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Re: Does anyone have any idea on what Code 3 will be doing the rest of the year?

That information is on a need to know bacis only for a few people to know.
I would think that Code-3 would be more than willing to release the rest of the 2008 pieces, but they would rather keep everyone in the dark.I've also heard that sales are down.

Re: Does anyone have any idea on what Code 3 will be doing the rest of the year?

Unfortunately sales are down everywhere (except for fuel!). It's the trickle down effect: since fuel is so high it affects everyone; the consumer, the retailer, the supplier, so prices increase for everything and people buy less of what they don't need, cutting corners in order to survive. The price of metal jumps up so the diecast market increases its prices in order to survive. In turn, the collector/consumer has to cut back because he can't afford gas and consumer goods AND support his hobby the way he used to.

It's an unfortunate turn of events that will never get better. We'll never see gas prices below $3.00 again.

Re: Does anyone have any idea on what Code 3 will be doing the rest of the year?

Of course sales are down! $60.00 for a 1/64 breadbox? Plus shipping???

If I'm not mistaken, just a couple of years ago they were $40.00. Me-thinks if they lower the prices, they will make more profit by sheer volume.

But then again were talking about C3...

Re: Does anyone have any idea on what Code 3 will be doing the rest of the year?

Hopefully the right hand will be introduced to the left hand so there will be some chance that later in the year one might know what the other is doing. In recent weeks we have had the grand pronouncements from the Dancing Dunkel that the website was being revamped and then this week that freight was going up.

It would appear that the Dancing Dunkel also wishes to confirm his membership of the Flat Earth Society (There is nothing outside CONUS Branch) with the latest announcement
Standard Freight - $9.99 (1/64 Pumpers/Ladders)
Oversize Freight - $14.99 (1/32nd Pumpers/Ladders & special products/sets)
or perhaps this is part of the Code 3 Customer Satisfaction policy - we no longer ship to the rest of the world because you complained too much about Philly...

Meanwhile the revamped website however still shows the old freight rates

As my late father would say the couldn't organise a .... in a brothel!

Location: Sydney Australia

Re: Does anyone have any idea on what Code 3 will be doing the rest of the year?

Of course sales are down! $60.00 for a 1/64 breadbox? Plus shipping???

Does anybody pay attention to the economy??
The dollar is DOWN and everything from China is costing MORE. DOH! So of course, the $40 dollar model of 2-3 years ago is now $60-$70. How hard is that to understand?????

Re: Does anyone have any idea on what Code 3 will be doing the rest of the year?

Pumpman Fanny -

You need to quit "pumping" so much. Try wiping your hand off and READ the entire post, not what you want to read.

This forum will require renewal on August 3, 2009 (38)