Technology in Physical Education and Coaching

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Re: Discussion Number Four (4)

I have not done much with creating a web page. We have sharepoint sites at school that we can post assignments to, handouts or class information. These sites are web accessible. I have not personally used it much. I went to an information class, but have not implemented it yet. As a PE department we have discussed placing a 9th grade assignment that each 9th grader needs to complete as a final. We are hoping to have that done this year. That is all we have done so far.

Re: Discussion Number Four (4)

Last school year, one of my high school students was doing an independent study and created a school sports website. I worked side by side with him as he looked for material to post. The website evolved into an avenue for communication between coaches and student-athletes.
Practice and game schedules were the featured pieces, at first. through experimentation, I learned to make podcasts on the Macs. I soon started to make instructional basketball podcasts. This was helpful for my athletes, as they were able to download information to MP3 players. This became a very successful means of teaching skills and concepts to my players.

Re: Re: Discussion Number Four (4)

Wow. It sounded like it was a very successful experiment that ended up being much more than you expected. I like the idea and thought it was a great way to communicate and instruct your players.

Re: Discussion Number Four (4)

I have never tried creating a webpage. Our Adapted PE Department produces a newsletter twice a school year (550 copies) that goes home to parents as well as staff and administrators. It includes event dates, units, Specialist corner, resources, tips, trivia, etc. I thought it would be an efficient as well as effective if we created a link off the FCOE main webpage for our APE department. It would include the information that would have on our newsletter. Besides it would save a tree or two in the process. I don't know where to start I guess is the reason why I haven't attempted it.

Re: Discussion Number Four (4)

As part of my Masters program I had to create a web page as my final project. It was a little more labor intensive as I remember back then. The purpose was to promote physical education to the parents. Now I have power point presentations and WebQuests I would like to have available on-line for my students so I need to learn more about how to do that. I just think anything that you can provide to parents and the community only puts physical education's importance in the forefront with all of the other disciplines. It makes it just as important. Plus, I think what we do, if you do do a good job, is so under rated. We have such a venue to incorporate all the disciplines which further roots physical education as an integral part of each student's school day.

Re: Re: Discussion Number Four (4)


I completly agree with you. Do you have a technology department in your district? I would seek them out to help you get your shows available on the net. They should be able to help you convert them into a universally acessable format for anyone to see. I would be interested in seeing them if possible. I've used power point to start of my year with the students, but would love to see how you used it.

Re: Discussion Number Four (4)

I did create a webpage for part of my Masters Project. I also created another webpage when I first began teaching. My first webpage was to tie all of my research for my Masters project together and provide resources for others that had similar interests. My latest website was to help share some of the information with students and parents about myself and my PE program. I currently utilize a weblog for a similar purpose. This has proved to be a great additional source for students and parents who seek further information or another way to access it when I am not available. Keeping it up to date is essential and can be difficult.

Re: Discussion Number Four (4)

When I was in college, my final project was to create an electronic portfolio of all of the work that I had done. This was created in the form of a web page. It was done through Word and then saved as a web page for others to view. Computers are not my strong point, but I was able to create a pretty cool site. I never even knew how to hyper-link before this project and here I was creating an entire page. Luckily this project became useful to me when I had to hand in an electronic portfolio to the New York State of all the work I had done my first two years of teaching. I also broadened my horizons by learning to create a new portfolio using power point.

Re: Re: Discussion Number Four (4)

All these classes and seminars on technology have forced me to get better at my computer skills and helped me to learn to use new programs. When I think about it I know its for the kids and helps me be a better educator.
I plan to finish this class by sending my portfolio in for the final project, I'm a little intimidated but, I'll make it.

Re: Re: Discussion Number Four (4)

Is creating a webpage using Word and then saving it as a webpage as easy as you make it sound? I would always prefer to work in Word because it is most familiar to me. Netscape composer and some of the other webpage creation programs never seem as user friendly. I am going to give this a shot to see just how easy it is to save it after I create it.

Re: Discussion Number Four (4)

In regards to parents knowing too much of what goes on, I feel that if you give an inch they will take a mile. I do feel that parents have a right to know what is going on with their children at school and that they should be able to ask questions and contact their child's teacher via the internet. However; I heard a recent discussion regarding parents wanting their child's homework posted on-line as well. When are students going to become responsible if everything is given to them so easily?

Re: Discussion Number Four (4)

Oh yeah. My website is
Its purpose is (1) to act as a diplomat for my Physical Education program at Bach School and (2) provide information to parents and students about my program and links to Fitness websites that may be helpful.
Additionally my website could be use as part of my program letting students get online and perform some tasks related to Physical Education and integrated to the regular classroom curriculum.

Re: Discussion Number Four (4)

While I have not personally created a website, our high school with the help of some of our tech savvy students did create a link on the school website for our deptartment.
We tend to use it primarily to promote our program within the school and for the community at large.
While there is a good traditional committment to the program form the community, recent budget trends have put our program in the spotlight for staff cuts and we have found thatgood community relations and information have been invaluable in promoting the cause.
The staff post newsleter articles on the site and discuss the electives that students can choose form the program.
While the feedback is not overwhelming, we do get compliments from parents on the information we provide on the school link.

Re: Discussion Number Four (4)

I have with other teachers in my school made a website. It was a great resource for my students and their families as well as the community. For myself I would post the units that the classes were covering, extra activities that the students could do add to their experiences, the materials needed for the class, and special acomplishments.
The students and families enjoyed the website and found it useful. We don't have the website anymore. We were paying for the website out of our own pockets and the district did not want an unofficial website for our school on the web. Our district is becoming more computer savy so I believe that in the near future we will have a department or school website added on to our district's.

Re: Discussion Number Four (4)

My first attempt at creating a Webpage was my last semester in college while student teaching. The purpose of my Webpage was to "advertise" my skills and teaching accomplishments (including pictures, lessons,extracurricular activities, etc) for potential employers to view. I added my webpage to my resume and business cards which I presented at each of my job interviews. I did not maintain this webpage once I got my first job, but recently I have posted a webpage on my district site related to my PE program.
By creating and maintaining a Webpage, it allows you to communicate with your students, parents, staff, administration, and community to promote your PE program. Also, other PE teachers can access this information and it could promote collaboration and feedback between colleagues. My website allows me to post my rules, class events, activities and curriculum, assessments, personal background and contact information, and a PE online newsletter for students and parents to view. This avoids a lot of paperwork shuffled between school and home. And, it is very convenient for anyone to view if they have access to the Internet.

Re: Discussion Number Four (4)

I have created three websites. One is my school's website. I have also included on this website my favorite pictures I took of my students. They think it is pretty cool to make "my favorite". Also on my website, I have many sites the students go to for my projects. That works very well.
I also have two athletic websites for our sports teams. One is cross country and the other is boys and girls basketball. The athletes really like that since I put pictures up that I took and lots of results. Most importantly, it is current. I cannot stand when people have sites and they are weeks behind in their information.

Re: Re: Discussion Number Four (4)

Judith - I like your idea of including pictures on your websites. Students enjoy and appreciate seeing themselves and others. It can be very entertaining and educational. It also allows parents and other school personal (administration, school board, community, etc.) to see your programs. It's a great way to show the students engaged in fitness and participating in athletics. Keeping the website updated is also essential. It keeps everyone curious as to what will be posted next. We are currently working on implementing more fitness related activities into our curriculum. We have updated our weight room and would like to use it more. I am thinking about taking pictures of students using the weight room and post them on our web page.

Re: Re: Discussion Number Four (4)

Judith, Your sites sound pretty awesome. I defintely agree that the students like to check out their pictures. I was going to start a website for the softball team that I coached last year, but I unfortunately am not coaching this year so I did not want to put all that time into designing the page. If I ever go back to coaching, I defintely will creat a sports page. The athletes really do enjoy it.

Re: Re: Re: Discussion Number Four (4)

Be very careful when posting student pictures to a website. If school related you must have them sign a release form. Also be careful because if you post someones picture you never know who will access it, download it and where it will go and how it will be used. Don't open yourself up to a lawsuit.

Re: Re: Discussion Number Four (4)

Your idea of posting the student's pictures on the web page makes it motivating for students to revisit your site. Are there any issues regarding posting pictures of your students? Need parent permission? Not listing names etc?

Re: Discussion Number Four (4)

I have a web page that you can access through our schools web site. My page introduces myself and is a tutorial of the Health and Physical Education program at our school. My page has information including: my background (education, activities, hobbies, etc); a link where students can view the course sylabis for health and PE class; a link that describes three major projects for the quarter and requirements; diet and fitness suggestions and links; and track and cross country schedules (sports that I coach). One things we would like to do as a department is to create a departmental web page. We would like to update the site frequently and include make-up assignments for different units (student sbsences). Keeping the site updated would assist parents with students progess. They would be able to better monitor their childs homework and class expectations. We also have a district wide system that allows parents access to grades. The program shows test results, classroom work, and homework grades. It shows if assignments were late or have not been turned in. We would like to provide a link on our page that would allow parents access to their child's current health and PE grade.

Re: Discussion Number Four (4)

I have not created a web page but would like to. I want to give parents a look at what goes on in my PE classes. I would love to post videos demonstrating suudent learning. I want to inform parents what we are working on either week by week or month by month. Hopefully parents would encourage more activity at home if they could see what we were working on.

Re: Discussion Number Four (4)

No I have not yet created a Webpage. As discussed previously in Chapter 10, a colleague in my school created a Webpage. The staff was then encouraged to send a brief biography of themselves, course syllabus, and general information for contacting them. I know I have not updated this information since the beginning of the school year.
If I created a Webpage, I would like to change information monthly about current Health and Physical Education issues. Each month parents would know what topics we were discussing. I feel parents are truly interested in their child's fitness and nutritional well being. Tips on staying active and eating right would be a monthly feature.

Re: Discussion Number Four (4)

I designed my own website using dreamweaver about eight years ago when I first started teaching because it was recommended by the administration because technology use was a big focus of our school. It's purpose was to allow students to access class work and materials that they needed in our class and to also showcase some student work, rubrics,standards and general information about what was going on in our classes. The website was a good way of displaying student work that was meeting standards and that allowed other students to see that work and use it as a guideline. I also had a section listing links to websites that could be usefull to them. Now I'm at a different school and we have a website where students access everyday with the same kinds of tools but I didn't have to design it myself.

Re: Re: Discussion Number Four (4)

Joao, I am in the middle of creating a website for my physical education program. Did you find it easy using dream weaver? Do you know of any good software programs that would help me create a good site? I am using Microsoft Front Page and it is taking some time to develop the website. Thanks

Re: Re: Re: Discussion Number Four (4)

I was taught by my cousin who is pretty savy with computers but it was just a crash course. I basicly had to use it and learn on my own. I can say that it wasn't to difficult but I have heard some people say that it is. I guess it depends on how comfortable you are with computers. I have never used front page but heard that it was easier than dreamweaver.

Re: Discussion Number Four (4)

I am in the middle of creating a webpage for my school's physical education program. Every year teachers are assigned an APPR (annual professional performance review). This years APPR for me is to create a website for our program. The main focus for the web site is to encourage students to live a healthy and physically active lifestyle. The website will offer physical education and health related links, staff information (email), list of after school activates, the programs mission statement, our curriculum and our physical education goals for the students.

Re: Re: Discussion Number Four (4)

If you want I can send you an attachment of what my website looks like so that u can see an example.

Re: Re: Discussion Number Four (4)

Wow, sounds like your webpage is going to be awesome!

Re: Discussion Number Four (4)

As of right now our physical education department is in the process of creating a website. The purpose of our website is so the community(parents & students) can see what our goals and objectives are; to know what activities we offer throughout our curriculum; what after school programs the district offers; how to contact the physical education staff and have physical education and health sites available. By having this website, it will help us with communicating with the parents. They will know what is expected of their child and what we have to offer. It is a great way to give the parents up to date information instead of having their child rely to information to them.

Re: Discussion Number Four (4)

I have never created a webpage. I did attempt creating one for this course but could not figure out how to get it up and running. It was very frustrating because everyone always says how easy it is. I will coninue to try because having a website would be great for my students parents to see what we are doing in class etc. I have created a "blog" site though and I share family pictures with everyone.

Re: Discussion Number Four (4)

I currently have a webpage for my classes at school. I did not origainlly create the page, but have updated it drastically from it's original form. The teacher before me had created a one page website with the names of our PE teachers on it and little else. I have expanded that to about 11 different pages, each with information related to my classes. Some sample pages include Rules and Procedures for class, frequently asked questions, contact information, and a monthly calendar for class activities. I use my page to keep my students up to date with what is happening and also to educate parents about my class. Becuase we use heart rate monitors in class and that is very new to our 6th graders, we have a great deal of information on the site to hopelly help parents understand the expectations on their son or daughter. We find the site to be incredibly helpful to those who go to it. The problem is getting parents to check it out which many times would answer the qustions they have about class. The site is far from perfect, but does a good job of providing information to interested students and parents.

Re: Discussion Number Four (4)

Yes, I have created a Webpage. The administration in my district is encouraging all teaching staff to have their own Website. The purpose is to communicate with students and parents about each teacher's program. It is a good place to put information about current things that are happening in your class. It is good PR for your program.

Re: Re: Discussion Number Four (4)

My administration has also required our school district to have an updated website. I have experienced everything you included in your response. When talking to parents I refer to the website quite often to guide them in finding the correct answers to their quesitons. Students love the website too because they know the timeframe of each unit and when tests are going to be given. It is definetly good PR for the program. If you have PE records such as the mile, 40 yard dash, shuttle run, etc. you can post them on the website.

Re: Discussion Number Four (4)

I currently have a webpage provided through the school district. I try to update it on a regular basis to provide current and accurate information. The webpage contains contact information, educational background, professional experience, extra curricular activities, mission statement, teacher objectives, PA Standards, course expectation, and teaching content. In the future I plan to include online assessment activities, class projects, and sport video clips for students to access. I also have a wikispace account that I am learning to use to incorporate into my classes. Some of my colleagues already include technology in their classroom through CFF (Classroom for the Future) and are teaching me how to modify some of their teaching strategies to meet my needs. In the past three years my website has been a lifesaver for the students who have medicals, are absent from class, or need help studying. Take a look at it and if you can help me make it better I am always open for suggestions.

Re: Discussion Number Four (4)

No I have never created a website.
I feel a website could be very beneficial in communicating with the public. The site could be used to promote the good things happening in the classroom. It can explain policies of grades, dress for PE, and other administrative items. To maintain it with pictures of current and past students could draw students to the page. Keeping records and posting them such as push-ups etc. could be kept for many years for students to see their progress and where there fitness level stands. A syllabus can be posted so current and future parents and students could see what will be happening and what they are going to get into. This may save a phone call to school from parents, but I doubt it, because parents who are upset need to be heard, they feel they do, because the "gym" polices in place for years don't apply to their child.

Re: Discussion Number Four (4)

Yes, The purpose was a generic faculty page that had our classes and schedules. I also made a track and field one that had bus schedules, meet entries and announcements that proved invaluable for organization

Re: Discussion Number Four (4)

I have not created a website but do have access to our school website to write articles, etc. This I feel would allow me to inform parents of my website if I would create one.
My idea would be to create a website for students and parents to access. I would use many of the technology websites and gadgets that I have discovered with this class to provide them ideas for their use at home.
The website I feel would also be a forum for any comments from parents or the community for me to interact with them. This might be a way to receive donations of money or equipment to my physical education program. My program I sure is not any different than others as we have limited funds and must make the best use of them.
Any type of PR for my physical education program would be positive and also let parents and the community know that the physical education classes are our school is not just "rolling out the ball" to play.

Re: Discussion Number Four (4)

I have never created a webpage from scratch. When I got hired at my current PE teaching position. The other PE teacher in the building had already created a PE website for our program. She did this using the program set up by our tech team in our district. I have adjusted some things on the website and added things monthly using the program. It is a nice, easy way to do a webpage, but I'd be at a loss if I had to start from scratch. The purpose of our webpage is to keep parents and students informed of what is going on in our PE program. This webpaage is useful to us because we can inform parents of what we're working on in class and what is coming up. It also gives parents and students a little information about us as teachers and our families. It's a friendly connection with our community.

Re: Discussion Number Four (4)

Yes, I just finished creating my first webpage. The main purpose of creating it was to satisfy a Board of Education requirement that we post something or the web. I decided to include student access to almost all of my handouts and assignments. I also have a page dedicated to parents with resources and informational websites listed.

Re: Discussion Number Four (4)

I have a web page for my baseball team at school. It's for the kids, parents, and coaches to check for schedules, changes and other general information. I also did some research and posted the school records (as best as I could find) and the top 5's of the major stat categories so the kids can relate to players from yesteryears or use it as motivation and something to shoot for.

Re: Discussion Number Four (4)

The only time I created a web page was when I took a class on how to create a simple web page. It was a beginner's course and it just gave me an idea how to plug and play certain aspects of the page. I just created a page that had to do with Health and P.E. Some helpful links and web pages were added. Some color and fun icons and it was done.
A web page would be extremely helpful and eventually I would like to have one for students to get on to and receive some accurate information to learn from.

Re: Re: Discussion Number Four (4)

I never created a wed page. Besides the class you took, have you ever created a web page for fun or business? I would like to learn how to create a web page. I would definitely like one for my school. I would like to include information about my class and information for my parents. I feel it would be beneficial for my students parents to understand what we are doing in class.4np6

Re: Re: Discussion Number Four (4)

Try going to it is a great site that will allow you to put all of the information you want on it. There are also interactive components that you can use with your classes. It is easy to use, and best of all it is free for educators.

Re: Discussion Number Four (4)

I have never created a webpage. I honestly do not now the first thing about creating a webpage or even how to get started. I could however see the benefits of having one and connecting it to my teaching. If I had a webpage I would definitely connect it to my classes. I would put useful information for my students and their parents. My webpage would contain my class rules, the current lesson, instructional material, updates, inspirational messages, nutrition facts, fitness tips and more. The website would be beneficial to both parents and students. Parents could find fitness and nutritional tips for the child. Students could find health related links and information about the current and future units.

Re: Discussion Number Four (4)

I created a Webpage at the first school I taught at, and it was a great tool. Its purpose was to post homework, supply parents with my phone number and email address and to keep the community updated on what was going on at school as best as I could. I wish that I was allowed to keep and update a webpage at my current school, but they are trying to make it so we are not bothered as much by parents with random calls and emails just to see what we are up to in class. However, I feel it would be beneficial to have because I could update it on a weekly basis like I used to and explain what the week would be all about. This would be very helpful to students who are out sick or on vacation because I could scan in assignments, notes and other materials. I could also post pages in the book to read or activities to complete. The possibilities are endless, and the webpage would really be what you make of it. I could post a link on there to my online gradebook, which most parents would find helpful. There are just so many great reasons to create and use a webpage for school.

I would also like to eventually create a webpage for my cross country and track teams. Currently, the PTA has a small section the explains what our teams are all about. I would like to include our schedule with directions, pictures and notes about each race. I think it would make the students excited to see themselves and to have something written about their success as a team.

Re: Discussion Number Four (4)

In my graduate class I had to create a webpage using yahoo geocities. Using geocities I was able to follow the template which was accessible right on the page. It had given me a step by step set up process which made it very easy to use. By using this set up process I created was a Driver’s Education webpage where my students can access any information they needed to help them study for a test or gather research information for projects. I refer to my website everyday and encourage my students to use it if you are having problems studying or problems with their homework assignments. I also put instructional video links for them to look at while they are at home to help them get a better understanding of various driving techniques or rules.

Re: Discussion Number Four (4)

I am so glad that I read your response. I was thinking the whole time that I was reading other people's responses, "How do you go about creating a website?" Now I know. I am going to try doing it myself. Thanks for the helpful info

Re: Discussion Number Four (4)

I have never created a webpage.

A website could be used to comunicate with parents and students. You could post lesson plans, links to other websites with information about the benefits of exercise, etc.

Re: Discussion Number Four (4)

At this point I have not created a Webpage. Although there have been rumors that all departments/teachers will need to develop a Webpage in the near future. There is no doubt that developing a Webpage is a task that has me intimidated. When I do develop a Webpage I know a couple people I will be leaning on for assistance.
I would like our Webpage to be updated with each unit. With parent permission I would like to add pictures of our students in action. Often physical education class is thought of as a dumping ground to let off steam. Through the use of a Webpage we can let parents and faculty know we do more than roll out a ball. Suggestions on family activities to get everyone active could be included as well as nutritional information.

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