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A Man Who Bravely Served

I dedicate this poem to my friend Robert W. Garbisch and his lovely wife Linda.

May we never forgot
the Veterans who bravely
served our country
in the wars of the past.
One very special Veteran
is my friend Robert.
He witnessed the pain
and suffering that led
this precious man of honor
to become a fireman.
His desire was to save
life and not take it away.
He is among those who
believe that fighting
for our freedom means
giving medical attention
to those brutalized by
the disasters of war.
His precious wife Linda
shares in his dream.
She is devoted to keeping
the flame alive in the
warmth of her love toward
her family and friends.
She has the calm voice
of a nurse to help her
husband in the many
emergencies life brings.
This Veteran's desire
to wrap the bandages
around those who bleed
will never be forgotten
by those who remember
his voice.
As a fireman, he bravely
put out the fires of hate
and dashed to save one
life so tender and free.
He is among those Veteran's
who believe that life
is worth saving no matter
what the cost!