This forum is for collectors of emergency vehicle models to discuss any aspect of the industry. Feel free to post comments on current releases, future models, items for sale/trade, or items wanted.
Just a sign of the times in our modern world. Emergency vehicle collectibles have dropped off in availability substantially in the past few years( & in many cases, what is out there is back to the inaccurate toy days), most middle class folks have to work too much to make ends meet these days to have "play money," and "internet play time" is down as well. While I never like seeing a good site go away, it would be understandable.
It's nice to see some comments again. But I guess I have to agree with some of the statements. The hobby has really suffered lately. Most of the big name vendors are gone, sales are down and so no one is really follwoing what is going on like they used to. I guess we can blame a lot on the economy. I know that I haven't made any major purchases for several years due to the higher costs and shortage of funds. I would hate to see the board go but I can also understand not investing a lot on money to keep it alive if its not being supported.