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Incorporating video devices in the classroom for evaluation GOOD OR BAD?

I agree that the use of video cameras and IPADS can be a very helpful tool when having the students evaluated each other for a fitness test or other activities. The high school I teach at had several problems with student’s videoing teachers and students, editing them and posting them on YouTube or other social networks. Does anyone out there incorporate the use of videoing students in their classes for project purposes? If so how positive is the feed back from the students and administration? Again our administration is very strict about videoing in school, can I get some feedback about how I can present this issue to the administration.

Re: Incorporating video devices in the classroom for evaluation GOOD OR BAD?



I have used videotaping in my strength & conditioning class and I have had no problems with student misuse. In fact, students have used their cameras on their phones to send a video of their lifts during max testing and I have used my IPad. Usually when videotaping is to take place the student along with the parent is educated about video use and sign a permission form to be able to participate in the actual taping.

The students tape each other to show their friend their lift totals, as a pride thing and to help each other with proper technique for their ultimate safety.

Thank you.

Dean W. Tutas

Re: Incorporating video devices in the classroom for evaluation GOOD OR BAD?

The use of video in a classroom is great because it provides students with a visual representation of the skill and/or standard they are working on. Students now are 21st century learners and their lives are technology based. I feel that restrictions about the use of technology need to be put on students and expectations need to be clear. I feel that there needs to be a strict policy needs to be put in place and if there is any misuse of technology, students lose that privilege.