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I've been wondering about that myself

But I think that even we there is a message to be found, then it would just send us (as readers) on another wild goose chase. This is the point of the story to my view. There is no message, just like the "message" Quinn found was misleading. But it would be interesting to see and if I had to bet, I'd bet it does spell something.

Re: City of Glass - Message Intended???

Stillman's itinerary can be found in a book written by Gerard de Cortanze, a French critic/writer, entitled "le New York de Paul Auster" (Paul Auster's New York). In it, there is a map of Manhattan where Stillman's journey is outlined. As far as I can tell, it does not spell or represent anything, and seems to be truly random.
I retraced Stillman's steps about 10 years ago, roughly following the map, and also looking for Auster "landmarks" such as the location of the Moon Palace restaurant (which no longer existed) and appartments where Auster had lived. At the end of the day, I was exhausted, but happy to have done it. Walking the route did not seem to reveal any hidden meaning as well, but so many things had changed since the writing of the book that it could have been deceptive.


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Replying to:

First time post - re. City of Glass (The New York Trilogy, Penguin US paperback edition - pages 126-134)
I'd be very interested to know whether anyone has tried to map Quinn's long (and very detailed) walk from uptown Manhattan, downtown, and back home again (immediately following his loss of contact with Virginia Stillman), in order to see if any message exists, in the same manner that Quinn deciphered "The Tower of Babel" from Stillman Sr.'s apparently meaningless meanderings. There are obviously many other themes discussed during these pages, but it does seem too detailed a journey to be coincidental, given the attention paid to Stillman's walks/message. Maybe I'm just looking for something here where no meaning was truly intended, and I'm far too lazy to map it myself, but if someone HAS taken the time, I'd be very interested in the result (if any!!!)
Many thanks & kind regards - Pete.