Technology in Physical Education and Coaching

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Re: Discussion Number Four (4)

About 7 years ago with the help of my daughter I created a web page for our PE program. It was designed to inform and educate parents. I provided links, pictures and information directly on the site. Parents and students were able to access information regarding our program, Special Olympics, nutrition, wellness, fitness, youth sports, etc. I had used yahoo to build the site and had a link from our district web page. When our district redesigned it's web page the link was erased and I have not updated since.

Re: Discussion Number Four (4)

I have created and currently maintain a personal web page assigned to me by my school. Every teacher in our school was assigned one and we are required to keep it relatively up to date. I use my site to keep parents informed on what we are doing in P.E. classes. We are not allowed to post pictures of students because they are too young, but I do post pictures of the equipment we use and the set-ups I do for different units. Because we do not have direct phone lines in my school, the web page is a good way for me to communicate with parents through email.

Re: Discussion Number Four (4)

I am jealous of your web page! I would love to get one going! My district says they want us to start one, but has not given us the instructions on how to do so! That is one of my goals this year! Great job!

Re: Discussion Number Four (4)

It's unfortunate when school districts require things, but don't give either the training or time to do them. I am having problems with a policy my school has implemented where all our unit planners have to go online. The program is fairly straightforward, but unfortunately time consuming and therefore adds even more to our plates at the end of the day. I agree with the idea of moving towards a more paperless world, but feel strongly that the school administrators need to give us teachers the time and training to do so!

Re: Re: Discussion Number Four (4), Marden

I noticed that Marden said she used Yahoo Geocities to create a webpage. I've never heard of that and I think I will look into it.

Re: Discussion Number Four (4)

I have yet to create a webpage but did take a class about how to make one. It was during a supt. conference day and I built a webpage during the class but have yet to use it. It was relatively easy to build. I included links to fitness websites, sports websites, the school's webpage. I also included my schedule and best times to reach along with my school email address. I could post announcements for students and parents. I even had a separate section for my athletic teams I was coaching. It is a very good idea to have a webpage but has yet to become a priority of mine!

Re: Discussion Number Four (4)

I have created a webpage before with the help of sport specific software called Apex. The page was used for the football team I coach. I am able to communicate to my assistant coaches, players, parents, and fans, various pieces of information. I can post schedules, rosters, stats, pictures, and video clips. There is also a section that is password protected so that assistant coaches and players can view video clips of the opposing team. The webpage is a very useful tool for getting information out quickly.
I would like to create a webpage for my PE classes so that parents can be informed of what is going on in class. I would also post the requirements and rules of class including attendance, attire, attitude, behavior, and effort. I would also like to put the students current grade up on the webpage as well. The problem would be how not to mention a students name. One thought would be to use the students' Id numbers next to the grades or use some sort of password protected section. The maintenance part of a webpage is always time consuming so I would have to determine an appropriate time frame for updating the page. I think 1 to 2 weeks could suffice depending on the demand of the parents and students.

Re: Discussion Number Four (4)

Yes, this pass year the administrative leadership in my district enthusiastically encouraged all staff to have their webpage up to date. Each instructional staff member has a page on the district Website. The purpose of my page is to communicate information pertaining to our physical education program to parents and students and staff. My page is a never ending project it is specifically geared toward elementary level of our parents and students, as well as, my coaching schedule throughout the year.

Re: Discussion Number Four (4)

No, I haven't created a webpage yet but we are planning to do so this summer as part of a research and development project. We have a school website that has a little information about physical education but we want to expand and have oue own P.E. webpage to provide health information, resources and references and even local events related to P.E. We host a health fair every year and it would be a great way for us to communicate all the events we have that day. I'm looking forward to be a part of creating the webpage.

Re: Re: Discussion Number Four (4)

Suzanne, what sort of activities or booths do you have at your health fair? I think this would be another great way for parents as well as kids to see the benefits of an active lifestyle on their health.

Kathy Mummey

Re: Discussion Number Four (4)

No I have never created a webpage. I would like to create one sometime for use with my school. I think the students and parents of the students I teach can benefit from a website I would create by allowing them to see what their children are participating in during class and as a way for them to learn more about a particular subject of interest. I would have a topic of the week or month and find different websites for the parents to look at that would give them information on subjects such as nutrition, and the need for daily exercise to statistics on child obesity and effects that obesity can cause on health.

Re: Discussion Number Four (4)

I have never create a website, however I can imagine many benefits of having a website for both teaching and coaching. A useful website I would create would have a newsletter. This will keep parents up-to-date on what is going on in the class and sport. Certain assignments can be posted, such as posting a video link and having students type a response for it. As for coaching, rosters, phone chain, practice times, game schedules, including changes, team record, and game scores and highlights can all be posted on a useful website.

Re: Re: Discussion Number Four (4)


I like your idea of using the webpage to post grades. I think having a password protected section so each student and their parents can check current grades and progress is a great idea.

Re: Discussion Number Four (4)

I have just started to create my web page. By next year all of the Elementary classes have to have a web page. My school uses iWeb and all of the teachers Web pages will be linked to the school official website. This will let parents and future parents see what kind of things are going on in our classrooms. So, far the iWeb program has been pretty easy to use. The main purpose for my Web page will be to give parent’s information of what their child is working on and important dates of upcoming events. I am also planning to put a lot of photo albums from each unit, so that the parents can see pictures of their child in action. I might even try to put video clips of different students routines. Finally, I am planning to put educational links that students can play to learn information about health and fitness.

Re: Re: Discussion Number Four (4)

Pictures and video clips is a great idea. As a parent I would love to get that chance to see what my child was doing in class, and to see them interacting with others. That is something that otherwise you do not see, especially as kids get into middle school.

Re: Discussion Number Four (4)

The only time I created a website was in college, the purpose of it was for a portfolio and resume to put out to differnt districts to view. Right now in my school all the teachers have theri own web page and the departments as well. For PE we all collaborate and put all of our information on the PE web page. Website can be useful for many reasons one reason is we have students take their tests/quizzes on line and have them send it to us. We also put all the information online of what we cover in class so when students do have test they can study when we post all the work online. Another way it can be useful is if a students wants to learn differnt ideas on how to stay healthy or waht are some good ways to work out they can check online and see what we reccommend. Also if there is something in class that they really enjoyed and want to continue it at home they can log on and look that information up. Local gyms are listed so that students may use resources with in the community either during the summer or after school hours.

Re: Discussion Number Four (4)

I have created a Webpage, it was through and it was for my math class. Students in my math class could log on and get their assignments every day, and it was updated weekly. I would post when quizzes and tests were, and I would write suggestions for studying and practicing. I kept this Webpage for about three years, and then our school district decided to have a Website linked to our school website, so I have not used in recent years. Our school has not fulfilled their promise to get us a working link for PE from our district Webpage. It is supposed to be ready next year.
I would love to make one for our PE department. I think it would benefit teachers and administrators to see what is planned. It would be beneficial for students to see when tests are, or to see what we will be doing in PE. Knowing what we are doing on a daily basis could help students dress appropriately, for example if they know we are going to be outside they will make sure to dress warmly.
I also love the idea of a PE Webpage because it could highlight the technology that we are hoping to acquire when the funding is made available. If our ideas are put out there for the public to see then we can get more support. We can put on there the different opportunities that families and the public have to help. Our PE department also does incredible activities like the 24 Hour Run, and the Fitness Challenge. A Webpage would be an excellent way for us to get information out there to the parents of the students that are involved.

Re: Discussion Number Four (4)

All teachers in my school had to create one. I actually have not even updated it in about three years, and think it is way too much to do on top of all my other teaching and coaching responsibilities. Good thought at first, but unrealistic to really update as I would like.

Re: Discussion Number Four (4)

No, I have never created a Web page. It would be useful for my PE department to have for parents so see and put our curriculum on it.

Re: Discussion Number Four (4)

Every teacher in my school district is required to create a webpage. The school district uses oncoursesystems for lesson plan submissions and webpage designs. The webpages have established templates but teachers can add tabs and links for classroom requirements. I use my website for current news, health and pe curriculums, rules and procedures, student expectations, homework assignments, and coaching. My future webpage will center around overall wellness (fitness, nutrition, physical activities,videos of pe classes, blogging, and more).

Re: Discussion Number Four (4)

I have not ever created a web site. The students at my school only have access to the internet at school. Most of the parents at our school speak spanish and then maybe english. This creates some problems when it comes to using a computer. To help remedy this problem I started an English class for the parents of our school. In this class we used computers and the internet as part of learning English.

Re: Discussion Number Four (4)

I have never created a website. I would love to do so. I would create a page that represents the P.E classes that I teach. It would be an interactive page where students could go online and ask questions about class. I would also put pictures of the kids (with parent permission) on the web page. The kids could do some extra credit projects on the page. I definitely intend to do a web page in the near future.

Re: Discussion Number Four (4)

I have not done a web page per say, but I did have a blog page at school this past year. I used it to remind students when we were changing from p.e. to health and remind them when assignments where do and I also posted all power points and unit handouts to the site. That helped if someone was absent or lost notes taken in class. It also gave parents away to know what was going on in class. I did not post as much on it as I would have liked. Things like pictures of class and other class data is an area I hope to improve on this year.

Re: Discussion Number Four (4)

I have never created a webpage, nor do I know how. If I were to create a webpage it would either be for the electives that I teach or for the PE department as a whole. This would be an excellent way to show that our PE courses have rigor, the new word that they are using now to say that our course has meaning, direction, and is challanging. In Massachusetts they have already gotten rid of the PE graduate requirement. PE classes have become just an elective. In order for some of us to keep our jobs, we need to show evidence that good things are going on in PE and that there is a need for students to participate in physical activity on a daily basis.
I would gear my website to exhibit what is being done in the gym and the positive outcomes that are emerging from the activities and lessons. Some of the things that would be included are: all of the different activities students can participate in, success stories of students who have lost weight due to PE or one of our electives, descriptions of all of the electives that we offer in PE, pictures of students having fun participating in most of the activities, a student of the month, and a place that parents can go to check the progress of their child or make comments. A website would definately show some evidence that PE should be a requirement.

Re: Discussion Number Four (4)

I think I have been giving the same response to most of the questions I have answered. In Illinois P.E. is still required for 4 years but we are not confident it will stay that way so we are also looking for ways through technology to show our value. My wife took a class in web design that I took this summer after seeing her results. The program is quia web design and is offered to all the teachers in her school. This is a very easy way to build a web page for parents and students to access through their home computers. My 30 day free trial has expired and I hope to get my pages back up and running. My pages had links to my coaching site that had practice and game schedules with maps to opposing schools and a link to the weather channel and espn. My school page had recommended articles, quizzes, tests and study games. I am not very gifted in the technology field and I was able to do this so I highly recommend checking it out.

Re: Discussion Number Four (4)

I am going to be using a webpage in the form of a wikispace this year as a teaching tool. All class information will be posted on the wiki, and all students ,teachers, parents, and administrators will have access to the page.
I will be teaching at a technology based school which is providing laptops for all of our students. When they enter the classroom they will set up their computers, log on, and perform the daily assignment on the wiki. This should take about 10 minutes of the daily class time, but will be well worth it for the computer skills the students will be learning.
The wike page will also have our calendar, upcoming events, grades, links to clubs,links to school sports teams, pictures of students engaged in physical activity, as well as student work, video etc...
The site will be used on a daily basis, both as a teaching tool and an informational resource.

Re: Discussion Number Four (4)

This summer I took a course on designing a Quia web page, unfortunately the free trial has lapsed and I need to update it and get it functional again. My design allowed me to link my physical education classes and the sports that I coach at another school. I set up links to health related articles and games to help with vocabulary and general knowledge. I also had practice quizzes the students can take to prepare for my upcoming units. I ran a link to my baseball page and to my gymnastics page as well as to the school web site. This allowed me send team messages about meets and games. My other links on the site were to "The Weather Channel" and "ESPN" which helps with current weather for the sporting events and whats happening in the world of sports. I think this was a great program for a novice computer user like me. Things are easily accessed and explained and there is even some basic steps in HTML code that can be used to spruce up your pages.

Re: Discussion Number Four (4)

Last year I created a webpage for my health and physical education classes.

The purpose of the webpage is to keep students and parents informed of the activities in my classes and also advise students and parents of events and other information. I have created links that allow students and parents to navigate through the various pages in my website and the other links are important school and district pages. There are also links for health and physical education websites that are related to class concepts and ideas.

Re: Discussion Number Four (4)

My school has a webpage and all the staff members have the opportunity to create their own webpage using our schools website. We were instructed to do what we want with our webpage and it wasn't mandatory to create one. If I was to create a webpage I would post all homework assignments with the opportunity for a student to download and print this assignment. I could also inform my parents what their child is doing in my class.

Re: Discussion Number Four (4)

I have helped to create a web page for the marketing of my families summer home. This is very different than creating on for school. It was a simple template that was given to us by vacation rentals. Our school does offer the opportunity to create a web page at school but I have not found the time to do it.

Re: Discussion Number Four (4)

I have created a webpage for my school. I took charge of creating the High School department Physical Education page. The following is a link to the page . Although it is still a work in progress, I believe it will turn out to be an extremely valuable tool for helping instruction. Its purpose it to piece together all of the different activities and resources we use in these activities in a central place that students have direct access to. An example of this is the unit’s page, which has a link to separate pages for each of the units we do. For example when I recently introduced a rugby unit to my school I posted a wide range of different resources on the webpage, and these have proved invaluable in introducing the students to the sport and explaining the different skills and requirements that rugby requires. We have also posted end of unit tests and quiz’s that the students must take in their own time and turn in to receive credit at the end of each unit. I think once my entire department get on board with using the website, then it will be very valuable as a tool for helping our students.

Re: Discussion Number Four (4)

We have finally received WI-FI in our gyms this year. We were the last area to get included. I used the network to access some programs I created for calculating THR. The 4th and 5th graders are starting to work with HR and learn the reasons behind how knowing the numbers can assist them in their fitness goals.

Re: Discussion Number Four (4)

I do not have experience with creating web pages. My co-hort has a technology degree and has created his own. I have always felt that my students' families are one step behind his because I have the students that fit the 70-80% poverty level and his are half that poverty rate. I assume that many of my parents don't have access to the internet so I will not kill myself to keep a website updated for a select few to view. That's the wrong attitude to continue to have as things keep changing. Even with the poor economy, people continue to hang onto the internet and satellite tv to entertain their family. I do value the web page as a way to communicate with parents and the community. It is another way to spread the positive values of physical education. I am willing to develop a web page. I'd love to know how to keep it updated without spending a lot of time on it.

Re: Discussion Number Four (4)

I have not created a webpage, but would love to be able to. I would have things on my webpage that noted what we were currently working on in P.E. class and that would include some health and fitness tips. In case parents wouldn't view my webpage, I would send out a monthly newsletter via email that would have highlights from my webpage. Since, I would have the email addresses, I could communicate with my parents about students grades, dress, fitness levels, etc. I would like to learn more about designing a webpage.

Re: Discussion Number Four (4)

I have a website at school. All teachers are required to design and update their personal website. It is up to individual teachers on what they have on their website. Some teachers pages are bare bone, other webpage’s are very thorough. A website is important because it communicated to parents as well as documents policies and procedures. We also post our labs that are students need to complete so if they are absent they can go to our website and get the information.

Re: Discussion Number Four (4)

We are also given websites but don't have much in the means of being required to use it so there is a "mish mosh" of teacher websites. Personally, I think a common layout would be the best option and then teachers can add from there.

Re: Discussion Number Four (4)

No, I haven’t. I actually have never even considered it. I see what others have done and feel that it is way beyond what I could ever actually accomplish. With that being said, I could see myself with help creating a website to be able to communicate with my students and their parents. They would be able to see different videos of units that I am teaching. It might be nice to be able to post fitness tips and fun activities to do at home.

Re: Discussion Number Four (4)

yes. I created a fantasy baseball website for my league many years ago, before the professional sites came out. For work, I have been wanting to build a site for my department that would go onto the schools website.

Re: Discussion Number Four (4)

I have actually created two websites, my department website as well as my own. Both websites have only been online for a semester, however, the feedback we have gotten from the students, parents, and school has been amazing. We can post all of our department policies so we are all on the same page. We also have announcements, pictures, staff bios, nutrition pages, other links, and many other things are in the works. We have surveyed students, before, and after, to see what they want and how we can improve it. Many students and parents really are utilizing this tool. One thing that we are working towards is putting all rules, regulations, and rubrics for all sports online. I have even included a daily schedule and focus for each class. I would highly recommend making a webpage to anyone!!

Re: Discussion Number Four (4)

As a former science teacher and now a physical education teacher, I created web pages for the classes I teach. The main purpose of my web page is to communicate with students. One of the things I post on my web page is my calendar. This is a way for students to see what they missed during an absence. It also gives students an idea of what is to come. Whenever there are written assignments or text, such as my Welcome Letter at the beginning of the year, I create a link to that document so that students or parents can download it. I also like to put links on my web page to resources, grades and e-mail. It's a great place to post announcements.

Re: Discussion Number Four (4)

I have not created a web site for my team or physical education class, however, this is defiantely something that I would like to do. I have coworkers who have them for their teams and it makes a huge impact on the athletes. Everyday those athletes go on to the website to check and see what's new. The coach posts stats, pictures, upcoming events,and other things related to the team. Once again, the athletes LOVE this! The responce that he is getting makes me what to creat a similar site for my teams next year. Since the website has had such a positive impact on his team, I also think it would be a valuable tool to use within the Physical Education classroom. Physical Education has things that they can celebrate, such as student success or student of the week/month/semester/year, as well as upcomming units. There could also be education information on the current unit. Game rules, videos, overall health related information and it's relevance are all things that can be added to enhance the Physical Education program. I would try and maintain the website a little every day during my prep or at least once a week.

Re: Discussion Number Four (4)

After signing up for this course, I also signed up for PD which instructed us on how to create a webpage connected to our District's Home page. The link should be connected to this post. If anyone has any suggestions, please pass them along!
The purpose of the webpage was to help stay connected with my students. Our high school schedule has 7 days, and each PE class only meets 2 of them. Continuity is all but impossible. And if I forgot to tell a class about something coming up, it could be two weeks before I see them again. The basic idea was to create a way to communicate with my students the other 5 school days when I did not see them.
In the short time since creating my page, I have used it to post course requirements, fitness test minimums, and announcements. These have worked well for the few students who have explored the site. I have to find a few creative ways to get more students to access the site in the near future.

Re: Discussion Number Four (4)

I have never created a web page but would love to!!!! I am going to attemp to for the last project in this class. We will see how it goes and if I will be successful at it.
There is alot of talk in my district for every department to have an interactive webpage. We have wanted to use professional days to do it but they always have something else they "need" us to do.
If I had a web page for school, I could post homewrok assignments, give useful links to kid-friendly websites for health and P.E. and keep the parents up to date with what is being learned/taught in my P.E. classes.
This is still one of my goals and I hope to accomplish it this year.

Re: Discussion Number Four (4)

I have never created a webpage. I would like to create one as part of my Field Hockey program. I could use it to post pictures, list events, updates, schedules, etc.

Re: Discussion Number Four (4)

I have had students create a website for me but have never created one on my own which is a goal for this coming year as it will be mandatory for all teachers to have a website. Websites can be a great tool to get information out to students like notes, resources, video or youtube clips, and assignments. It will help the students keep up to date on their homework.

Re: Discussion Number Four (4)

I have created a website. We are required at work to have a website and post assignments to it. I have also created a Field Hockey Website for my team where I post all sorts of information throught the season info, off-season info, stats, schedule, coach's rule, photos, alumni information, etc.....
I find that they are alot of work but are so worth it. When people or students can access information on their own I find it makes things much easier and less time consuming......

Re: Discussion Number Four (4)


I really enjoyed reading about the website you build for your players. It is great to see how someone could use a website to build something so useful for players when they are not at practice or school.

Re: Discussion Number Four (4)

I like the idea of posting photo's, alumni information, etc. on your website. I have a few players that have gone on to play at the collegiate level. I am sure they, as well as my current players would enjoy being able to keep in touch.

Re: Discussion Number Four (4)

I have not created a website of my own. If I was to create a website I would create a website that would incorporate fitness tips and routine. I think that I would create a site that was easy to navigate through and would provide information on fitness and some fitness terms. I would also use the site to give fitness tips and fitness routines I could use in my classroom and that people could use on their own.

Re: Discussion Number Four (4)

Yes, I have created many websites for many different purposes. I have a school website which is lackluster due to the limitations of the software but I also have a personal website and have created websites for others as well.

The website for myself is like a portfolio. At school I would like for it to become a better tool for students and parents to refer to on what goes on in class and information about special events.

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