This forum is for collectors of emergency vehicle models to discuss any aspect of the industry. Feel free to post comments on current releases, future models, items for sale/trade, or items wanted.
USDA Oshkosh Twin Steer Hauler converted from a Code 3 Oahkosh ARFF, parts of five DCP frames, a Norscot crane, and junk from the parts box. Model painted Kiwi Green for USDA. Model has working dual steering, working crane, and adjustible stabilizers. Entire 1/64th scale model including DJM 80 Ton Lowboy is 29 inches long. Attached is link to Photobucket build sequence.
Thanks for posting the link. I've seen that blue HEMTT(?) tanker before, but not the convertional tanker or the brush rigs. If I could locate a Code 3 resin HEMTT, and talk someone into making the decals, it would indeed make a great model.