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Re: Who else met the love of their life at Matzuva?

Which Bruce/Baruch was this?

Re: Who else met the love of their life at Matzuva?

Absolutely! I met Laurie Neuman in the Fall Ulpan of 1968.

We actually got together in October that year after I had a conversation with Laurie through the window of the sick room. How more romantic can it get than that? Yup, we fell in love... What to do? Long story short; I left all my possessions in Matzuva and traveled to Holland during Passover 1969 so that I could introduce her to my parents.

We traveled through Italy on my Honda 50 moped. Lots of interesting stories about that trip!

After arriving in Bussum, Holland, Laurie stayed a few weeks and then left to go home to California.

I got her to come back to Bussum in August of 1969. We were married on December 29, 1969 with her family and some of the Dutch ulpanicks in attendance.

We made it to California in January 1970 where we had our Chupah. We are now in our 45th year together and are still two crazy kids madly in love. It doesn't get better than that.

My advice through all those years for people looking for that special person: Go to Matzuva! That is the place where you will find your soul mate.

We are still in touch with people that were in Matzuva in 1963, 1965 and of course 1968-1969.

Matzuva is always in our thoughts.

Re: Who else met the love of their life at Matzuva?

In the Spring of 1968 I met the love of my life, Chuck Petler. Sorry I let him go, he married another. Loved Bruce Kadmon too.

Re: Who else met the love of their life at Matzuva?

Chuck married another, but also divorced the other.

Re: Who else met the love of their life at Matzuva?

Hi Baruch!!!

I met the love of my life under your careful Ulpan watch! Jennifer and I had an exceedingly impulsive get-together--mainly my fault--that was appropriate for our tender ages in the second half of 1991. Yet, as the immaturity peeled away, we discovered that the chemistry really was there. To be sure, the charm of the kibbutz (shabbat dinners, dancing in the pub, our cozy accomodations, nature walks, spending time with our kibbutz families, ...), encouraged our romance. Almost 25 years later, we are proud of the relationship we have nurtured over the past quarter-century as well as our two children (who bring us much nachas)!

Kibbutz Matzuva, we think of you often with much nostalgia and fondness!

Baruch, likewise, we fondly remember your kindness and generosity!!!

Warmest regards,

Re: Who else met the love of their life at Matzuva?

Last December we celebrated our 46th anniversay and still going strong!

Re: Who else met the love of their life at Matzuva?

Sandi and I celebrated our 38th year (40 years together) of marriage last January. Who else besides Leo van Esschoten and us have been together happily so long since meeting at Matzuva?

Re: Who else met the love of their life at Matzuva?

Laurie Neuman van Esschoten z"l

It is with great sadness that I have to report the passing of Laurie van Esschoten.
She passed away August 8, 2016.

We would have celebrated our 47th wedding anniversary in December.

More Sad News

Dear Leo

On behalf of the members and residents at Kibbutz Matzuva please accept our sadness at the untimely bereavement of your lifelong partner Laurie Neuman van Esschoten ז"ל who passed away on August 8, 2016

We extend to you our sincere condolences and wish you well.


Baruch Kadmon

Re: Who else met the love of their life at Matzuva?

Leo, so sorry to hear about your loss. May her memory be a blessing.
Steve & Sandi Selby.

Re: More Sad News

Dear Baruch,

Thank you.

Matzuba will forever be in my heart.
Life for me started in Matzuba in 1963 and ultimately resulted in my meeting Laurie there in 1968.
Such sweet memories...

Re: Who else met the love of their life at Matzuva?

Dear Steve and Sandy,

Thank you so much.

May you have many years together.

Re: Who else met the love of their life at Matzuva?

This past June 24th would have been Laurie's 70th birthday.
To mark that occasion I sent the following text to family and friends:

So, today we celebrate Laurie's birthday for the first time without her. To mark this event I sponsored the Oneg Shabbat last night and today's Kiddush.
Last night our Vice President somehow found the most touching words to express Laurie's impact on the congregation, their love for her and their sharing the grief of her loss to me and my family.
I have said it before, Temple Sholom is my home away from home.
Once more we will, today or tomorrow, celebrate the life of Laurie. A life that I have had the privilege to share with her albeit for too short a time.
My love to you all with the wish that you in your own way will celebrate her birthday with me.
No matter how difficult, make this a day of joy for having known her.


Re: Who else met the love of their life at Matzuva? Check out my Facebook page.

I have no idea if anyone still stumbles upon these pages. For those that chance to arrive here, I have posted many pictures of Matzuva in the 1960s and many pictures of Laurie.

Just search Facebook for Leo van Esschoten and send a Friend request.

Re: Who else met the love of their life at Matzuva?

Hi steve
Are you the one from manchester ?
I met betty in 77 and we are still married since 40 years
She was in the ulpan and i was on the way to become a member
She was called ''the parisian''and brought me out back to France where we are still living

Re: Who else met the love of their life at Matzuva?

Hi Nimrod, yes it’s me Steve from Manchester. So nice to hear from you. Sandi and I remember you fondly. We hope you and your family are well. Maybe we can get together one of these days? Much regards.

Re: Who else met the love of their life at Matzuva?

Dear Leo, I just found out about Laurie’s passing..I am so sorry to hear! She was such a wonderful warm joyous person! So filled with life, fun and creativity. I grieve with you. I don’t know if you remember me but I always enjoyed my chats with you when Laurie was busy. I hadn’t spoken with her in a long time but she told me she had gotten sick again when we last spoke. I have always kept you both in my prayers and will continue to do so with you. I will miss her. I am sure that your son and his family are a great comfort for you. I wish you long life and good health and all blessings. Be well, Rev. Shelby Hammitt
I know this is not the proper place to put this note to Leo but if anyone knows how to forward it to him I would be very grateful. If you need to reach me my email is: If you or Leo would like my phone number please let me know. If you know another way to reach him I would appreciate it. Thanks!