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wahm sales each month

The group is called Wahm_SalesEachMonth.

And I think it will be successful even though it is in its infancy stages.

INFO: WHEN signing and it asks who your sponsor is....please scroll down and select Lillian Ferguson.

Why this group has been created:

So that you only Spend $10 a month (not including S&H)
but in return can have multiple buyers buying $10 from you,$30, $40, or more in sales each month.
To have steady Sales each month, that can grow, with out you putting in the hours of passing out catalogs, making phone calls,etc.

To help out any work-at-home parent.
There is a $10 minimum to buy (before tax shipping). Orders are due by the 20th (can be extended, but you must speak with your sponsor first)

WHEN signing and it asks who your sponsor is....please
scroll down and select Lillian Ferguson.
Each Person you bring into the group will be a Dedicated shopper to you.

At the beginning of every month, you can trade shoppers, this is to help our members. BUT, if you bring in 4 people, we want you to have 4 sales each month.

Because we are so new, right now I am working on having at least 5 dedicated shoppers for each member, we want to start with $50 in sales for each of you. But you will only be buying $10 from your sponsor. We want every one to grow their business, and make working at home actually work.

Please promote your business and Sales, so that if our
members want or need to buy a gift for a birthday, holiday, or any other special occasion, instead of a store they can buy from you.

Ads to Promote your Business Can be Placed on Monday,
Saturday,Sunday. Limit ads to only 2 posts, multiple ads can be placed in the same message. Every day you can post only current specials once a day) or messages for the group that are not just to promote your business.

To Get Started:
Add your info to our main data base (this database is not a part of yahoo) Look at FILES for more info
Start posting your updates, specials, and contact those that are dedicated shoppers to you!
WHEN signing and it asks who your sponser is please scroll down and select Lillian Ferguson