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OUCH !!!!

Wow. John Antonelli (Lime Guy) in an email a month ago mentioned that he'd be in Ocala to visit Ron Arnow sometime in March. I guess Al Hedley left me off the list as I'm not that much a visitor to this page lately, and he does not know that I also live in Soutwest Florida. I would have enjoyed the trip to the Fireboat, and seeing some of the old gang.

I still can't locate the photos. on the Firepics site. So why is C-V, another fellow I don't know, jumping on me? I've re-read my post from yesterday a few times, and I can't for the life of me figure out why he is so upset. Maybe he's just a Nut?


Re: ATEV Firepics Spring Thaw

I found the photos just fine on Firepics?? Thery are under "Appararus"...title ,"Fire Pics does Florida, Winter Thaw", someting like that. Right now they are on page 3

Re: ATEV Firepics Spring Thaw

Thanks Troy, finally located the photos. I thought I had checked about every post, but missed it. And thanks to A-H for posting them. Cool shots.

And Hi R-O, how is retirement. Best to Rosie and hopefully you have a new Fuggley 2nd by now.


Re: ATEV Firepics Spring Thaw


Go to and register

You may want to look in the 'other emergency vehicle" section as that is where the good police stuff is and I mean good.

Re: ATEV Firepics Spring Thaw

Thanks for asking, Rosie and I are just fine, retirement is a hoot, too bad we could not start this at say, 30 years old?? If we could have done that we would probably had killed ourselves real quick. In any event we do have a (Fuggly 2) his name is Archie and he weighs in at 8.2 lbs. He thinks he a "Rotweiler", but, at 8.2 lbs. he is not too dangerous. When you have a chance why not take a little trip up here, would love to see ya, its been awhile and no, we will not go chasing cars around, got it?? We've got close to 60K people here now and the beat goes on and the keep selling homes, can see this place becoming a city in awhile. The FD just became an IAFF member and that sure tees off the developers and the local cops are FOP so things are moving nicely. Email me offline line if you are interested in a trip to Philly in Late Sept./early Oct.

This forum will require renewal on August 3, 2009 (38)