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Hey, this isn't a BlueBird

This is what "other" company should issue using those neglected Oshlosh molds from 1999. I'm waiting on BLUEBIRD logo decals. LOL

Had to have a proper hauler for the Brush Unit, so I converted/bashed a DCP Pete 379 (with JayDeez parts), and a AK plastic laser cut kit (also modified) Renegade 55 Ton Lowboy.

Re: Hey, this isn't a BlueBird

Well sure something different. Very nice. Is it made after a real brushtruck and do you have a photo off it.

Re: Hey, this isn't a BlueBird

The FDFF have several tracked brush fire units, but none are converted Oshkosh ARFFs (to my knowledge). Locally, one Department operates a T-2500 outfitted to fight forest and brush fires in the savannas and everglades. That unit is red, with black trim, and has a 2500 gallon tank. Quite a lot of lakes and canals in South Florida, so access to a water source is no problem. That vehicle is excellent for traveling on wet and poorly maintained dirt roads and trails.

Here's a link to the FDFF site. There are photographs of a variety of equipment, including a couple of tracked brush fire units.

Re: Hey, this isn't a BlueBird

Chuck, that thing is sick, man! It sure gets an A+ for originality.

It makes me happy that you didn't plaster it with Rich's excellent but now scarce decals. I can't wait to see all of the FDNY (and maybe a few Chicago) wildland and brush rigs in the Roadblockers contest!

This forum will require renewal on August 3, 2009 (38)