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Ok, so watching EMERGENCY! Whenever Engine 51 drops lines, someone always goes and grabs a big yellow clamping tool that they place on the uncharged hose as the Engine pulls away. What is the functional purpose of this tool. I've never seen one of these used (recently or ever for that matter) and I've seen a number of lines dropped off the back of the trucks.
May seem like a simple question, but I have no clue what this does......
Most likely. That way they can charge the hydrant, leave the line unattended while they do the connection and then release the clamp to receive the water. Otherwise the hydrant guy would have to wait for the line to be fully connected before sending the water.
That was the SOP for many fire depts for years, before the use of hydrant valves were in wide practice. The hydrant man would lead off, connect the hose and charge the hydrant once the hose clamp had been set. That allowed the hydrant man to then report to the fireground.
That is correct, our Pumper/Engines still carry one hose clamp per company, and they are used in emergency situations to shut off the supply to one line without having to shut down the pump. Like if a section of hose bursts. A FF will clamp the line down and replace the burst section, and then unclamp the hose.
Hose clamps are also used to extend lines, especially preconnects, if you pull off 200', and really need another 100' when you get into the building, you clamp the line behind the nozzle shutoff, and add a couple of sections. They are also required on engines per the ISO to get the proper credit. For LDH, most of the hose clamps use a hydraulic cylinder vs the old screw down type. On the smaller lines you can put a couple of kinks on a charged line, then bleed off the pressure, then extend the line if you don't have a hose clamp handy.