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FDNY Ladder 30 in workshop

I bought engine 59 so I have to get this one because of it's Americana graphics.

Location: CA

Re: FDNY Ladder 30 in workshop

Why don't they change their name from 'Code 3 Collectibles' to 'FDNY Collectibles'?

Re: FDNY Ladder 30 in workshop Geez, enough with the FDNY already. Yes they sell great but come on! Show a little love to some other wonderful departments out there.

Re: FDNY Ladder 30 in workshop


Re: FDNY Ladder 30 in workshop

Yes once again another FDNY, and they sell for some reason, we all have our wish list, between past and present trucks. I would like to see more classic Mack's pumpers and rescues and some more up today, what ever happen to Code 3 making Squad 7 from Chicago Airport, or I would like to see Station 10 from the City of Indy which I think they have an ALF Eagle Pumper, ALF Rear-Mount Platform and I think the Tac Unit is a Freightliner.....

Re: FDNY Ladder 30 in workshop

The monthly releases from Code 3 have been such yawners that I think many people don't even pay attention anymore. A couple of years ago I couldn't wait for the new release announcements, and I'm not primarily a fire apparatus collector. Now when the e-mail shows up I think, oh, is it that time again? The Super Pumper sale is the most exciting news from them in a long time. I passed on it the last time it was on sale, sure that it would come around again at an even lower price. Glad I waited - this is worth the price of a Club membership by itself! Wonder how much they'll sell for when they inevitably hit KB Toys Outlets? $50? $75$

Location: Woodbridge, VA

Re: FDNY Ladder 30 in workshop

While considering the SPS fiasco, I wondered if Code 3 has recently tanked because they have paid too much attention to the FDNY cadre, and are now extricating themselves as the "premier" brand. I still thank my stars that I cancelled my initial order for this overpriced white elephant.

I think the FDNY fixation made a particular (and very vocal) group of collectors very happy, but overall it has removed Code 3 from the interest of "other" collectors.


Re: FDNY Ladder 30 in workshop

Just like Jeff said...They might as well change their name to "FDNY Collectibles". That is obviously where their attention and $$$ go towards.

Re: FDNY Ladder 30 in workshop

If we were told that it would take 6 or even 12 months of repaints before a new tooling was ready for release, would that be acceptable?

Or, reversed, if a new tooling (say an ALF TDA) comes out in January 2008, will all be forgotten/forgiven?

mjl, who neither pretends to understand the present climate of the industry nor the health of C3/Funrise at this time.

Location: Raleigh, NC, USA, Earth

Re: FDNY Ladder 30 in workshop

I've said it before, and I know a few other collectors out there have said it as well, that there are other departments out there that run Seagrave rear mount aerial ladders that this FDNY ladder mould could be used for, except to tweak it some to fit that other department's truck.

I, too, used to look forward to when Code 3 would be announcing a new rig (or new rigs!) and all the buzz that surrounded it on this board. Those days are gone because there's nothing new to be excited over. Requests have fallen on deaf ears and the FDNY fanatics are lickin' their chops because they know they're the only ones being catered to.

All Code 3 is doing is making money off of 9-11, since the FDNY was in the spotlight for all of those tragic days. 9-11 accelerated the "fever" to buy FDNY. Maybe some don't want to admit it, but it's true. Look at all of the other cheapo brands that come out with toy fire trucks that have FDNY on them.

Yeah, I know "FDNY SELLS!" I've written it here myself. But I have a feeling that if some Spartans or Hahns or Maxims were announced, or that ALF TDA, Code 3 might be surprised to find out that these rigs would sell, too.

Re: FDNY Ladder 30 in workshop

Thank You Very Much for the 9-11 comment. Maybe YOU can open the eyes of the Kool-Aid Gang....
I've been saying it for 5 years.......

Re: FDNY Ladder 30 in workshop

FDNY does sell, but I'm noticing it sells much slower than it used to. May is almost over and E-59 isn't sold out yet...close but no cigar. Hell, even L-24 is still around after all of this time.

I think even the FDNY/C3 groupies are getting tired of the redundancy. Add on top of this the quality control issues many collectors are complaining about, un justified price increases and no customer service at all, and it amazes me that this C3 continues to exsist.

Re: FDNY Ladder 30 in workshop

You know, things tied to World War II have been selling well for decades. Millions died there.

(Or is that an unfair apples and oranges comparison?)


Location: Raleigh, NC, USA, Earth

Re: FDNY Ladder 30 in workshop

Yes. 'Nuff said.

Location: Woodbridge, VA

Re: FDNY Ladder 30 in workshop

It is easy enpough to ask/hope for other departments but in most cases Code 3 has to get permission to use all or part of any City seal or logo. The have a standing agreement with FDNY with part of the profit going to a FDNY fund. Some cities don't want to let their Seal be used and others might want a large fee for it's use. I have seen many wish lists for other departments but maybe the associated city doesn't want to cooperate. If it is a city where you live, perhaps you could look into why Code 3 can't do a model. I know a company who made an accurate model of the UPS delivery truck but when it came to decaling it, the decal sheet was made so that the UPS was not readily available but you could come up with the desired results with what was there. Not so easy on a Tampo model.

Re: FDNY Ladder 30 in workshop

By my estimates we haven't seen a BRAND NEW mold in nearly 2 years......2 YEARS!! The last one was the hideous ALF pumper. Don't give me the retool arguement! Changing a deck gun or raising the roof on a cab or adding roll up doors is a poor excuse to call something a new model--IT'S A RETOOL!. I love this hobby. Going into 2006 I was sure that I was going run out of space with all the gossip out of Code 3, Corgi, others..... And now halfway into 2007, the last models purchased were Boley rescues and the First Gear Clinton MD.

In a minute I would jump at the chance to buy a LAFD ALF Aerial, FDNY (yes, FDNY) ALF Tiller or pumper, Boston Pierce Pumper or mid-mount TL, Chicago Spartan Pumper, the list goes on.....but what do we get, repaints, repaints, repaints. It gets old, you lose interest.

It's sad to say but the state of our hobby has changed. With the 30th anniversary of Star Wars this past week I heard were the toy/collectable market exceeds the billion dollar mark. Same can be said about GI'll never be able to make that statement relative to fire diecast--even if you combine all the manufacturers. We're just a blip on the outskirts of the radar screen.

I think the kiss of death, relative to Code 3, was when they introduced the Star Wars line. Nothing has been the same since......but given that's where the money is, how can you blame them. The force isn't exactly with us!

Re: FDNY Ladder 30 in workshop

Quote from jeffM82 "All Code 3 is doing is making money off of 9-11, since the FDNY was in the spotlight for all of those tragic days. 9-11 accelerated the "fever" to buy FDNY."

Looking at code 3 pre-911, when they were making the same old seagraves, they actualy did three sets of FDNY, compares to only one set of all the others, except for two sets of LA, but then again, they did a battalion set as well as the first heavy rescues for FDNY, and their first attempt at the big 1/32nd scale was a FDNY, so if you want to dishonor code 3, then try to do so without using 911, as 911 was a tragic event, NOT a marketing ploy.

Re: FDNY Ladder 30 in workshop

Pete(UK), I disagree with you. 'Nuff said.

Re: FDNY Ladder 30 in workshop

I can still remember the big hoopla on the "Other" website with photos of Arnie giving a check from proceeds of diecast sales to FDNY. However, it was in poor taste, as although everyone appreciates them passing needed funds to the families of emergency workers who gave their lives in that tragic event, they used it as an advertisement for their firm.

I sent money three different times to FDNY/NYPD organizations after 9-11, but didn't advertise my contribution for the sake of profit. Plus I didn't write off my $100 contribution on my income taxes either (why make other taxpayers pay for my contribution?), something I'm sure the "Other" company, and all those corporate back patters did as well. I am personally sick of these Big-Time Contributors who write off their gist and actually have working Americans pay for their so called generosity.

That event, advertisement on the blood of victims and our heros, was the turning point for me. After that, I intentionally changed from frendly barbs against that firm, to outright disgust. And finally called and cancelled my Club Membership in April 2002.

In my estimation, that was a scum-bag thing they did, and was more aimed at garnering customers, than assisting stricken families. I don't fault them for giving money, but I do for how it was used to toot their horn to their diecast customers.

If they don't appreciate my post, let them. But let them post how much in contributions (FDNY-NYPD-PA-Chisdrens Funds, etc) they have written off on their corporate and personal taxes since 9-11. I'm sure it will be substantial.

My $0.02

Re: FDNY Ladder 30 in workshop

Chuck, I agree with your line of thinking. 9 out of 10 corporate donors don't do what they do out of charity. For most, it's the benefit of a significant write-off and free publicity.

I always said the only reason you bring news crews, photographers or anyone like that to charity events is for the positive publicity and to get the public buy-in that "they're such good people." If they were in fact doing it out of sincerity and to make the world a better place, they would just send the check--no ribbon cuttings, photo ops, etc. And when the charity identifies it's donors, they publish a list--just a list--names and NO amounts. And like you, don't write it off especially if you can afford to give that much away in the first place! It's called giving back.....not giving back and trying to get some of it back at the end of the year!

Re: FDNY Ladder 30 in workshop

I don't think anyone really believes that Code 3 & Co.'s donations were purely altruistic.

That said, even considering their other motives, it's better that they did contribute than if they didn't.

As far as taxpayer money goes, how much are we spending everyday on Bush's revenge? 'Nuff said.

Re: FDNY Ladder 30 in workshop

eBay has nuffin' to do with the comments about the "reasons" for donations to 911 funds.'Nuff said!!

Re: FDNY Ladder 30 in workshop

Hmm, I hadn't considered the market saturation aspect. I just know that I'm beyond fed up with the FDNY thing.

Personally, my interest in collecting has vanished, there just isn't anything that I wnat or look forward to.

My interest in kitbashing is also tapering off, largely because the hobby has become overwhelmed and saturated by the FDNY. I know very few kitbashers who can contemplate anything else. Happily, those few reside on this board.

Re: FDNY Ladder 30 in workshop


DON'T be disappointed in kitbashing in general...

Rich from Roadblockers just sent me a complete set of his NEW decal sheets...both specific FD's and generic...and they are BEYOND great...and all of these will be illustrated in my next column...

Just think of the new kitbashing possibilities with these new graphics...thanks to Rich...

Never say die...This is a GREAT hobby and there are plenty of GREAT kibashing ideas out there just waiting to be born...including yours!

GO FOR IT...and bring on the kitbashers!

Larry Phillips

Location: North Dakota

Re: FDNY Ladder 30 in workshop

Hey HH, did you just start reading this thread in the middle!?

Location: Woodbridge, VA

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