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This forum is for collectors of emergency vehicle models to discuss any aspect of the industry. Feel free to post comments on current releases, future models, items for sale/trade, or items wanted.

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My guess.....

I bet NEXT month (August) is the DP 10 Truck--do a 5 month payment plan and it's paid for by Christmas.

Now, if a New York Police Vehicle (at only 1500 pieces) doesn't sell out, I'm willing to bet that will be the last Police Vechicle we ever see run off the C3 production line. My guess it will sell out--just because of the low production.

I have yet to buy a single piece this year except the Chicago Fire Boat and DP CFD Pumper when they were on special (boat is a great piece with the lighted base).

With so many GREAT pieces of apparatus from cities both big and small, I'm just amazed that C3 has opened it up with some KMEs or Pierce or new Seagraves from LA City or LA County or Pierce Tower from Boston. Or even some E-One's from Fairfax County, VA. There's a lot out there for the taking.

This forum will require renewal on August 3, 2009 (38)