the heart rate monitors during class and their heart rate and the zone they are in is projected on the gym wall. This keeps them accountable for staying active. After class, the data is downloaded into the system and is saved for grading. We use this as their participation grade because the numbers don't lie. Also the results can be directly emailed to their parents, if they have a question about grades! I love that I am not questioned about students grades because they get what they work for!