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Re: First Response Price Increase

Still no mall address?

Re: First Response Price Increase

Jeff, the reason most people won't post there name's is due to one reason. All of the people who bow down to FR jump on them. As for the price increase I think it is getting to be out of hand. The CV went from $16.95 to $18.95 Chargers went from $18.95 to $19.95 to the new price of $24.95. I think that is what the issue is plus the previous mentioned QC issue's. That is all I have to say on the matter.

Re: First Response Price Increase

I'll wait until the end of summer when Diecast Direct discounts all their First Response stock for $9.99 each.

Re: First Response Price Increase

Yeah - THAT'S gonna happen---...

Re: First Response Price Increase

Code 3 has gone to liquidators a number of times with only a couple of new items issued, and they probably weren't indebted to the bank by over producing product and placing dozens of new models on the market in times when the economy has tanked. Maybe not by the end of summer, but we'll definately see $9.99 prices before Christmas. Loans come due, and I doubt they paid factory and shipper in full before taking merchandice.


Please see the current link from POLICECAR MODELS below (copied from website on December 20, 2009). Is it my imagination that FR 41 Fords have been DISCOUNTED to $5.00 each, from a retail of $16.95?

What was posted back in March on ATEV in this same string. Here is a March quote from Jeff disputing probablility about some sort of liquidation for FR models:

"Yeah - THAT'S gonna happen---..."

Never happen? Don't think so.

If the 41 Fords can be reduced a whopping $12, why can't the CVs (hey, I've seen some discounts already) and eventually the Chargers see a similar reduction in price, as their current price is higher at the moment?

As James Bond 007 said when he was talking about diecast collection to a Hottie,"Never say Never again."

Re: First Response Price Increase

Still no mall address?

This what you asking about?


Hey "THRIFTY" - the 1941 Fords are over 2 years old. There is a time as a retailer when you have to clear out old stock regardless of the loss just to make space for the new stuff coming in. Our online $5.00 price is below what we paid FRR for these cars, and an effort to do just that, close them out and move on, something many retailers do with many product lines. The 1941 Fords did not sell as well for us as the FCVs, Chargers and Magnums have, we bought a lot when they were first issued - now its time to move on. If you did some more homework, you would see that many FRR FCVs and Chargers have SOLD OUT already - try to find a bargain price for those units! The 1941 Fords were not as popular (for us) as hoped - ahhh the joys of being in retail and trying to read the consumers mind...

Again I say that you will not see such a price drop on FRR FCVs, Magnums and Chargers. Just to be clear for the thinking impaired - the $5.00 price for 1941 Fords on our website was OUR DECISION ONLY, not made by FRR. There comes a time that it costs a retailer more money to sit on a product that is not selling than it is worth, a smart retailer will drop the price, clear the stock and move on. This is HARDLY the first time we have done such a price drop, FRR is not the only brand where we have offered a deep discount to move old stock.

Further, why are you such a freaking coward and can not post your real name? Its just sad. You want to come after me or my company or my business practices thats fine, but be a man (or woman) and use your real name! And don't give me that crap about people "jumping on you" - you can have your opinions right or wrong, just as I and anyone else on this board can. I support the FRR line, as well as the many other lines I offer online. They have made some mistakes and have also made some huge improvements. They are the only 1/43 Police US line out there right now.

Bottom line, if you don't like the quality or the price, or you can't afford a $25.00 car - don't buy - why is that so hard for people to understand? Sure, complain if you want but after a while the same complaints from the same few people fall on deaf ears...

...Boy i can't stop adding to my post - re-reading the genius above said "Diecast Direct" would reduce their prices on FRR cars, to which I replied "yeah right - thats gonna happen". Hmmmmmm - go check the DD website, have THEY reduced their FRR prices? I think not. Do a little research before you open your mouth---

You want to complain about price increases (the first post in this thread) - why dont you come up with the $100,000 plus, go to China and make your own diecast cars. Then see in 6 months to a year what the Chinese do with the price. Do you really think FRR (or MANY other diecast companies (Code 3, Corgi, Mattell, IXO,Autoart, exoto, and the list goes on...) pull price increases out of their hats because they want to "stick it to the collector"? Get real - production, raw materials, labor, licensing, shipping and import/export costs all go up - do you really think a company con just eat these costs forever..? They would go out of business---

Location: Earth

DieCast Direct Never Discounts First Response Cars

Jeff is exactly right regarding the way business is done. Diecast Direct has never discounted the dealer cost on First Response.
Everyone thinks the dealers are making so much money, but in reality, a lot of dealers are losing money on these cars.
Average people don't understand that depending on what state you live in, there is business property tax on all inventory, which means, the longer we keep it in stock, the more we lose. Sometimes stores have no choice then dump off a product just to cut their loses to the state for taxes.

Some guys might think that 2-3$ profit margin per car is a lot, but it is not enough to stay in business long term. Walmart and Kmart both have a 400% markup on the goods they buy/sell. So unless you are getting something at walmart for 50% off, walmart is making better profit then we are on these cars.

In addition, you should thank your Obama, for the price increases that will continue. Since Obama continues to devalue the dollar, on the world currency market, our money is worth very little to foreign nations. Alot of countries don't even want it, and ask that you change to Euros to do business. Nobody wants to hold falling dollars in business.

Today, the dollar is worth less than half it's face value in world business markets. So consider it this way guys, in reality, if you paid in Euros, those same FR cars would only cost you 12 Euro each.
So until the dollar goes back to being worth a dollar, everything is going to keep rising.

Re: DieCast Direct Never Discounts First Response Cars

I'm sure the average collector has no concept of what it costs[today] compared to just 2-3 years ago to manufacturer something, even in China. China's minimum wage doubled last year, the cost of zinc, the primary component of diecast has increased not to mention transportation costs.

As for the projection that we'd "definately see $9.99 models by Christmas", well that didn't happen did it?And,it's not going to. The 41 Fords served their purpose,were an experiement into vintage police and it's time to move them out. You're not going to see that with the other lines. That's the quickest way to kill a product line. Assertions that loans will come due come from individuals who aren't knowledgable or qualified to comment about us. Our product is fully paid for. Bottom line is this,I'd love to be able to manufacture and import these while maintaining a retail price of say, $12.00 to you guys but in todays world that's not possible.

One last comment, I'm not going to get involved in a protracted argument or discussions over prices.

Re: DieCast Direct Never Discounts First Response Cars

DieCast Truckstop
Jeff is exactly right regarding the way business is done. Diecast Direct has never discounted the dealer cost on First Response.
Everyone thinks the dealers are making so much money, but in reality, a lot of dealers are losing money on these cars.
Average people don't understand that depending on what state you live in, there is business property tax on all inventory, which means, the longer we keep it in stock, the more we lose. Sometimes stores have no choice then dump off a product just to cut their loses to the state for taxes.

Some guys might think that 2-3$ profit margin per car is a lot, but it is not enough to stay in business long term. Walmart and Kmart both have a 400% markup on the goods they buy/sell. So unless you are getting something at walmart for 50% off, walmart is making better profit then we are on these cars.

In addition, you should thank your Obama, for the price increases that will continue. Since Obama continues to devalue the dollar, on the world currency market, our money is worth very little to foreign nations. Alot of countries don't even want it, and ask that you change to Euros to do business. Nobody wants to hold falling dollars in business.

Today, the dollar is worth less than half it's face value in world business markets. So consider it this way guys, in reality, if you paid in Euros, those same FR cars would only cost you 12 Euro each.
So until the dollar goes back to being worth a dollar, everything is going to keep rising.

DON'T EVEN GO THERE!!! Don't blame Obama for any of this. 8 years of George The Retard Bush caused the economic problem's. NOT OBAMA

Use Your Real Name!

You are just like Obama hiding behind his fake name.
He's the first guy who is elected without a valid birth certif. An african citizen illegally living in this country. I can't wait till this matter is heard by the supreme court next year.

He is no more then a fraud just like all the other cowards using fake names on here.
The only people who like obama are the ones who want a free ride on the working people.

Get a job and stop playing on the internet and then you won't need obama to tax everyone else to support you.

Re: Use Your Real Name!

First off all of the case's have been thrown out because they were without merit. Second your the guy who claimed in the past that you bought out the Road Champs Police car line. Your a racist who can't stand that a black man is President get over it!!!! There is nothing in front of the supreme court. Let's believe the Repulbicans and Sarah I AM A CRY BABY Palin. Get over it. You claim he is a african citizen living in the country illegally? PROVE IT OR KEEP YOUR MOUTH SHUT!!!!

Oh by the way LOSER I do have a job a nice one. Go back to the moutain's and inbreed with your cousin

Use Your Real Name!

Diecast Truckstop? Were you named after Mom or Dad? Talk about not using a real name.

Re: Use Your Real Name!

Based on your ignorance of the POTUS and his birth certificate I would be very sceptical of doing business with you. Can you count to 20 without taking your shoes off?

Location: Augusta, GA

Re: Use Your Real Name!

You three cowards hiding behind your fake names should get a life. All you know how to do is come online and bad mouth others and hide. Your too chicken to show who you really are.

Obama is criminal and it will be proven. tells it all.

The main majority of Obama supporters were under 30yo and this shows their lack of intelligence. They believe in his false hope and change.

And don't pretend your from GA. Obama has very little support in GA and was even afraid to return there. There are many intelligent black people who do not like him and did not support him. It is you people like you make these lies to scare people into voting for him. People were scared to not vote for him cause of fools like you and your friends.

If you like him so much, Why don't you and Barry Obama, take you A** back to Kenya. You can live in a hut like his brother.

And FYI, I don't support Palin either. Shé is no different then him, she has no experience at this time.

Re: Use Your Real Name!

And we can call your rants "PSYCHO TALK!!!!

Location: Planet Earth

Re: Use Your Real Name!

what we have here is a few obama babies. perhaps thier mommy and daddy let them stay up late and play on the internet tonight.

today in school, you can tell your friends how you call people names for not supporting obama. dont forget to tell your bf that you hate palin and love obama. you are racist against womans rights.

for your great loyality, later obama says you can go out and play with his little daughters.

let me remind you one thing son, there are many **** good woman law enforcement officers that do a **** good job. do even sterotype palin supporters.

Re: Use Your Real Name!

DieCast Truckstop
You three cowards hiding behind your fake names should get a life. All you know how to do is come online and bad mouth others and hide. Your too chicken to show who you really are.

Obama is criminal and it will be proven. tells it all.

The main majority of Obama supporters were under 30yo and this shows their lack of intelligence. They believe in his false hope and change.

And don't pretend your from GA. Obama has very little support in GA and was even afraid to return there. There are many intelligent black people who do not like him and did not support him. It is you people like you make these lies to scare people into voting for him. People were scared to not vote for him cause of fools like you and your friends.

If you like him so much, Why don't you and Barry Obama, take you A** back to Kenya. You can live in a hut like his brother.

And FYI, I don't support Palin either. Shé is no different then him, she has no experience at this time.

And this is were you get your information A website full of nut cases's? Citizen grand jury's who are trying to indictment Obama NEVR GONNA HAPPEN!!!! The court's have all ruled it can't be done. Oh and Philip J. Berg is a fruad. This person is nothing more than a righ wing nut job. That entire site is nothing more than a joke. Obama is a US citizen born in the US so get over it. Nice try go back to reading your right wing conspiracy crap!!!

OH Mr. Berg is going to get Obama look at the link from the Supreme Court DENIED!!!!!!!

All anyone has to due is go to the supreme court and put in Obama and every one of these nut case's has been denied

Re: Use Your Real Name!

The Right Wing Religous Nut Cases are just the KKK and NAZI Party using new names. They can't live with the fact that someone other than a caucasian has been elected President. Get over it, your daugthers have.

This forum will require renewal on August 3, 2009 (38)